Chapter 209 Chop Crimson Pupil Ends! Surprise Yang Nai!!

Chop the world of Crimson Pupils.

After the arrival of Kitahara White Autumn.

Naturally, the dust was fixed and the curtain came to a complete end.

It’s a very simple thing.

Lady Elsa had already killed all her enemies before that.

What Kitahara Hakuaki has to do.

It is nothing more than cultivating a qualified ruler for the world.

No doubt.

A beautiful girl with black hair and red eyes ——— red pupils. It is the existence chosen by Kitahara Hakuaki.

She will be the new female emperor.

On the basis of the former empire, create a new empire.

And herself.

She will also become the supreme being of the new empire and even the whole world, who has been given strength and wisdom by Kitahara Hakuaki.

In this world, there will be nothing more that can stump her. In the future, she will inevitably become the object of worship and admiration of everyone.

It’s just relative.

The female emperor who has accepted the strength and wisdom will also be the property of Kitahara Baiqiu in the future.

Red Hitomi didn’t resist this, because it was her own choice.

As she said, she gave everything to the Night Raiders.

Naturally, it was dedicated to Lady Aisha and Hakuaki Kitahara who helped the Night Raid complete its mission.

And for Kitahara Hakuaki.

His gains are also enormous.

Without doing too much, he gained a supreme female emperor in the world, and the only female emperor.

At the same time, because of the connection with the red pupil.

In the future to cut the world of crimson pupils, Kitahara Baiqiu can come and go when he wants, which is like a back garden.

After the fiery surging symphony of youth passed.

“Badass, knowing that I won’t get pregnant so easily, will bully me.”

Mrs. Aisha fell softly into Kitahara’s arms like a kitten, and complained softly in her mouth.

Kitahara Baiqiu gently kissed Lady Aisha: “It’s not so easy to get pregnant, then let’s work harder, I won’t forget your agreement with Aisha.” ”

The higher the level of existence, the less likely it is to naturally conceive.

Kitahara Hakuaki certainly knew this.

But does it matter? It doesn’t matter.

Important things give birth to the process of life.

Mrs. Aisha’s face was flushed.

She regretted the agreement she had made with Kitahara Baiqiu a little.

When she was a god killer, her life level was already very high and it was not easy to get pregnant.

Not to mention that now after signing a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Mrs. Aisha felt.

What level of their own, their own strength.

It’s simply too powerful to know how much.

Although at the time of the God Killer World Armageddon.

Lady Elsa did not see the terrible Last King because she had come to the world.

But, Mrs. Elsa felt.

The current self should not be worse than the last king.

How could she be pregnant like this?

Even if you are pregnant, you don’t know that the Year of the Monkey has gone.

Not to mention the exaggerated strength of Kitahara Baiqiu now to increase the speed.

As a contractor.

Mrs. Elsa felt that her future life level might be higher, and it would be more difficult to get pregnant.

“White, white autumn…… What if, I mean if, I can’t conceive a child? ”

Mrs. Aisha looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with her eyes full of prayer and asked playfully.

“Of course, that has been bullying you, what else can you do?” An agreement is an agreement, Aisha, do you want to be a person who does not abide by the agreement? ”

Kitahara said naturally.

Then he pretended to look at Mrs. Aisha with a look of disbelief, a strange look.

“No, I didn’t…”

Mrs. Aisha smirked.

The bitter fruit that I have sown, I will swallow everything at this moment.

But Madame Elsa already knew that she was finished.

No, does it count as recognizing a daughter? Recognize a dry daughter.

Take Kitahara Baiqiu as a father and treat her as a mother.

Uh huh… What about Red Pupils?

I feel that he is quite good, and Bai Qiu also likes her.

If this is the case, it should also be regarded as fulfilling the agreement with Bai Qiu to have a child, right?

Feel the long road ahead of Lady Aisha.

At this moment, my mind also began to move my crooked mind.

“Well, since there isn’t, let’s move on.”


“What’s up? This is a convention, Aisha, you don’t want to break the sacred agreement between the two of us, right? ”

“Whoops, don’t say anything more, I’ll do what I do.”

Mrs. Aisha wept bitterly.

Regret again.

Such an agreement should not have been made with Kitahara Hakuaki in the first place!

And just as Kitahara Hakuaki was stranded in the Crimson Pupil World.

The other side.

The world is in full swing.

It’s also school time.

Home under the snow at the moment.

Under the snow the sun dragged the tired body.

Instead of returning to Ben’s house, he came to his sister’s home in Yukishita.

The sun under the snow is so tired.

Not a business problem.

It’s because of Shizuka Hirazuka.

For Hirazuka Shizuka, the sun under the snow is really helpless.

Obviously, she kept mentioning Kitahara Hakuaki in front of Shizuka Hirazuka.

Constantly hinting at the extraordinary nature of Kitahara Hakuaki, he wanted Hirazuka to take the initiative to attack.

