Chapter 317 For You! I graduated from school!!

After sending Hiratsuka Shizuka back.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is drunk, and he also makes a pact with Kitahara Hakuaki.

After he graduates.

She married Kitahara Hakuaki.

At that time, she will give everything to Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, Kitahara Bai Qiu was still his student, and Heizuka Jing couldn’t get over the hurdle in his heart, so naturally he was also restrained.

That’s a year and a half.

Nowadays, Hiratsuka Shizuka is only twenty-six and seven, and in a year and a half, there are only twenty-eight at most.

Shizuka Hirazuka can afford to wait.

Not to mention after signing a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Age this stuff.

You don’t need to care too much at all.

Of course, such an agreement made Biyuan Baiqiu’s face full of strangeness.

Ah this…

In these years, no one will really still treat him as a student, is there such an improper student as him?

To turn the age.

Combined with many simulations especially the type moon world that time.

Kitahara Shiraaki is already older than Shizuka Hiratsuka.

These are only immersive simulation real experiences, which can be regarded as real ages.

And in terms of identity.

He is also the supreme being in the world.

It is a deity, high above.

Although he has been soaking in school, Kitahara Hakuaki is very self-aware.

Whether it is from the perspective of age or identity, he is not a student at all.

School…… At most, it was just a place in the world of the Northern Plains White Autumn Games, although the face was full of strangeness.

However, Kitahara Shiraaki did agree to Heizuka’s request to leave.

Kato Kei and Kasumigaura Shiba followed.

Under the snow Yang Nai was called by Kitahara Hakuaki to take care of the drunken and unwilling to wake up Hirazuka Shizuka Jing suffered tonight, naturally it is also Snow Under the Snow.

The next day, early in the morning.


Hiratsuka opened his eyes in confusion and looked at the familiar scene in front of him, and there was also some confusion in his eyes.


And at this very moment.

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s soft laughter also sounded next to Hiraka Shizuka.

“Yang Nai?”

Hiratsuka turned his head in a daze, looked at Yono under the snow, and subconsciously said, “Did you send me back?” Thanks. ”

Because such a scene is so familiar.

When Hiratsuka Shizuka hadn’t fully returned to consciousness, she subconsciously felt this way.

“What did I send you back?”

Under the snow, Yang Nai couldn’t help but laugh out: “You forgot last night’s events?” Even if you forget, the power in your own body will not be unfelt, right? No, do you want me to help you remember? ”

Last night? Power in the body?

Hiratsuka was confused, and then she saw… Under the snow, a white light lit up on Yang Nai’s hand.

Slowly approaching her, as if to do something to her…

Hiratsuka’s eyes widened and she remembered everything from yesterday.

At the same time, she also felt the power in her body, which was beyond common sense and could be called a god.

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t care about that.

Instead, his face suddenly turned red.

She she she she she remembered!

Yesterday’s drunken and Kitahara Baiqiu said and made an agreement, or Kitahara Baiqiu sent her home…

“It looks like I remembered.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai looked at Hirazuka Shizuka’s expression, and the white light in his hand slowly dissipated, and said sarcastically, “I really didn’t expect that the drunken Xiao Jing would be so bold.” ”

“If I had known that Xiao Jing had been drunk once, I would have drunk Xiao Jing directly, so why bother with it?”

Hirasuka listened to the ridicule of Yono under the snow, and a cute voice came out of his mouth, and his face was also red.


Shizuka Hiratsuka felt very bold.

She never imagined that she could be so bold.

But to say that there is no regret emotion.

She really didn’t.

Just don’t regret it.

For the evil in front of her to tease her under the snow under the sun is no.

Hiratsuka Shizuka’s face was also a little annoyed and angry: “Don’t laugh! And it’s not because of your relationship! What’s so funny! ”

“Yes yes yes, because of my relationship.”

