Chapter 198 The concept of killing gods is exposed! God of the Dead!!

【After the receiver Kaise. 】

[You go to other races as you did.] 】

[Haixi species, orc species, vampire species, moon song species, demon species, and even giant species, dragon essence species, elf species, fantasy species you have all gone once. 】

The Great War has been going on for thousands of years, and each race that survives has its own characteristics and advantages. 】

[Some of the deities of the race have been killed by the god of war, Arteshaus, but the deities of some races are still alive.] 】

[But they are all jealous of you, and they don’t know what the current form is.] 】

[They ask you to see their strongest hole cards, and the secret weapon is nothing but a riot.] 】

[Weak races have no ability to resist and naturally cannot refuse.] 】

The mighty superior race was silent about this at first, but finally agreed to your request. 】

[Now, where do they not know that one of the reasons why you want to become stronger so much is to defeat the god of war, Artexiu, and win the Star Cup.] 】

[You have come down in a circle from all races.] 】

[Gathering the power of the world, the strength has undoubtedly been greatly improved.] 】

[You have reached the pinnacle of your strength like never before!] 】

Everyone knows. 】

[The final battle will soon begin.] 】

[Today, you are like the co-lord of the Fourteen Races Alliance, challenging the strongest god of war, Artexiu.] 】

[At the moment when the storm is coming, the war is about to start.] 】

[The leader of the Dragon Essence.] 】

[One of the three dragon kings, the Satoshi Dragon Reginale, carries several gods.] 】

[Come together to the Sen Seizu to find you.] 】

“Sword God, you are the essence of the concept should not be a sword, or…… Wisdom, right? ”

[Satoshi] Regin Reef carries several divine species.

After seeing Kitahara Baiqiu, he directly asked. He is the only remaining Dragon King among the three Dragon Kings of the Dragon Essence Species.

The other two have been wiped out.

One of the strongest dragons [the final dragon] Hardy Rayford.

Ten thousand years ago, the existence that could compete with the god of war, Artexiu, for the strongest name could be said to be stronger than many gods.

But alas.

It still did not survive among the strongest of the war god Artejour.

Destroyed by Artejo, the god of war.

Hear the words of [Satoshi] Rickin Rayver.

All the gods showed curious eyes at this moment.

Even Arram, the god of love around Kitahara Baiqiu, and the god of doubt, Fan Lou, are all like this.

Kitahara Bai Qiu glanced at Okan, the god of forging standing next to the Satoshi Dragon, Raikin Rayver.

Okan, the god of forging, had an embarrassed expression on his face.

Obviously, he revealed something.

“Yes, as a divine species, I am special and possess many concepts, but if I have to say anything, my essential concept should be to kill gods.”

Kitahara Baiqiu had no scruples about this, and directly said his own concept.

Several gods and spirits were full of shock when they heard the concept of Kitahara Baiqiu.

They didn’t think of anything about it.

In this world, there are even divine beings who have such a perverted concept!

In this way, it makes sense why you will gain his essence, divinity, and ability after killing the Mori god Kainas.

“Killing the gods… Is that so, is that so? ”

[Conglong] Reginriver nodded.”

Hearing this answer, he couldn’t help but feel a little confused in his eyes.

Immediately, [Satoshi Dragon] Regingrave continued to ask, “White Night, the god of the gods, I heard the god of forging Okan, say that in addition to the concept of yourself as a god species, you also have the concept of returning everything to the original point, right?” ”

“Okan, the god of forging, had already died once, but because of your ability, he returned to the original point, back to the time when he was not dead, so he was resurrected again.”

“Am I right?”

Okan, the god of forging, was even more embarrassed to hear this.

Arram, the god of love, heard the words in disbelief, and at the same time, he glared at Okan, the god of forging.

She didn’t think about it.

Okan, the god of forging, would even reveal such a thing!


Kitahara Baiqiu still had no scruples and admitted it directly.

He could feel it.

The “Satoshi Dragon” Regin Lever in front of him did not have malicious intentions, and everything seemed to be seeking verification in advance in order to achieve some purpose.

“In this way, then I am relieved.”

[Conglong] Lai Jin Leifu was undoubtedly relieved to hear this. Then, it says directly.

“With all due respect, White Night, the god of the gods, your current strength is very strong.”

“It can be said that above all of us, even the current God of War, Artexiu, is probably not your opponent.”

“However, at present, if you want to win the God of War, it is also impossible.”

Kitahara White Autumn was silent.

There was no interruption to [Satoshi] Regin Rayver’s words. Keep listening to what it really wants to say.

“The [final dragon] of our dragon essence, Hardy Rayford, was once the strongest being, until the god of war Artexiu appeared, and was defeated by the god of war, Artehu.”