As a result, the guy who was calm and quiet was like a stubborn donkey, completely unmoved.

Under the snow Yang Nai’s heart is really tired.

These days she didn’t know how much she had said in front of Shizuka Hirazuka.

The result is this in exchange.

Under the snow Yang Nai began to doubt.

This ally he chose is not reliable in the end.

It won’t be half a day, I still chose the wrong one, and finally all the efforts are in vain, right?

Under the snow, Yang Nai sat powerlessly on the sofa.

The door under the snow began to open.

Snow came in.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Yang Nai lying on the couch under the snow: “Oh, you are indeed here again.” ”

Snow under the snow sighed.

One side slippers, the other side also said.

These days, her sister comes every day, and she is almost used to it.

“Haha, today Xue Nai didn’t even drive me away, just spit out a bad word, my sister is really happy.”

Under the snow the sun is seeing the snow under the snow is coming back.

Qiang lifted his spirits and said to her with a smile.

“No way, after all, you can’t drive you away.”

Snow under the snow is as ruthless as ever.

“Don’t say that, Xuenai, I’m the one who helped you a lot.” Under the snow Yang Nai said intimately, then blinked and teased. ”

“How have you been with your little boyfriend lately?” Are you planning to get pregnant? ”

“If there is, my sister can also help, oh, after you are born, my sister will cover for you, saying that it is my child, and it has nothing to do with you.”

“In that case, although my mother will be angry, at least she will not be angry.”

Pregnant, pregnant?!!

Under the snow, the snow was suddenly red on the face! Totally unimaginable!

Her own sister would say such a thing! You know, she’s only a high school second!

Under the snow Xue Nai’s face was red, but his eyes were looking at Yang Nai under the snow coldly: “This, this kind of thing, you don’t need to worry about it!” ”

“Moreover, even if you are really pregnant, Bai Qiu and I will face everything on our own, and you have nothing to do with your sister.”

Under the snow Yang Nai was stunned.

She also did not expect that under the snow Snow Nai would actually say such a thing.

For this is something that was absolutely impossible to say before under the snow.

Snow is… It’s really changed.

Under the snow Yang Nai sighed.

I couldn’t help but think in my heart.

And just when the sun is under the snow is sad.

Under the snow, with some hesitation on his face, Xue Nai opened his mouth again; “But there is one thing… I want my sister to help. ”

“Say, anything, as long as I can help, I will help you, who called you my lovely sister.” 」

Under the snow, Yang Nai waved his hand helplessly.

“That… It is that I want to move to Bai Qiu’s side to live with him, his house is still quite large, and I can save some money by moving over. ”

“You, don’t get me wrong, that house is really big, so there are other people living with me besides Bai Qiu’s disciple.”

“Our school Shi Yu Xuejie lives with Bai Qiu’s younger brother, so that’s it, sister, can you help me?”

Under the snow the snow is red.

However, he still plucked up the courage to say that he had promised Kitahara Baiqiu at noon today.

The sun under the snow is the smell.

The whole person was stunned.

Move in and get up… Cohabit……??? The sun under the snow is shocked!

Is this still the snow under the snow she knows! Such a request would be made to her.

Moreover, the excuse of saving money is used as an untenable pretext.

Their Snow Family is not a top consortium, a top family.

But in Chiba City, this acre and three points of land.

But it’s still a veritable big family!

As the second lady of the Snow Family, doesn’t Snow think it’s ridiculous that you save money?

Although there are limits to your expenses at home, they are not limited to this extent! But………

“No problem, leave it to me!”

Under the snow, Yang Nai directly agreed, and even his eyes lit up! Is this a good thing?

Be! What a great thing!

Not only can it make the relationship between Yukino and that person more intimate! And!

She is the sister of Snow Under the Snow.

Won’t there be a reason to enter that person’s house in the future? Well, the sister misses the sister.

So visiting my sister often, isn’t that too much? Under the snow, Yang Nai’s heart beat faster, and he was simply too excited.

Neither did she think about it.

Shizuka Hirazuka, whom she had high hopes for, made no progress.

Then felt absolutely impossible to help her snow under the snow is here.

But it was again and again that inadvertently brought her surprises.


The younger sister is the younger sister.

Outsiders are unreliable after all.

“Huh? Is this really no problem? Sister. ”

Snow under the snow is to see the snow under the sun is so refreshing to agree, stunned to ask 0

Under the snow Yang Nai said confidently, “No problem, no problem, rest assured to leave it to me, if you are really in a hurry, it is no problem to move over now.” ”

“Well, that’s still not necessary, tomorrow tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Well, tomorrow you can go to school and move, and your sister will take care of you! ”

“Oh, thanks, thank you, sister.”

“No thanks, no thanks, I should thank you.”


“Cough, I mean, our sisters don’t have to be so clear, in the future Xue Nai remember to be kind to me, that is, when I go to see you again, don’t show a disgusted expression, this is really too sad my sister’s heart ~”

“Uh… Good…”

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