Chapter 263 Convention! Make a pact with Amelia Reemram!!

After kissing Kitahara Hakuaki.

Reemram, who understood everything, was naturally more willing to stay.

Not to mention that they had also learned from Emilia that it would be less than a month if they would go back.

Kitahara Hakuaki would send them all back when the time came.

A month is not a long time.

Naturally, the two were also very willing.

After Remram joined.

The Kitahara family also had three maids.

This stuff is, after all, a first-come, first-come.


Esther became the maid chief of the three.

A former queen became a maid.

And the professional maid is just an ordinary maid.

Sounds a bit funny indeed.

But isn’t this kind of thing as a maid chief a name in itself, and isn’t it good to be responsible for selling cuteness?

Isn’t it enough for Estus to sell cuteness?

Kitahara Hakuaki felt that it was completely enough.

He just smiled at this and didn’t say anything, after all, it wasn’t a big deal.

As a maid chief.

Estes was also very happy that he had two more men.

Say nothing else.

The Queen is very kind to her subordinates, and the Guardian is famous.

Remram naturally could not have suffered any grievances.

Since then.

The Kitahara family also had three more people.

They are Amelia from the Zero World, Reim, and Ram’s Master Servant.

For the three of them to join.

Kitahara Bai Qiu still had some surprises in his heart, because all three of them were characters he once liked very much.


Kitahara White Autumn lay in bed ready to rest when time.

Under the snow, Yang Nai also secretly came to the room of the Northern Plains White Autumn by sneaking everyone away.

“Once is good, once is good, Lord Bai Qiu.”

After seeing Kitahara Bai Qiu found her.

Under the snow, Yang Nai also smiled slightly, came to Kitahara Baiqiu’s side, and prayed to Kitahara Baiqiu.

As an adult, she naturally can’t twist and turn like those little girls, and she knows exactly what she wants.

Therefore, in the morning, she determined Kitahara Baiqiu’s intention for herself, and in the evening she came generously. Kitahara Hakuaki’s room.

I love you, and you love me, so what else is there to take care of, what can stop us?

“Hahaha, since the obedient delivery came to the door, once is not enough.”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles, and although there were some surprises about the arrival of Yang Nai under the snow, it was not too unexpected.

Once? That must be impossible.

In a long time, Kitahara Baiqiu would only like the girl countless times.

Kitahara Baiqiu and Yang Nai under the snow looked at each other, and slowly kissed it gently, and the face of Yang Nai under the snow was also blushing, trying to respond to the Beiyuan Baiqiu.

Although she was bolder than other girls, this was also her first time after all.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

The next day, early in the morning.

When Kitahara Waking up, he could also feel the presence of Yang Nai under the lovely snow in his arms.

This made Kitahara Baiqiu smile slightly.

He gently touched the face of Yang Nai who was close at hand under the beautiful snow just as he admired the lovely and beautiful sleeping face of Yang Nai under the snow.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face stiffened, and after opening the quilt to see the familiar figure, there was also some headache on his face.

“Esther, why are you here?”

That’s right, this person is Esther.

“Bai Qiu…”

Esther’s face was slightly red, and he said to Kitahara Baiqiu with some resentment.


However, Kitahara Baiqiu was with different girls every night, which made Esther unable to get close to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Yesterday was snow under the snow, today is the sun under the snow.

Esther, who had endured it once, naturally did not want to put up with it, and directly found Kitahara Baiqiu.

Petite and lovely Esther.

At this moment, it was almost like the daughter of Hakuhara Hakuaki and Yono under the snow.

“Yes yes yes, I ignored Zaiste.”

Kitahara touched Esther’s head and said slowly.

Feel the closeness of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Esther’s face was also slightly relaxed.

They did not disturb the sleeping snow under the sun, and Kitahara Baiqiu also went out of the room with Esther.

When the time comes.

Remram naturally also made breakfast.

Originally, as a maid, they were supposed to serve Kitahara Hakuaki as the master and get up.

However, the sisters who entered the door and saw that scene were undoubtedly not flushed and did not bother.

At breakfast.

Hestia also foolishly asked why Yang Nai did not come down to eat.

Many of the girls were red-faced.

