Chapter 196: The Four Great Races! Strength Boosted Again!!

[After you brought back Arram, the goddess of love.] 】

[You have begun to study magic. 】

[In the current fifteen races.] 】

[The Sen Essence is undoubtedly the race that is currently the best at using magic.] 】

[And Empress Sinku Nirbarian is the genius of the geniuses in the Sen Essence Breed]

[She has a beautiful appearance, but also has excellent magical skills, and is known as a genius warlock who can not be compared with her mother.] 】

[The degree of genius can be imagined.] 】

[And Arram, the god of love, as the creator of the goblin species, is also a good research being in the spirit species.] 】

[Plus you, the Huby of the Jikai species, and the Jeeplier of the Sky Wing species.] 】


【All Mori Seizu! All goblin species! 】

[There is no doubt that your lineup is undoubtedly huge!] 】

[You began to study magic together.] 】

[Your research is not limited to the ‘Void Zero Protection’, but also to other aspects of it.] 】

[Under such a huge lineup.] 】

[Your research is naturally smooth sailing, even if it encounters difficulties, but it can often be easily solved.] 】

You began to come up with the concept of manipulating life with magic. 】

[At the same time, you have also compiled five ‘spiritual evil techniques.’] 】

[These include the strongest attack magic ‘Void Zero Protection’, the top defensive magic ‘Long Fourth Protection’, the “Eternal Third Protection” that seals enemies and destroys them, and so on. 】

[Your research went well.] 】

[But even if it goes well, the time is long.] 】

[During this long time, many interesting things also happened.] 】

[As the creator god of the goblin species, Aram the god of love.] 】

[She is often asked by the race goblin species she created and how you met and how you fell in love, and what stories can be sung and wept in it.] 】

[Arram, the god of love, was always flushed and didn’t know how to answer.] 】

[The goblin species is like this.] 】

[As a race created by the god of love, Arram, they have a love brain, and they are also very gossipy in this world’s most love-savvy race! 】

[Goblin species have a special ecology, they are very interested in other people’s love stories, and can even enhance their own strength through love stories. 】

[This is a very magical race.] 】

[As their deity, how can the goddess of love, Arama, not be curious, even if it is instinctive, will always be entangled with the goddess of love.] 】

[This made Arram, the god of love, often groan, not understanding why he thought he had created such a race.] 】

In order to avoid the goblin species, the god of love, Arram, saw the goblin species, and subconsciously hid behind you and leaned on you, revealing a look of timidity and fear. 】

[Such a goddess of love, Arram, can always cause the goblin species to collectively exclaim, and their eyes will shine.] 】

[You can’t help but get caught up in Arram, the goddess of love to this extent, and kiss several times during this time.] 】

[At the same time, you are also a little crying and laughing at the current situation.] 】

It was as if the whole goblin species was watching their gods fall in love. 】

[And they are full of excitement and can’t think about it.] 】

[Forced to this extent by the race of his own creation, Arram, the god of love, is no one else.] 】

[Other than that.] 】

[After Shinku Nirbarian misunderstood and established a relationship with you that night, he did not forget to come to your bed every night.] 】

[However, Gyplier naturally does not sit idly by and constantly intercepts Shchenku Nirbaren.] 】

But Shincu Nirbarian has always succeeded in many confrontations, and as a genius among geniuses, her wisdom is not covered.] 】

[Every time you look at this beautiful and playful empress, you can’t help but laugh]

[And Arram, the god of love, is worthy of being the creator of the goblin species.] 】

After discovering your relationship with Shinku Nirbaren. 】

[Eros Alam’s eyes lit up, not only did he not care.] 】

[I even began to ask you and Xinku, how Nirbarian met, how they met, how they fell in love!] 】

[Live and let go is an enlarged version of the goblin species.] 】

[Eros Alam has expected that you can’t just have one partner.] 】

[As a god born in love, she is even very supportive of you opening a harem.] 】

[In love.] 】

Isn’t it a very happy thing? 】

[Since this is the case, then no one should be hurt in love!] 】

[This is the purpose of Eros Alam:]

[However, although the god of love, Alam does not resist you from opening a harem, it can even be said to be supportive.] 】

[But she’s very interested in how you met other teenage girls and how you came together, and your eyes lit up on them.] 】

[The sweet love story is also very attractive to the goddess of love, Arram, otherwise why is she the creator god of the goblin species?] 】

[You can’t afford to spit on this.] 】

[Xinku Nirbarian smiled slightly, and could always make up some love stories that caused this beautiful and moving goddess to exclaim.] 】

