Chapter 239 Three-digit Break! Equal to God!!

“Linge Completeness?!!”

White Night’s face was full of shock as he watched the scene in front of him.

Face, face of disbelief!

Because this movement is really too big! It’s beyond the imagination of the white night.

No wonder, no wonder this guy would say trouble for her.

The corners of Bai Ye’s fork twitched slightly, and finally understood.

“Hey, that white Lolita over there, what is Linge Completeness?”

Sixteen Nights and the others looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Feel the soaring horror aura on Kitahara Baiqiu’s body and the huge movement around him because of Kitahara Baiqiu.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but ask the White Night Fork who was exclaiming.

“The so-called spiritual perfection is the existence of a very high personality, a spiritual personality, for beings who have great achievements.”

“After entering the box court and being detected by the box court frame, a ringing correction or lingge completion will be given.”

“It’s not something that anyone can do, let alone make such a big move.”

“What the hell did this guy do?”

The White Night Fork looked at the people who sent back the Sixteen Nights and said, also gritting his teeth.

As Kitahara’s strength continued to soar, a trace of cold sweat appeared on her forehead at this moment.

To maintain the thoroughness of the game under such a big movement, it is not easy for the current White Night Fork.

“But! White Night Fork Lord! Linga corrects this stuff! Shouldn’t it be that it comes to the box court and appears the moment it is detected by the box court? ”

The black rabbit stood up to the huge momentum and couldn’t help but ask the White Night Fork.

“Now you’re going to ask what that guy did!”

“At first, I didn’t even see that he was a divine species, and he must have temporarily concealed the detection of the box frame through some method, or let the box middle frame test detect him very slowly.”

“Damn… Did this guy know he was going to meet me? Similar to the gift of foreknowledge of the future? It’s really put together! ”

The White Night Fork maintained his own playing field, his face was full of displeasure, and he said to the black rabbit in a bad way.

Such a big move, if not her.

Kitahara Baiqiu was detected by the box court in the middle of the frame, and the huge breath came out of the moment when Lingge was corrected.

I’m afraid that I will be directly noticed by those gods at the top.

It is precisely because he met her, so now the White Night Fork can still help the original Bai Qiu to hide it.

But the White Night Fork also knows. This concealment.

It can’t be hidden for long.

Sooner or later it will be exposed!

This guy doesn’t really have the ability to foresee part of the future.

Count it all out, right?

“But! For sure! Black rabbit! ”

“This god you received is definitely not an ordinary deity!”

“Even I have to admit it.”

“If you really recognize him as your master, it will not be an insult to your identity.”

Can it be an ordinary deity?

The gods of the past will be corrected by the spirit of the spirit, and correct such a big movement? White Night Fork kills and doesn’t believe it.

“White night and adult!”

The black rabbit’s face was flushed, and he couldn’t help but shout when he heard the words of the white night.

At present, the strength is still relatively weak, Hisahi Asuka and Kasuga Hideyoshi.

At this moment, it is the existence that is most shocked by all this.

Seven figures!

Six figures! Five figures! Four figures! Three digits!

The breath of the white autumn of the Northern Plains.

The direct breakthrough of four digits did not pause, and only slowly slowed down after reaching three digits.

This made both the pupils of the white night and the black rabbit constrict.

A shaken, even more incredulous expression appeared on his face.

“It was three digits……”

White Night Fork muttered to himself.

At this moment, my heart was completely calm and I couldn’t get out of bed.

You know, that’s three digits!

As one of the three major problem children in ancient times.

Except that the white night is also a double digit.

Two other problem children.

One is the Halloween Queen who still exists in the box court and is high above.

The other was the one who had turned the box court upside down.

One man confronted the Million Gods of the Box Court and killed the star spirit Alger who killed many gods.

Both of them are only three digits.

In this case of seventeen people representing one of the top two-digit plenipotentiary areas of the box court.

Three-digit number.

Even in the box court, it is the top existence.

Many well-known gods.

Many well-known gods.

Their Lord God is only three digits.

Even some, it doesn’t reach three digits.

“What are three figures?”

Sixteen Nights was again asked curiously at this moment.

Bai Yecha looked at this hairy boy in disgust and said, “As long as you know that this is an extremely terrifying existence in the box court, even if I am now, I am not necessarily the opponent of this white autumn god named Kitahara.” ”

“If you don’t understand it, then in layman’s terms, in the box court, even the God is only three digits.”

“And the god you meet is the same level of existential work as God.”

Oh, God?!!

Hisahito Asuka and Kasuga Yoshimi’s faces were filled with tremor.

Even if it is a reverse sixteen nights.

At this moment, they were all stunned, and their hearts were full of consternation.

He didn’t know what the three-digit number was and could only guess at it.

But God…

He knew.

Rather, among the many universes of the box world, there is no one who does not know what God is.

White Night answered the question of sending back Sixteen Nights again.

Looking at Kitahara White Autumn again.

Even if Kitahara Baiqiu had broken through three digits now, his Lingge correction had not stopped.

This means even in three digits.

Kitahara Hakuaki is also one of the strongest!

White Night saw this scene again and scolded in his heart.

It is no wonder that after meeting her, he received a Lingge correction from the box court frame test.

Three digits!

If this were discovered, it would definitely cause great turmoil among the many gods at the top.

The most critical thing is.

Many gods at the top.

Nor will the presence of three digits be allowed to remain in the lower layers.

Only the Northern Plains White Autumn, who came from the outside, could temporarily stay in the lower layer.

That’s right, for the time being.

Because in the eyes of the White Night Fork.

It was only a matter of time before Kitahara Hakuaki was discovered and taken to the upper floors.

White Night Fork looked at Kitahara White Autumn.

It was as if she had seen two other Halloween queens and Alger, who had been called problem children with her.

I don’t know what kind of impact this time the appearance of a strong person of this degree will bring to the box court.

Of course.

What surprised the White Night Fork the most.

This is the case now.

It is amazing that gods can still be born in the outside world.

This kind of god king was even born?!!

That’s right.

The White Night Fork could be seen at a glance when the Northern Plains White Autumn Lingge was corrected.

Kitahara Hakuaki is a god king of the god lineage.

King of the Gods!

The box court……… Three-digit god king!

He represents not just himself, but… l. Ten whole gods lost! Unbeknown……… Gods?

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