Snow Yang Nai surrendered, and then continued to laugh and said, “Xiao Jing, you and Bai Qiu have come to this point, it is all my reason, so how should you thank me?” Anyway, I’m your love god Cupid, too, right? ”

Sense, thanks? Hiratsuka froze.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

Although it is said that I can sign a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu and come to this step, it is really not impossible to thank the sun under the snow.

But…… How did this woman dare to claim to love Cupid?

“Thank you big head! How about waiting for a year and a half to graduate in the autumn and invite you to drink happy wine? ”

Hiratsuka looked at Yang Nai under the snow and said without anger.

Although she still has to wait for a year and a half, she has also temporarily solved her single problem and no longer has to worry about nagging at home.

And I thought that after a year and a half, my boyfriend would be Kitahara Hakuaki.

Shizuka Hirazuka’s face was full of smiles, and she was indeed much more relaxed.

“Poof… Attending Xiao Jing’s wedding with Bai Qiu? I didn’t expect Xiao Jing to take revenge. ”

Under the snow, the corners of Yang Nai’s mouth twitched, and his face was full of resentment as he looked at Heizuka Shizuka.

Rather than attending the wedding of the two, she obviously hoped that it would be better for Hirazuka to stand on the stage together.

“As for a year and a half… Xiao Jing, you don’t really feel like you have to wait a year and a half, do you? ”

Under the snow Yang Nai looked strangely at Hirakusa Shizuka.

Hiratsuka was stunned and subconsciously asked, “What do you mean?” ”

“Oh, you’ll know when you go to school, our husband, but he won’t play cards according to common sense, maybe it will give you a surprise.”

Under the snow Yang Nai smiled lightly, and the god said mysteriously.

“Huh? Going to school? But I’m not going to go to school today. ”

Hiratsuka said subconsciously.

“Go ahead, go, you will regret not going…”

Under the snow, Yang Nai pulled up the calm of the flat mound, who was not ready to get up lazily, and also spoke.

Under the snow the sun is forcibly pulled.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had been preparing to take a day off from work, forced himself to get out of bed.

After brushing your teeth and washing.

Shizuka Hiratsuka also went to take a shower.

After all, there was indeed a smell of wine on her body.

After breakfast.

When you’re done with all that.

It’s already almost noon.

Shizuka Hiratsuka really didn’t understand the point of going to school now.

But under the snow, Yang Nai still pushed and shoved, pushing her out of the door.

No way.

Shizuka Hirazuka could only listen to her.

Go to General Wu Gao to see what kind of mysterious and mysterious god it is.

After she came to school.

At this moment, the school is already lunch break.

However, after walking into the school.

Hiratsuka found that he did not see many students, even in the cafeteria.

She didn’t find out until she walked to the teaching building.

A whole bunch of students.

It’s on the corridor of the second grade.

To be precise.

It is the second-year A class of Kitahara and others.

Hiratsuka was stunned.

She knew that if there was something going on in the Second Year A class, it would definitely have nothing to do with Kitahara Baiqiu.

So, she stepped forward, casually found a student and asked, “What’s going on here for you?” Why are so many people gathered here? ”

“Who are you… Cough, it turned out to be Hiratsuka Sensei. ”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, don’t you know?” Kitahara Hakuaki and others in the second year A class applied to graduate from the school, and they graduated directly from high school! ”

“The school has agreed and is now conducting an examination, so we have all come to watch this god man!” Maybe I won’t see you later! ”

Applying for graduation?

Graduated from high school? Hiratsuka froze.

My heart was full of shock, full of unrest.

To the north of the original white autumn special.

It is not surprising that the school will accede to such outrageous requests.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka hadn’t heard of Kitahara wanting to graduate from school.

Rather, Shizuka Hiratsu felt.

Although Kitahara Baiqiu is not interested in learning, he still likes campus life.

Now I suddenly want to graduate from school.

There is only one possibility.

Is that for her?

That’s it… The sun under the snow is the surprise of the words.

Hiratsuka covered his mouth, his eyes were crystal clear, and his face was full of emotion.

For her to be strong.

He graduated…

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