Chapter 330: The White Night Fork Loses for the Third Time! Two Goddesses!!

That’s it. 】

[You and Sun Wukong also practiced for several years in the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain Oblique Moon Sanxing Cave]

[In addition to the fact that the White Night Fork seemed to be busy at the beginning and came to something less, the follow-up she also came to an extremely large situation, and it was not a short time to stay.] 】

[The three of you are blessed in this cave, but there is really a sense that there is no dispute with the world, and the family of three lives in a paradise.] 】

[The White Night Fork also often feels that even such a day is simply the envy of the gods.] 】

[You have nothing to say about the white night fork lying there slightly while drinking your wine, eating your food, saying such things.] 】

[If the service is so thoughtful, can it not be the envy of the gods?] Fortunately, this is nothing to you, otherwise who is used to this big lady. 】

[Or Sun Wukong cute.] 】

[Always put your master first, respect and love your master.] 】

[It’s just that such a day will eventually end, and you know that you can’t keep Sun Wukong by your side for a lifetime.] 】

[After Sun Wukong’s strength finally reached three digits.] 】

You also decided it was time to let Sun Wukong go down. 】


Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Sun Wukong and said, “You have been here for more than ten years, and it is time to go back.” ”

Sun Wukong heard the words and his face was stunned.

I stayed in Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain for too long, and spent too long with my master.

She had forgotten that she had only come to learn from her teacher.

Now that you have achieved something, do you need to leave the class?

Sun Wukong’s heart was full of reluctance, but he still lowered his head and said, “Yes, Master.” ”

“The master has orders, but the disciples dare not disobey.”

“It’s just that the disciple dared to ask, Master, do we still have a chance to see you again?”

Sun Wukong looked expectantly at Kitahara Baiqiu and said with longing.

“Of course, didn’t I say that if you are in danger, you can come to me?”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed twice, and then looked at Sun Wukong and said, “Maybe after a while, I will go to find you personally, and don’t let me down when the time comes.” ”

“Yes, Master!”

Sun Wukong’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and his face was full of surprise.

“Master rest assured, I will not let you down!”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, and after looking at the girl for a moment, he also said, “Out.” ”

Sun Wukong heard that this time he even knelt down and gave Kitahara Baiqiu three heads before he stood up.

After reluctantly looking at Kitahara Baiqiu again, he turned around and turned into a golden hong.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the golden hongyuan and smiled lightly.

This time, when the girl went, the box court was really going to be turned upside down, but what did it matter?

With him and Bai Ye Fork, to keep the girl, Kitahara Bai Qiu realized that he could still do it.

[After Sun Wukong left, you are also ready to walk in the box garden.] 】

In the past ten years, you have also found your own way. 】

[Next, you only need to precipitate and transform, and when the time is ripe, you can break through the double digits in one fell swoop.] 】

[It’s just not long before you leave the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain Oblique Moon Sanxing Cave.] 】

【The whole box court.】 】

It was as if it suddenly shook. 】

[There are two figures that start to fight at this moment.] 】

[Countless gods and groups of gods began to pay attention.] 】

[You look up and you understand what’s going on.] 】

[The third defeat of the White Night Fork is coming.] 】

As the strongest two-digit number besides the Wind of Decadence, the reason why the White Night Fork will be reduced to that point in the future is precisely because of these three defeats.] 】

In the first defeat, the White Night Fork was forced to make the decision to let the sun set, and the world divided day and night. 】

[The second defeat caused the division of the sun to be divided into three parts.] 】

[And the third defeat, that is, this time.] 】

[is the most deadly. 】

[After this defeat, the spirit of the White Night Fork’s ‘Heavenly Movement Theory’ itself will also be trampled on.] 】

Without the slightest hesitation, you also rushed directly to the battlefield to support the White Night Fork. 】

[Although this guy often eats and drinks in your place, after all, he is also a person close to you, and there is no reason not to help.] 】

[After approaching the battlefield.] 】

[You also see that the White Night Fork and the Two Goddesses are fighting, and all three are the strongest of the two-figure figures, and the battle scene is naturally extremely fierce.] 】

[The strength of the White Night Fork single body is not weaker than them, or even stronger, but she has already lost twice, and under the joint efforts of the two, she is somewhat overwhelmed, not an opponent.] 】

[When the White Night Fork was in danger, you sighed, and finally struck, blocking the attack of the Two Goddesses for the White Night Fork.] 】

“Who?!! “】

[The double goddess’s face is full of shock at your appearance.] 】

After all, being able to meddle in their level of combat is definitely not weak. 】

Not only them, but also other gods and spirits who secretly observed were also stunned………”

[Being able to meddle in the battle between the White Night Fork and the Two Goddesses, the strength has definitely reached the double-digit level.] 】

[At least it’s the Halloween queen’s kind of level called three-digit, which is actually two-digit.] 】

But your face seemed so foreign to them, they had never seen your existence, and their faces were full of shock. 】

[No one knows, when did the box court emerge as a supreme being like you…]


“Here you are.”

Bai Yecha gasped and looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu, and said with a bitter smile on his face.


Kitahara Baiqiu first glanced at the two goddesses on the other side, and then nodded to the White Night Fork.

“After I knew about this battle from you, I was also ready to avoid or prepare for the coming of this battle.”

“But I didn’t expect it, even if I knew, it wasn’t so easy to change, and the fate of this thing is really not easy to get.”

The White Night Fork came to the side of the Northern Plains White Autumn, and faced the double goddess with him, explaining it while also saying with emotion.

This is also the reason why White Night Fork has been busy, she has to prepare for her third defeat.

But……… Even if you know the future, it is not so easy to change. If it were not for the appearance of Kitahara Hakuaki, what the ending would have been.

I have to say that this feeling is really a bit weak.

“You can’t change, I can change.”

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at the White Night Fork and said the same to it.

Bai Yecha smiled slightly and asked, “What are you going to do?” ”

“What else can be done? Let’s fight first, and then we’ll talk about it. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the two goddesses and said casually.

Then she also said to Bai Ye, “But as I said in advance, these two I can’t beat at the moment, I can only help you share the pressure, you have to bear most of the pressure yourself.” ”

“This battle doesn’t need to be won, just keep it undefeated, and keeping it is our victory.”

The White Night Fork is the star spirit that controls the sun and the white night.

The strength is extremely strong, and now she has not yet had three decisive defeats, and her strength is stronger than any of the two goddesses.

But the two goddesses are the goddesses of the end and the beginning, and the two are also not weak

White Night Fork and Kitahara White Autumn face the double goddess.

It also happens to be complementary.

“Okay, no problem.”

Hearing Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, Bai Yecha also smiled confidently…

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