Chapter 227 is back again! Ghost Destroy the World!!

Ghost Destroys the World, Butterfly House.

In this world where Oni Maitsuji is wiped out without misery.

There is no need for a ghost squad anymore.

Today’s Ghost Squad has also been disbanded by Yashiki Yasuya. Most of the members of the Ghost Squad also have a skill.

After being disbanded, there is naturally no need to worry about anything.

And all the girls of the Ghost Annihilation World and the White Autumn of the Northern Plains are now gathered in the butterfly house.

Waiting for the arrival of a one-month deadline with Kitahara Hakuaki.

“It’s been half a month since Bai Qiujun left.”

Butterfly Chana looks at the clear blue sky.

Feeling the breeze and hard-won peace, he said with emotion.

“It’s fourteen days, twenty-three hours, thirty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds, sister.”

Butterfly Shinobi sat next to Butterfly Kanae and corrected herself.

Butterfly Kanae looked at Butterfly Shinobi in surprise and smiled lightly, “It’s worthy of forbearance, since you remember it so clearly?” ”

“I just want to think of Bai Qiujun, and subconsciously calculate it.”

Butterfly smiled slightly, shook her head, and said.

The two beautiful maidens had smiles on their faces.

At this moment, it is as eye-catching as a released flower, a butterfly with wings spread.

“Yeah, yeah, after all, after Bai Qiujun returns, you still have to tell Bai Qiujun a great good news, don’t you?”

Butterfly Kanae hugged Butterfly Shinobi intimately, then looked at her and smiled at her belly that was still looking at any undulating belly.


The butterfly blushed and couldn’t stand her sister’s ridicule.

“Hey hey, I really didn’t expect that you would win the lottery in one go, and when Bai Qiu saw it back, you would be very happy.”

Butterfly Kana Keiko does not care about the embarrassment of Butterfly Ninja, and even her hand has touched Butterfly Ninja’s belly, which is very gentle.

“Child, you must grow up quickly, don’t let everyone wait for a long time, oh, your father, but the big hero of this world, the hero of heaven.”

Butterfly Kanae said softly.


The butterfly blushed and bowed her head with shame.

She hadn’t actually thought about it.

I will one day be a mother before my sister.

But as my sister said, she was really lucky.

Some emotion and a gentle smile appeared on his face, and Butterfly Shinobi also touched his stomach that had not yet seen the undulations.

This is the child she and Bai Qiu are watching.

I remember when I first found this little guy, the whole butterfly house was in a commotion.

“Bai Qiu is back!!!”

And at this moment, a sudden shout came out.

Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae looked at each other and smiled slightly, but neither of them moved.

Because it’s already routine.

Because of the existence of a certain person, almost every day in the butterfly house someone deliberately shouted this for granted.

Hearing this, a hurried voice ran out.

That person was none other than the Ganlu Temple.

“Where? Where? Where is Bai Qiujun? ”

As soon as the Ganlu Temple came out, she looked around eagerly.

“I didn’t come back, I lied to you, Li Li.”

With a helpless smile on his face, he couldn’t help but say.

Next to the charcoal branch of the stove door.

Shen Sai Aoi rolled her eyes, and couldn’t help but say, “You are almost there, every time you lie to you, every time you are so easy to be eyed, so that even the person who looks at you has no sense of accomplishment.” ”

Chestnut Flower Fall Kanahu also nodded at the side and said softly, “Well, Miri, so stupid.” ”

“You know what?”

Ganlu Temple Miri was naturally dissatisfied, and said imposingly, “What happened to being deceived?” Do I like to be blinded? ”

“Even if you have been deceived many times, but only once is true.” I can see Bai Qiu a little earlier, then I just earned! ”

“So even if I know that you lied to me, I would still rush out at the first time.”

Kanroji Temple honey glass words.

The girls who had to be present all had a knowing smile on their faces.

This is the manifestation of Ganlu Temple’s misses for Kitahara White Autumn.