You didn’t notice. 】

During this time, Hughby looks at your eyes more and more complicated, more and more sad, and even looks at you from time to time in a daze. 】

[With your efforts.] 】

[Whether it is the five ‘Spirit Bad Magic Styles’ or the magic of manipulating life, all the research has been successful.] 】

[Cheers.] 】

Suddenly it rang out throughout Alvin Gard. 】

[Countless Sen Essence Maidens and Goblin Breed Maidens shouted for it, and their faces were full of excitement and excitement. 】

[For them, this is undoubtedly a big increase in the strength of the two races!] It may even be possible to match the superior race! 】

[Because of your relationship with Arram, the god of love.] 】

[Today’s two races are also like a family, regardless of each other.] 】

[Your hand in hand with the god of love, Arram, also has a smile on his face.] 】

From today onwards, even without you, the two races will undoubtedly not fear the other superior races. 】

[The five ‘Spirit Bad Magic Styles’ and the magic of manipulating life will help you after they are integrated into your powers.] 】

[However, you are not satisfied with this, and ask the girls to go to other races in advance.] 】

[The girls understand this.] 】

[Bi Jing’s opponent is the God of War Artexiu, how to pay attention to it is not too much!] 】

[Xinku Nirbarian as the current empress of the Sen Jingzi can’t accompany you to leave, Xinku Nirbarian reluctantly kissed you deeply before letting you go.] 】

[Eros Alam wanted to leave with you, but all the goblins protested, causing her to let out a cry of sorrow and stay.] 】

[You chuckled twice at this, also compensating for the affectionate kiss of Eros Alam.] 】

[Arram only felt dizzy, and his face was about to burn.] 】

[Finally. 】

You still left with only Jeephril and Huby. 】

“Whew, finally leave that fox spirit!” After leaving Alvin Gard. ”

Gibrielle was full of resentment and spat out without hesitation.

“Gibriel, do you hate Her Majesty the Empress so much?” Hughby tilted his head. ”

Puzzled by Gibriel’s behavior, he asked doubtfully.

“It’s not a nuisance, after all, no matter how much she says, she is also a presence recognized by the master.”

Gypsyl shook her head and said so first.

Then, she gritted her teeth and said, “I can’t get used to her sneaking away!” Obviously, I met the master after me, and I was so!!! ”

“Misunderstood? That fox spirit will misunderstand? Who believes that: I think she did it on purpose! ”

“From the beginning I thought she meant it! Now, I’m sure she did it on purpose! ”

Jeephril gritted her teeth.

I remembered the days when I was teased by Shinku Nirbaren.

How could she possibly believe that Shinku Nirbarian had really misunderstood?!

Hughby was a little puzzled by this.

Don’t understand what it matters.

Kitahara just smiled at that.

[After leaving Elvin Gard.] 】

You took Jibril and Hubbi to the territory of the Goblins. 】

[Just like when you went to the goblin species.] 】

After learning of your arrival, the entire goblin species, including the god of forging, Okan, waited in full swing. 】

[Even more serious and dignified than the original god of love, Arram.] 】

[Because in many races.] 】

[The relationship between the goblin species and the forest spirit species is a completely hostile relationship!] 】

[As the guardian of the forest, Sen Seizu, has the mission of guarding the forest. 】

[As a casting race goblin species, they need many things in the forest resources, and naturally they will be mined in the forest.] 】

[Between the Marauders and the Guardians.] 】

Inevitably, conflicts will naturally erupt frequently. 】

[Between the two races, the relationship is like fire and water.] 】

[For those of you who have been called the God of the Forest and have been fulfilling your obligations as the God of the Forest recently.] 】

[Come to the goblin species.] 】

How can they not be nervous. 】

Not to mention, you became the god of the forest, stepping on the corpse of the previous god of the forest!] 】

“Hahaha, I don’t know what advice the Sword God has when he comes here today.”

The god of forging, Okan, is seeing your figure.

And next to you after Jeephril and Huby.

My heart couldn’t help but jump.

Sky wing species and machine Kai species ah…

Even among the many races, these two races are recognized as unpleasant beings.

Kitahara Hakuaki saw the god of forging after Okan.

Also without the slightest hesitation, he directly threw a talent of ‘you think of your grandfather’ to the god of forging, Okan.

The god of forging, Okan, also had a change of face after remembering everything.

In the end, it slowly calmed down.

Okan looks at your eyes much more relaxed, but not completely let down your guard.

“As it were… No wonder Aram the god of love is so easily accepted that your Sen Essence and Goblin Race will become so close…”

Okan said with emotion.

Kitahara Hakuaki exists as a slayer to kill the god Mori.

