Chapter 312 Yes! But you have to take Hiromi with us to be assured!!

“No, I don’t agree.”

“Yeah, now, isn’t it a little too early, Kitahara Jun?”

“What can you two children take care of?”

“University, after college, how about we agree that Xiao Hui will move out with you?”

“At that time, we will not hinder you and Xiaohui, even if you and Xiaohui go to get a license.”

After hearing Kitahara’s words, the Kato couple frowned and directly rejected them as a very ordinary family.

An ordinary parent with two daughters.

How can an ordinary family let a daughter who is still just a high school go out with others?

Even if they were satisfied with Kitahara Baiqiu, they couldn’t do it.

At most, take a step back and let Kitahara Hakuaki and Kato Kei, after graduating from high school, be together until that time.

Even if they really want to get a license to get married.

Mr. and Mrs. Kato also decided to admit it and hold a wedding for the two.

But now is the imperative.

The first is to convince these two children.

“Xiao Hui, what do you think about this?”

Mrs. Kato looked at Kato and asked softly.

“I, I… I also want to live there in Bai Qiu, so I hope that Mom and Dad will be perfect. ”

Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and said with some redness on his face.

Now Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Snow Under the Snow is several people are in the Northern Plains White Autumn Family.

Kato knows this.

If she could, of course, she also wanted to live with the Biyuan Baiqiu family.

As for something else, if it really happens…

They are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they can never leave Kitahara Hakuaki.

So, that’s okay.

The quiet Kato Kei actually had a long time ago psychological preparation.


Mrs. Kato had some headaches.

She didn’t expect her daughter to think the same way.

In this case, it will be a little difficult to deal with.

Mr. Kato also frowned, and there was also some silence at the moment.

This daughter of theirs.

From childhood to adulthood, I never asked them for anything.

Now it’s hard to ask them for something.

If they immediately refused, it was really unreasonable.

So their faces are full of tangles.

“You need to go out and live, even if we agree, will the parents on the side of Kitahara agree?”

“And, economically, there are many other problems?”

“It’s impossible that Xiao Hui is going to live with Kitahara’s parents, right?” In that case, is it not the same as Kitahara Baiqiu living in our house? ”

Mr. Kato is serious and also speaks.

Two people want to go out and live, and they are high school students.

This is not to say that as long as there is love, the reality will be many problems waiting for them.

Therefore, Mr. Kato also hit the nail on the head and directly pointed out these problems.

“We’re an uncle over there who doesn’t have to worry.”

Kitahara said with a light smile that according to the crosser routine, he didn’t have any family, so there was no need to worry about it in this regard.

“As for economic problems, I don’t really want to hide it, I actually have a certain income…”


Kitahara also told the Kato couple about his writing of light novels.

The Kato couple heard that Kitahara’s monthly income was all the money they could not earn in their lifetime.

The whole person is also dizzy.

Are today’s high school students so powerful?

Compared with Kitahara Hakuaki, they feel that they really live like dogs in this life.

And what they don’t know yet is that.

Even if Kitahara Baiqiu does not write light novels, his money will theoretically be used up no matter how it is used.

If there is a real need, I am afraid that all the consortiums in the world are eager to send a lot of money to the North Plains White Autumn.

Money for Kitahara Hakuaki.

It’s really the least worth caring about at the moment.

“It turns out that you are the White Night Teacher”! ”

Hiromi Kato heard that Kitahara Shiraaki was the author of light novels and had a pen name, and said with some surprise.

This year.

But anyone who has some contact with the second dimension cannot be unaware of Teacher White Night.

Hiromi Kato would like those things a lot, but he will still look at them when he is bored.

For the famous White Night Teacher, she had naturally heard of it.

She had also developed a strong curiosity about this person.

Originally, Hiromi Kato thought it would be an uncle in his forties and fifties.

As a result, I didn’t expect that when I stood in front of me, I was so young and so handsome.

This is no longer a question of expectations, but of fantasy! If this is to let the outside world know that Teacher White Night looks like this, the outside world will definitely explode.

For the average person.

The appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu here is really no different from the legend that I am around.

“I really didn’t expect that Xiao Hui, who was completely uninterested in those things in light novels, actually won the most powerful White Night Teacher in the industry!”

Hiromi Kato’s eyes lit up and he said with emotion.

After all, this thing is so surprising, the brother-in-law is actually the White Night Teacher, so powerful.

Knowing the identity of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Hiromi Kato was undoubtedly on their side, excitedly saying to the Kato couple: “Since Kitahara Jun is the White Night Teacher, then parents, you will agree to Xiao Hui moving to the side of the North Plains Jun, if it is the White Night Teacher, it is absolutely no problem.” ”

Mr. Kato: “…”

Mrs. Kato: “…”

The Kato couple heard Hiromi Kato directly speechless.

What White Night Teacher White Night Teacher they do not know.

They admit that Kitahara Baiqiu is indeed very good at making money, and even exaggerates it, but in their opinion, the two children are still too young.

They were racking their brains here thinking about how to persuade the two children to dispel their minds.

As a result, the other eldest daughter dared to jump out and touch their moldy heads? It’s a dead end!