Although they couldn’t have heard the movement, they didn’t see the sun under the snow the next day, and they must know what the reason was.

Under the snow was blushing at this moment, and he looked down and didn’t know what to say.

Sister she sure too……… And so fast.

This made Snow Under Snow not know how to face Kitahara White Autumn and Snow Yang Nai for a short time.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

In the face of Yang Nai under the snow, he did not keep his hand like the snow under the snow, even more than the original Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

After all, today is the weekend, under the snow Yang Nai has plenty of time to rest, and the snow under the snow is the next day to go to school……… In the future, he and Xue Nai naturally have many opportunities.

After breakfast.

Since it was a weekend, the girls also discussed letting Kitahara Baiqiu go out with them.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally said that there was no problem.

But even if it’s a comprehensive world.

There are also many young girls that Kitahara Baiqiu knows.

Saturday and Sunday are only two days long.

Therefore, the girls were also consulted and very reasonably divided up the weekend of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

In the end, they also came to the conclusion that Kitahara Baiqiu accompanied some girls on Saturday and some girls on Sunday.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu knows it well.

Under the snow, the sun is bound to be unable to go out today, so it is also arranged for tomorrow.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally did not have any complaints about the arrangement of the girls, but smiled and agreed to it all.

The girls are the most precious existence of Kitahara Baiqiu in this world.

Taking time to spend more time with the girls, how could he resist? It is better to say that Kitahara Baiqiu is happy in it.

First of all, I went out with Kitahara Bai Qiu.

Nature is Amelia, Reim, Ram.

Although they have gained common sense and memory of this world by kissing Kitahara Hakuaki.

But after all, I haven’t really seen the world.

How can you not be curious about the world?

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally took the three of them to satisfy their curiosity and dutifully introduced the world to them.

The whole process.

Amelia followed Kitahara Bai Qiu all the time, and her body seemed to be completely attached.

See something new.

Just let out an exclamation, happy and Kitahara white autumn equinox thick.

Looking at the cute silver-haired elf girl, Kitahara Bai Qiu was drunk and kissed Amelia many times along the way.

Amelia blushed and shyly every time, but never refused.

At the same time, than the original white autumn naturally did not forget. Belongs to Mram.

The two twin maid ladies have been obediently following Kitahara Hakuaki and Emilia.

But I don’t know how many passers-by have caused surprised eyes.

Emilia’s silver-haired beauty is as if there were no living beings, but only imaginary spirits.

and Kitahara Shiroro is a talented woman.

It has attracted the attention of countless people.

Not to mention the incredibly cute twin maid sisters behind the two of them.

It almost makes people feel like they’re coming out of a fantasy.

Obviously full of unreality, but it appeared in front of my eyes again.

Remram is also full of curiosity about everything in this world.

Although serving Kitahara Hakuaki and Emilia.

But he did not forget to appreciate and observe this strange world.

Kitahara Baiqiu kissed Emilia and did not know how much, and the two sisters of Shimram naturally could not escape the clutches of the original Baiqiu.

The two sisters’ faces were flushed with redness every time.

But like Emilia, they were surprised that there was no such feeling of resistance in their hearts.

“It’s over, Lord Bai Qiu is so bad, and Shem always feels that his sister will fall one day sooner or later.”

“It’s over, Lord Bai Qiu is too bad, and Ram feels that Reem is probably about to be unable to resist.”

The two Remram sisters held hands.

He looked very nervous and scared at Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Hahaha, of course, you don’t think you can run away when you enter my house, do you?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu laughed and said teasingly about the performance of the two sisters.

Then, he hugged Emilia and said, “Not only you, but even your master Emilia, can’t escape.” ”


Amelia’s face was flushed, her eyes were a little flustered, she didn’t know how to answer, her heart was full of shyness.

Remram also seemed to be more frightened at this moment, and the two sisters looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a timid look.

“But in return, Reem, Ram, when you take you back to the world from zero, I will change the tragedy of your childhood.”

Kitahara smiled lightly and said to the two of them.

Remram heard the words and his face suddenly froze.

In the world from zero.

The two were actually the last ghost maidens.

In the small time.