But always ridiculing the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple, why not the performance of the girls missing the original white leap?

Although it is only half a month.

But the girls really miss Kitahara Hakuaki.

And that girl didn’t want Kitahara Baiqiu to suddenly appear and surprise them?


Kitahara said it was a month when he left.

The odds are a month.

Time……… It’s only halfway through. The girls all sighed in their hearts.


It was at this time.

Aoi Kanzaki and Kurihana fall Kanahu.

Almost all the maidens suddenly stood up on the ground at this moment.

With a stunned expression, he looked behind Ganlu Temple’s Miri: “White, Bai Qiu, you are back???” ”

Looking at the performance of the young girls, the Ganlu Temple couldn’t help but feel a pain on her face, and couldn’t help but say, “Even if I am willing to be deceived by you, don’t lie to me twice in such a short period of time.” ”

“I’m not really stupid, don’t say, you’re all acting like the real thing.”

Ganlu Temple Miri looked at the girls in front of her and said appreciatively.

Unconsciously, these people’s acting skills are already so powerful?

“What really?”

And this time.

A voice that had been familiar and longed for a long time also sounded behind the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple.

Ganlu Temple’s face suddenly froze.

Then she slowly turned her head to look.

Who is the person who comes into view, who is not the person who is thinking about the twilight?


“White Autumn! White Autumn! White Autumn! ”

“You’re really back! That’s great! That’s great! ”

“Ganlu Temple Miri shouted excitedly.”

Then the first time he took the ball and bumped into the person and hugged the Kitahara White Autumn who was close at hand.

Not only did she hold it, she even jumped up and down excitedly.

With the sound of the surprise of the Ganlu Temple.

A young girl.

At this moment, he also directly rushed to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“White Autumn! White Autumn! Are you really back? ”

“Me me me, I wouldn’t be dreaming, would I?” Hurry up, bear with me, you pinch me down quickly. ”

“Didn’t you say a month?” How did it take only half a month to come back? ”

“I was the first to hold Bai Qiu, I was the first to hold Bai Qiu, hehe, not Bai has been deceived for so long!”

Maidens warblers and swallows.

At this moment, with excitement and surprise on his face, Aimu all hugged a group of young girls and hugged Kitahara Baiqiu at the same time.

And the little fool of Ganlu Temple also occupied the C position as he wished.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the girls whose faces were full of pear blossoms and rain, and their faces were full of surprises.

I felt their thoughts deeply.

Hu Di Nin, Butterfly Kanae, Kanroji Miri, Kanzaki Aoi, Ticket Flower Fall Kanahu, Stove Gate You Bean, Stove Gate Hanako, Spider Mother, Spider Sister… There is also standing in place.

Tenderly looking at the charcoal branch of his stove door, and the eyes of Miss Zhu Shi, who had a slightly red face with some dodging eyes.

Kitahara Hakuaki took all these girls who were close to him into his eyes.

With a smile on his face, he said.

“Welcome back!”

The girls responded in unison.

The return of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The girls were naturally excited.

The butterfly house was also completely lively at this moment.

After a long time away from the reunion, all the girls stuck to the Northern Plains White Autumn, and anyone wanted to get closer.

A pleasant sound.

Constantly ringing in the room.

The girls excitedly talked to Kitahara about something.

It’s also an inquiry.

How come Kitahara Baiqiu has not returned in a month? Is it not going to leave when you come back this time? Or are you ready to take them to another place now?

Kitahara ——— answer to this. With a smile on his face from beginning to end.

The girls missed him.

Why wouldn’t Kitahara Baiqiu want to?

This was also the reason why he returned to the girls the first time he got the Golden Talent Time and Space Traveler.

He also missed the girls very much.

Therefore, after being able to do so, he came to the girls at the first time.

“I wonder why Miss Pearl is here?”

After the girls’ excited hearts were slightly soothed.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Zhu Shi and asked curiously.