“What a coaxing, what a coaxing!” Do you have anything to do with you? ”

Mrs. Kato glanced at Hiromi Kato and said mercilessly, “Look at you, your sister has found a boyfriend, or such a good boyfriend, when will you bring one back?” ”

“If you brought back Kitahara Jun today, I would never say a word to your request, and I wouldn’t say a single.”

“Don’t say that we will accede to Kitahara Jun’s request, if you dare not agree, we will tie you up to Kitahara Junde’s house.”

“I don’t have the ability, not even my own sister, and I don’t know how you are so kind to coax, but you can also bring back a person like Kitahara Jun to show me.”

Hiromi Kato’s face was flushed, and his voice couldn’t help but get louder: “Mom, what are you talking about!” ”

What is called if Kitahara Baiqiu was brought back by her, the binding will tie her to Kitahara Baiqiu’s home…

Hiromi Kato secretly glanced at Kitahara Hakuaki, and his heart was full of embarrassment and shame.

How can my mother talk nonsense?

“What am I talking about? I’m telling the truth, twenty or more people, I don’t even have a boyfriend, and I don’t know how you mean it. ”

Mrs. Kato looked at her eldest daughter with disgust and said.

Hiromi Kato did not want to lose face in front of Kitahara Hakuaki, and immediately retorted with a red face, “Isn’t that your mother’s reason?” ”

“When I was in high school, I was the school flower in the school, but Mom, you told me that the first task in high school is to study with peace of mind, so I have never had a boyfriend!” 」

Hiromi Kato does not have the same low sense of feeling as Kei Kato.

As Kei’s older sister.

She was naturally born beautiful and lovely, so during Hiromi Kato’s high school, she was still very famous and recognized as the first beautiful girl in the school.

“Later, when I went to college, my mother told me that college should lay a good foundation, prepare for entering society in the future, and don’t rush to fall in love, so I simply applied for women’s college.”

“Isn’t it your reason that I’m like this now?” As a result, I couldn’t find a boyfriend, and Mom, you started to blame me, it was too much. ”

Hiromi Kato University is a women’s university.

Even in women’s college, her appearance is outstanding.

Even more mature and seductive than in high school.

But after all, it is a women’s university, what does love have to do with her? She had never been in love, and it was obviously because of her mother.

Mrs. Kato ripped her lips.

Although there is a part of her influence.

But how did she know that now that she had allowed Hiromi Kato to fall in love, it was not so easy to find.

I glanced at Kei Kato.

There is Hiromi Kato, a lesson in the past.

Mrs. Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and Kato Kei even more headaches.

Just when Kitahara Baiqiu was ready to reveal the authenticity of this world, his own specialness, and wanted to reassure the two of them.

Mr. Kato, who had been silent, opened his mouth at this moment.

“I agree with your business.”

Mr. Kato said this in a deep voice.

Don’t say Mrs. Kato, Hiromi Kato, and Kei Kato.

Even Kitahara Bai Qiu was a little stunned.

“Boy her father…”

Mrs. Kato’s face was full of worry, and she just wanted to say something.

Mr. Kato directly stopped Mrs. Kato from continuing, but instead continued, “I agreed, but, Kitahara-kun, I have one more condition.” ”

“What conditions? Uncle you just said. ”

Since Mr. Kato agreed, Kitahara Hakuaki was naturally not in a hurry and asked.

“That’s hoping you can get my eldest daughter to move in with you.”

“Kitahara Jun, you are very capable and I know, but you are still too young after all.”

“If my eldest daughter is there, at least take a picture, and we can rest assured.”

Kei Kato: “??? ”

Hiromi Kato: “!!! ”

When the two sisters heard their father’s words, their faces were directly frozen.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was a little stunned.

Instead, Mrs. Kato heard her husband’s words and nodded her head clearly.

Indeed, if the eldest daughter is there, they will undoubtedly be much relieved.

Don’t worry about Kitahara Hakuaki and Kato Kei coming in disorder, or encountering something in Kuroba.

Don’t look at their eldest daughter like this.

But from childhood to adulthood is still very good.

Moreover, the eldest daughter is in her twenties and has been out alone for several years.

For this eldest daughter who is excellent in all aspects except no boyfriend.

They are naturally reassured.

“Hongmei, you have no problem, right?”

When Mr. Kato finished speaking, he also turned his head and asked Kato Hiromi in a deep voice.

“No problem… Right? ”

Hiromi Kato thought about it and said uncertainly.

She felt like she should be fine.

She and her sister Kei Kato have been close since childhood, naturally will not resist Kei Kato.

As for Kitahara Hakuaki.

Although he is his brother-in-law, such a handsome brother-in-law is also good to use every day to nourish his eyes.

Moreover, the brother-in-law is still the teacher of the White Night!

Hiromi Kato always felt that he could take advantage of his sister after agreeing to it, and his quality of life had to rise sharply.

The reason for using an uncertain tone is that she has no experience in this area

But think left and right.

Benefit without harm!

Well! No reason to refuse!

“That, sister, I think you should still think about it?”

At this moment, Kato looked at her sister and said with a headache.

Living with Kitahara Hakuaki… Wouldn’t it be too dangerous, sister?

Even Bai Qiu had no idea about his sister.

By spending time together, Kato doesn’t believe that her sister won’t get caught up in it.

“Huh? Yes? What else to consider? ”

Hiromi Kato looked at Kato in confusion and asked for a completely unknown question.

Kei Kato.

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