“Having witnessed that battle, I know the strength of the god of war, Artexiu.”

“The most terrifying thing about him is not his already strongest strength, but his concept of war!”

“As the God of War, he has the concept of invincibility, even if he is not as good as you at the beginning, he can continue to become stronger in battle, and finally achieve true invincibility.”

“The battle between him and [the dragon] Haddy Rever was like this, at first he was inferior to Hardy Rever, and then he directly strengthened Hardy Rever and destroyed Hardy Reif.”

“Not only that, but this kind of strengthening of the God of War! Even irreversible, that is to say, he will only get stronger, and if you don’t destroy him once, he will only get stronger next time! Even continue to get stronger! ”

In the game life world.

If the god of war, Artejo, is a ladder.

The other creatures were undoubtedly all another ladder under the God of War.

Kitahara Hakuaki certainly knew the concept of the God of War, Artexiu.

You can say as long as you don’t destroy him in an instant.

He can become stronger in the battle with you, originally weak to the same level as you, and then stronger than you.

But how difficult it was to destroy Artexiu, the strongest god of war, in an instant.

It’s basically impossible.

The existence of all the gods of war, Artejour, will make everyone despair.

But how do you know if it works without trying?

Even if it can become infinitely stronger.

Kitahara Baiqiu also knew.

Every world has an upper limit of power.

It’s like a ghost destroying the world.

Even the red talent ‘Sword Saint Protection’ could not become stronger when it reached the upper limit of the world.

The game life world, of course, is also the upper limit of the existence of power.

If both Kitahara Hakuaki and God of War Artexiu have reached this ceiling.

Then, it is not necessary to be strong or weak.

Invincible concept.

It is no longer possible to bring the god of war Artesha to the promotion.

“So, what are you trying to say, [Satoshi] Regin Rayford, let me give up challenging the God of War, Artehu?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the [Satoshi Dragon] Lai Jin Lev and asked.

[Conglong] Lai Jin Lev laughed when he heard it.

With a wicked smile on his face, he said, “No, the opportunity to defeat the God of War is right in front of you, how can I tell you to give up.” ”

“It’s just that since you are going to challenge the strongest and invincible, don’t you think that you should reach the peak of your strength before you go to the White Night?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned.

His current strength has reached the peak that he can achieve at present.

If you still want to improve………

Suddenly, a terrible thought appeared in Kitahara’s mind.

“That’s right! Your Excellency, although your current strength is strong, the characteristics of your god-killing god have not yet been brought into full play. ”

“If my guess is correct, kill all the gods present, and your strength should be able to increase to another level!” Your Excellency White Night. ”

– Boom! Sure enough, this is it! Sure enough, this is it!

At this moment, all the gods present heard the words of [Conglong] Regin Rayver, and a riot immediately arose.

They had a bad premonition when they heard the words of [Satoshi Dragon] Reginaleff.

I didn’t expect [Conglong] Lai Jin Rev to really hit this idea!

“Ragin Rayover! You told us to come! It was the idea of fighting! ”

“What a throwback! Empty vernacular! We are going to pay with our lives, do you think we will agree?!! ”

“Help the God of Killers to besiege the God of War together Artehu!” We agree! But want us to die! Don’t even think about it! ”

In this moment.

All the gods present erupted.

The momentum on his body was like a rainbow, and all of them rushed towards Kitahara Baiqiu and [Conglong] Lai Jin Leifu.

Only Arram, the god of love, the god of doubt, Fan Lou, the god of doubt, and Okan, the god of forging, did not speak.

Eros Alam looks at you and feels as if this is really feasible.

If only it were for you.

She went to die once for no unexpected reason.

She believes in you and believes that you will surely resurrect her again.

For Arram, the god of love.

He sacrificed himself to defeat a strong enemy, and then reunited again after victory.

It’s also a love story that can be sung and wept, isn’t it?

The Fox Doubt God Fan Lou had many doubts in her heart at this moment, or she did not have any doubts in her heart at any time.

But……… Since it is to help you.

No matter how many questions she had in her heart, there would be no problem automatically.

In the past, she didn’t care much about her own death.

Now she began to crave life also because of you.

For your sake, it is natural to die again.

The god of forging, Okan, was silent.

He simply felt that the war should be over.

This is also when [Satoshi] Regin Rivers came to ask him something. The reason why he was willing to reveal everything to [Satoshi] Lykin Rayver.

He didn’t worry that he wouldn’t be resurrected.

Having already died once, he naturally did not need to say whether Kitahara Baiqiu had the ability to return to the original point.

And there are two goddesses who are close to Kitahara Baiqiu, the god of love, and the god of doubt, Sail Tower.

Okan, the god of forging, was not worried that the nature of the northern plains of Bai Qiu would cross the river and tear down the bridge.