All their families and clans were slaughtered by the Witch Sect, and only the two of them escaped death.

Dependence on each other for their lives ever since.

Until he met Amelia later.

It was their grief-saddest, most memorable thing.

Change the past………

Reemram heard Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

There is no doubt that Kitahara Hakuaki can do it.

They know what kind of existence Kitahara Baiqiu is.

If Kitahara Hakuaki wants to do it, he must be able to do it.

It’s just that the existence of Kitahara White Autumn is really too great for Reemram.

Now for them.

Would such a great being be willing to do such a thing? Ram was silent for a long time.

Then he gently came to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu, picked up the corner of his maid’s clothes, and seriously performed a maid ceremony to Kitahara Baiqiu: “If Lord Baiqiu is willing to change everything for Remram and save everything, then Ram is willing to sacrifice everything for Kitahara Baiqiu, and from now on, Ram will be the eternal maid of Lord Baiqiu.” ”

Ram was very serious at this moment, without the slightest wavering.

Seeing this, Reem was also the same, standing next to Ram and pulling up the corner of his skirt, and said seriously: “Thank you Lord Bai Qiu, Lord Bai Qiu, you are willing to save me and my sister, I am very happy, if you don’t give up, Rem is also willing to sacrifice everything for Lord Bai Qiu, from now on, Rem only exists for Lord Bai Qiu.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu stared at the two, and the expression on his face smiled slightly.

Look, as the home of the Kitahara family.

He said he had a million ways to keep Reemram.

Changing the past is really nothing.

“So, the contract is established.”

Under the oath of allegiance of the two sisters, Kitahara Baiqiu officially signed a contract with the two sisters at this moment.

Contract, of course, is an eternal contract.

However, on the basis of the eternal contract, Kitahara Baiqiu also added his agreement with Xiaomulam.

Reemram closed his eyes and felt the contract with Kitahara Hakujo, only to feel very relieved.

“Sister’s horn……”

After the contract is completed, Reim sees that the horn that Ram was injured by the child to save her is slowly recovering in a faint light, and his eyes are full of surprise.

Horns are the source of the power of the Ghost Clan.

Without horns, the power that the ghost clan can exert can be said to be ten without one.

Although for Ram, who was once extremely talented, the mediocre Shem as a sister is also complicated.

But the sister broke the horn to save her, which also made Reem feel very guilty.

Now that he could see his sister’s horns recover, Reem’s face was also very open.

“Thank you! Thank you Lord Bai Qiu! ”

Reim was full of gratitude to Kitahara Baiqiu and excitedly said to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Ram touched his horn and was also in a trance, and the terrifying elemental power lingered around Ram’s body, condensing into substance.

Ram’s clothes fluttered, and the whole person revealed an extremely terrible sense of oppression, but under the control of Kitahara Baiqiu.

No one discovered this, nor did it have any impact on the outside world, and naturally Ram’s strength increased by more than a star and a half.

If placed in the world from zero, the strength of the horned Ram can be said to be the top one, second only to the perverts of the jealous witch and the sword saint.

But feel the power in your own body.

Ram’s heart was a little crying.

What a huge force this is, under this huge force, her previous strength is not good or bad at all.

Look at the surprised and happy expression on Reem’s face.

Ram also understood that his sister was not aware of the perverted power in his body at all, and only cared to be happy for her.

After Kitahara Bai Qiude’s eyes left the two surprised sisters, he also looked at Amelia in his arms, and also said softly: “Leah, you can rest assured, your past, I will also be responsible for helping you change.” ”

“Huh? What past do I have? ”

Amelia looked a little confused in her eyes.

She still has no memories of her childhood.

Kitahara Baiqiu can naturally help her recover, and it can even be said that it is easy.

But……… Not necessarily.

Recovering now will only make her more miserable, and when everything has changed, she will go back and forth.

Thinking so, Kitahara Baiqiu also bowed his head and signed a contract with Emilia.

Amelia blushed, closed her eyes, and accepted the power of the contract.

Although she didn’t know what Kitahara Bai Qiu was talking about.

But she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Kitahara Baiqiu to harm her.

Her past…?

I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but……… With Bai Qiu here, Emilia firmly believes that it will be good in the future…

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