When he first visited the goblin species, he attracted the attention of many races and gods.

Everyone thought something was going to happen.

As a result, no one expected that Arram, the god of love, would accept Kitahara Baiqiu so easily.

The Sen Essence and the Goblin Species are also more intimate than ever.

This caused an uproar among many races!

Even if the Sengoku and Goblin Races used to be allies.

But for everything that happened to Kitahara Hakuaki and the god of love, Arram, everyone couldn’t understand it.

Studied but cannot comprehend.

The god of forging, Okan, was also confused.

But after thinking about everything today.

He understood.

Same with Eros Arram.

The God of Forging who recalled everything subconsciously twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Directly scolded in my heart.

Kainas! Damn it!

After scolding the previous Sen God, the Forge God Okan took a deep breath and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked, “I don’t know what happened to the God of Wisdom when he came to my goblin species?” ”

Okan did not mention other identities of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The identity of the God of Wisdom is mentioned.

For the God of Wisdom represents the gods of the human race.

It also represents the cooperative relationship between the two people.

“Pulp explosion.”

Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t care about Okan’s careful thinking, and directly spat out two words.

Okan’s face changed suddenly.

[Same as Eros Arram.] 】

After hearing your purpose, the god of forging, Okan, instantly understood your intentions.] 】

He was shocked that you hadn’t given up on defeating the god of war, Artejou. 】

[You know, you have already seen the true strength of the God of War, Artexiu, which is a perverted concept.] 】

[It is no exaggeration to say that after recalling everything, the god of forging, Okan, has given up the idea of competing for the Star Cup.] 】

[Okan, the god of forging, has great admiration for you.] 】

After he waved his hand and dispersed all the goblin species. 】

[Without the slightest reservation, the weapon technology ‘pulp explosion’ that can destroy the divine essence of the gods is handed over to you:]

[Through research, you integrate the characteristics of ‘pulp explosion’ into your body, destroy the relevant powers, and once again be enhanced.] 】

[Afterwards, you are the god of the forest.] 】

[It is also to discuss the relationship between the goblin species and the forest essence species with the god of forging, Okan.] 】

[You tell Okan, both races take a step back.] 】

[Goblin species can exploit forest resources if they want to, but as many resources as they must exploit in the forest, they must replenish as many resources.] 】

[Blind demand is not feasible, and the sustainable development of forests is the last word. 】

[The god of forging, Okan, nodded awkwardly and said to you that there was no problem.] 】

[Other than that.] 】

[You also told the god of forging, Okan, that you could ignore the previous things, but now that you are the god of the forest, if you find out that the Goblin Species mines the ‘Soul Stone’ on the forehead of the Forest Essence Species, you will directly destroy the entire Goblin Species.] 】

The expression on his face was very helpless, but he still agreed to your request. 】

[Strength and skills are not as good as people, naturally can only blindly compromise, not to mention that although the ‘soul stone’ is a high-grade material for the goblin species, it is not impossible to find something to replace]

[After receiving the guarantee of the god of forging, Okan, and using the power of the contract to sign a contract with the god of forging, Okan, you are also satisfied to leave.] 】

[The casting ability and industrial role of goblin species are also part of this world, and the previous conflict between goblin species and forest sperm species is simply a relationship between real estate developers and conservation groups.] 】

[For the sake of the god of forging, Okan, who fought alongside you, you didn’t do anything.] 】

[For you to leave from the goblin species.] 】

[He also forged friendly relations with two races that had once been sworn enemies. 】

[The outside world is in an uproar! Full of shock:]

[The second god of the Celestial Wing Race, as soon as he appeared, he killed Kainas, the god of the forest.] 】

[Originally, all the races were extremely patient with you, and they were shocked at what you would do next!] 】

But the current development does not seem to be as they expected. 】

[i.e. after Eros Arram!] Okan, the god of forging, has even formed a friendly relationship with you! 】

[If the Sen Essence Seed and the Goblin Seed were originally covenants, the God of Love, Arram, is still excusable, and it is barely justified.] 】

[That goblin species!] The god of forging, Okan, couldn’t say anything about it! 】

[Countless races equal to this result is unclear, unbelievable!] 】

[Nowadays, your strength in the eyes of the outside world, has been huge and unimaginable]

【Celestial Wing species, Forest Spirit Species, Goblin Species, Goblin Species… The four races have united with you and are related to you. 】

[After being planted from goblins.] 】

[Huby proposed, take you to the machine Kaizu to see.] 】

You looked at Huby in amazement, then smiled and nodded. 】

[You have come to the machine Kaise.] 】

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