This is naturally a gamble.

But the bet is not big, no doubt within the scope of acceptance.

“What a crazy idea, [Satoshi] Legin Leaver.”

Kitahara White Autumn Support.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but spit out.

It is worthy of being a dragon known for its wisdom among the dragon essences.

“If you are not crazy, how can you defeat the invincible?” And how did he defeat the god of war, Arteus? ”

[Conglong] Rickin Rivers smirked.

After taking a look at the shouting gods, he said to Kitahara Baiqiu, “Just trouble Your Excellency White Night to remind them of the last time.” ”

Kitahara nodded.

Directly threw the talent of ‘you think of your grandfather’ on all the gods present.

Several deity species.

After thinking about everything, it slowly calmed down.

They looked at Kitahara White Autumn in disbelief.

Didn’t expect that…… Kitahara Baiqiu actually had the ability to return to the original point.

Be aware.

Although they did not participate in the Great War last time, they never showed up from beginning to end.

But for the last time Kitahara Bai Qiu as the Terran Holy Emperor.

The fiasco of the four gods and goddesses of war, Artexiu, is all known, recalling all this.

Their eyes were filled with disbelief, and nature slowly calmed down.

They are all gods.

Now that we know that the return to the original point is true, we naturally know what it means.

They had resisted so much before, but they simply didn’t believe that anyone could do such a thing.

Neither can the gods.

“I really didn’t expect that… Since I’m going to be part of your crazy plan, okay, I agree. ”

Some gods looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and [Satoshi Dragon] Lai Jin Leifu and said with a bitter smile.

The god of forging is Okan, the god of suspicion, Sail Tower, the god of love, Arram, and the dragon of Reginrefer.

Obviously, he was on the side of Kitahara Baiqiu.

The gods of game life are only a dozen or so.

Nowadays, nearly half of them stand on the side of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

If there is a conflict, then it is estimated that no one will feel good.

And if the war is lost, the conflict will be meaningless.

Kitahara Hakuaki really returned to square one.

Then those of them who had rebelled against the White Autumn of the Northern Plains.

It is estimated that it is even more uncomfortable, completely passive.

Kainas, the god of the forest, is undoubtedly a good example.

This guy estimated that until he died, he didn’t know why Kitahara Baiqiu was targeting him.

Back to the world after the original point.

Only Kitahara Hakuaki has a memory.

The complete enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, and they are powerless to resist.

None of the gods are stupid, they can naturally think of it.

“Ahem! Then I agreed! But [Satoshi] Lykin Rayover! It’s not over! You put me along! Sooner or later I’ll settle accounts with you!” ”

There was a cold hum from the gods.

First agreed to the crazy plan, and then said to [Satoshi] Lykin Rayver.


[Conglong] Rickin Rivers smiled and said so.

“I hope you succeed, God of God, and after you succeed, you will be the co-Lord that all our races recognize!”

A god looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and said softly.

That’s it.

Several divine beings voluntarily integrated their divinities, concepts, and essences into Kitahara’s body.

With the disappearance of each deity.

The power and strength related to the Northern Plains White Autumn have undoubtedly been greatly enhanced

In the end, only a few gods who were familiar with Kitahara Baiqiu were left present.

Okan, the god of forging, chuckled softly.

After making reparations to the God of Killing God the next time, he agreed to merge all his strength into Kitahara Bai Qiu’s body.

And just when the god of suspicion, Fan Lou and the god of love, Arram, also wanted to complete the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to stop them………

“Why can everyone do it, why do you want to stop me at White Night, I think it’s not right for White Night, so I can’t promise White Night.”

Fan Lou, the god of suspicion, was very confused about Kitahara Baiqiu stopping him.

But this time, before Kitahara Baiqiu could answer, she got the answer herself.

Then, without hesitation, the power was also integrated into Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

“White Night, do you think I’m too weak to look down on my strength?” That’s not okay! Even if it is me, I will be angry when I am looked down upon by the white night, so please don’t stop me. ”

Eros Alam smiled softly at this.

Playful towards Kitahara after Bai Qiu blinked.

Resolutely and decisively, he also integrated himself into the body of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Don’t forget the agreement between us, oh, after winning, to talk about an eternal love lift.” 」

“I am a god born out of love, and you will never be able to get rid of me in the white night.”

The last words of the god of love, Alam, are back in the ears of Kitahara Hakuaki.

As for [Satoshi] Lykin Reve, who is the culprit of everything.

As born from the skeleton of a ‘god’, he is actually divine.

In the laughter, it also became the power of Kitahara Baiqiu.

In this moment.

The world’s top existence is integrated into the body of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The strength of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Truly reaching the pinnacle of this world!

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