He remembers that he was in the world of ghost annihilation, although he had cooperated with Zhu Shi and was in direct contact.

But……… The relationship hasn’t been so intimate yet, has it?

The current Butterfly House is obviously a place where the girls who are close to Kitahara Hakuaki live together.

As the mother of the stove door you beans and the stove door Hanako, it is reasonable to stay here.

The words of the pearl.

Then it was indeed a bit unexpected by Kitahara Baiqiu.

“This… Now that Oni Mai Tsuji has been wiped out, I am no longer counted. It’s Qiang. ”

“I thought about it and realized I didn’t have much place to go, so I chose to stay and join everyone.”

“Isn’t Kitahara Jun welcome……”

Zhu Shi’s face was flushed, and he asked in a loud voice.

Yes, the Ghost Squad can still be integrated into society after disbanding.

But once a ghost, Zhu Shi is now a perfect creature.

In essence, knowing ordinary people is a very different thing.

Life expectancy and human beings cannot be generalized.

How can it be so easy to reintegrate into society? The Ghost Mai Tsuji has been wiped out, and Zhu Shidi has no target.

Compared to going through so much and then returning to society to live an ordinary life.

Zhu Shi naturally chose to stay and wait with everyone for the return of Kitahara Baiqiu.

To know, for Bihara White Autumn.

Even Zhu Shi has always been very admired.

“No, Miss Pearl is so beautiful, how could Miss Pearl not be welcomed?” Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly, Rubi said. ”

Zhu Shiwen’s face was full of redness.

This was the second time that Kitahara Bai Qiu had praised her beauty.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu, who was surrounded by young girls.

Zhu Shi felt.

Maybe it’s time for you to fall in love.

The object, it is very good compared to the original.

Today’s era is the era of three wives and four concubines.

For Kitahara Baiqiu’s many confidants with red faces, they will not care more.

And then later.

Kitahara learned that Butterfly Shinobi was pregnant.

“What? It’s true?!! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was suddenly full of surprise, and he hurriedly took care of the butterfly ninja with careful camp painting.

The care and care of the white autumn in Kitahara.

All the girls around me laughed and giggled under the gaze.

Butterfly Ninja’s face was naturally full of redness, extremely embarrassed.


What she didn’t know was that.

How surprising this is for Kitahara Hakuaki.

Nowadays, if the Northern Plains White Autumn abandons the use of special means, the life level is already high to this extent.

Want a natural conceivation base

What is already difficult can already be said to be difficult and cannot be more difficult.

And butterflies endure children.

Obviously, it is a child born naturally with Kitahara Hakuaki.

When I first left the world of ghosts and annihilations.

The life level of Kitahara Baiqiu is not very high, and it is completely justified that he was conceived naturally so easily.

Since meeting his own child, Phil Neilbarin, six thousand years after his life in the game.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s desire for children is very strong.

Just by the age of Phil Neil Barren.

Kitahara Baiqiu obviously had to wait five or six thousand years before he could be conceived with the Empress Sinkunil Balian of the Sen Essence Breed.

This matter was naturally not urgent, which made Biyuan Baiqiu have some regrets.


This is the return to the ghost to destroy the world.

Butterfly ninja actually gave him such a surprise.

“It’s a girl.”

Kitahara said with a smile.

“How did you know?”

The butterfly swallowed the words, his face was full of surprise, and subconsciously asked.

After all, it’s only half a month.

With current medicine, it should not be able to see it.

“Nature sees it.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, and gently modeled the head of the butterfly ninja: “After the child is born, he will be well-behaved and cute when he is a child, and when he grows up, he will certainly be as beautiful and moving as he is to endure you.” ”

Butterflies can’t help but hear.

He buried his head in the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu, unable to speak to Ren questioning bed.

Although I couldn’t see the expression on Butterfly’s face.

But what can be seen is that at this moment, the ear roots of the butterfly ninja are already red.

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