Chapter 233 Simulation Upgrade Complete! Start simulating the world of the box garden!!

The world is in full swing.

Kitahara White Autumn accompanied many goddesses of elegant mythology for a while.

I also took good care of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty who had already given everything for herself, after a while.

Naturally, it is also at the last moment when the emulator upgrade is about to be completed.

Back in this world again.

This time go to the world of ghosts and the world of the god killer.

Let Kitahara Baiqiu’s thoughts about the girls of the two worlds in his heart also be released by E.

The distance between the two worlds is completely integrated.

Not that long.

In less than a month and a half, E embryos have oral opening.

Kitahara Hakuaki is also very much looking forward to the complete integration of the two worlds and the comprehensive world

And it was when Kitahara Hakuaki returned to the world of comprehensive manga.

He also encounters two young girls, Kanshu and Igami Mina, who are firing guns

As if fighting some enemy.

This surprised Kitahara Baiqiu.

I didn’t expect to be so related to them.

Two returns.

I met them twice.

Since they met, Kitahara Baiqiu naturally solved the enemy area of the two maidens with ease.

Hand them over to Nishiki Kaneki and Ijo Nina. Then smiled slightly at Nishiki Kanshu and Imagami Nina.

He left directly, and Duan had Piling with it.

This dry bundle and Ikegami Niina were stunned.

After reacting, Nishiki Kaneki pulled Niina on the well but was very happy

Because I saw Kitahara Hakuaki again.

That means he’s back! Coming back!

Inoue Nina reacted, and it was also a surprise. The two girls hugged each other so directly and happily.

The scene was tragic.

Only the criminals on the ground who were given to the two maidens as gifts by Kitahara Baiqiu were given as gifts.

Roundabout the time of the world now.

In fact, it is still during class time.

However, it was already this time, and it was naturally impossible for Kitahara Baiqiu to go to class

He also went straight back to his home.

After Kitahara returned from the White Autumn.

The girls in the family also came out to greet Kitahara Hakuaki Kazuka.

In fact, Kitahara Baiqiu did not leave for long this time.

That’s less than three days.

At the beginning, Kitahara Baiqiu was not ready to leave for too long, and he only had a few days to envision.


The world is the stronghold of Kitahara White Autumn.

This evolving world, which is in the center of chaos, still needs to be guarded by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Not to mention that now even the world of the box court is beginning to merge into it.

He couldn’t have been in other worlds for long.

Otherwise, if there is a Hestia in the world, they will not be able to solve the big thing

It can cause a range of problems. After some conversation with the girls.

Kitahara White Autumn did not hesitate.

Open the emulator interface directly.

【Ding, the emulator upgrade is complete, do you want to see the upgrade content?】 】

“View”! ”

Kitahara said.

As Kitahara’s white autumn words fell, lines of text also began to appear in front of his eyes.

【Since the host chooses the latest simulated world as the box world, the traversal simulator is updated as follows.]

1, In the box court world, every time the simulation ends, regardless of whether the host dies in the simulation, there will be a simulated cold that time of the dry day.

2, During the ten-day cooldown period, the host cannot simulate in the box world but can choose another world to simulate once.

3, Except for the Hakonoi World Simulation, other world simulations will no longer have talent choices, nor can they refresh new talents to help host simulations.

4, Except for the Hakonoi world simulation, other world simulations will be in the form of reality as simulations, and everything that happens in the simulation is reality.

5. All the talents carried by the host itself will no longer be limited by the emulator since this system update, and can be used in the simulation. 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu was also a little shocked when he looked at the lines of writing on the simulator.

Have to say.

This emulator update is quite a bit more.

“Whether it is life or death, will there be a 1-day cooldown?”

Kitahara Baiqiu saw the first one and began to heal the original medicine.

Ten days!

In fact, it is not short.

In the past, Kitahara White Autumn simulated the cooldown time, which time was at most a day or two

But you have to say how long ten days it is.

That’s not it.

After all, it is the box court.

Although the increase in cooldown time is considered to be a certain weakening of Kitahara Hakuaki.

But in fact, it is also within the acceptance range of Kitahara Hakuaki.

As for Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, these things.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at it, and even more chuckled, “After ten days of cooling, you can still simulate another world once, is this compensation?” ”

It should be counted.

Kitahara Bai Qiu thought so in his heart.

After all, there was no such thing before.

It is even possible to simulate other worlds once in cooldown time.

As for what other worlds won’t have a simulator to refresh the talent bonus.

As long as it is simulation.

Everything that happens is reality, and there is no fault tolerance rate or anything at all.

To this.

Kitahara White Autumn didn’t care very much.

After all, to the extent that he is now.

Except for the Box Court World, the other fusion worlds at present were really nothing to him.

He is no longer what he used to be.

Seeing the fifth, Kitahara Baiqiu was even more heartbeating.

Doesn’t that represent?

If he brushes up on the powerful talent in the future, he can stack buffs?

In the past, in addition to the talent obtained by completing the world, the emulator could not allow such stacks of buffs.

Now this change.

It is better to say that it does have a lot of help for Kitahara Baiqiu.

It is also this update that helps Kitahara the most!

【Ding, the basic functions are browsed, is it open after the opening?】 】

“Start simulation!”

Kitahara Baiqiu did not hesitate in the slightest and spoke directly.

No matter what happens after that.

Simulate the world of the box court once and then say!

【Ding, through the simulation is on】

【Talent refreshing.】 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully brushing out the purple talent of all things, purple talent beast taming master, blue talent god face. 】

The Sound of All Things (purple): You can listen to the voices of all things, and when you are lost, everything will help you guide the way. 】

[Master Beast Trainer (Purple): Inhuman beasts will have a natural liking for you, and if you want to tame them with this talent, you will do more with less. 】

[Shen Yan (Blue): You are Nuwa’s paid work, you have an impeccable appearance, in this world, no one will be more handsome than you. 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the three talents brushed out this time with great interest, and he also felt very good.

Is it a simulator after upgrading?

Two purple talents came out at a time, and the talent effect was very bad

A voice of all things, a master of animal taming.

From the literal meaning, you can probably understand what this means.

As for the last blue talent god face.

Kitahara Hakuaki was dismissive of this.

Scold! Amusing!

It’s as if I don’t have this talent, I’m not a god!

[Ding, the host is detected this time only refreshed out of three talents, no need to select talents, talents are automatically bound.] 】

[The current simulation talents are ‘Sword Saint Protection’, ‘God Group Center’, ‘Time and Space Inviter’, ‘Heart of the Strong’, ‘Undetectable’, ‘Strength of Will’, ‘Sound of All Things’, ‘Master of Taming Beasts’, ‘I Am the Dragon King’, ‘You Think of Grandpa’.]

A series of talents directly made Kitahara Baiqiu look dazzling.

In the past, such as the Heart of the Strong, Kitahara Hakuaki inherited but has not adapted to the talent in the simulator.

At this moment, it was also all present in the Membrane Instrument Minister. This made Kitahara Baiqiu undoubtedly have a smile on his face.

The world of boxes is naturally powerful.

But he’s not bad either! Start the simulation!

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