Chapter 342: The Star Spirit of the Moon! The most beautiful in the box!!

The Star Spirit of the Sun White Night Fork.

Earth’s Star Spirit Sun Wukong.

Now even the moon’s star spirit Chang’e has appeared.

When Kitahara Baiqiu thought of the identities of these three people, he was a little dumbfounded in his heart.

Connect these three people.

It always feels inexplicably interesting.

And here’s it.

The star spirit of the sun is the strongest, and the star spirit of the moon is the weakest.

It makes sense.

But the weakest is the weakest. After all, star spirits are also star spirits.

Chang’e as the star spirit of the moon.

It still has the strength of ordinary three digits.

Three digits are not cabbage.

Even if the Heavenly Emperor was a two-digit number, he couldn’t force the same god group too much to be a three-digit Chang’e.

For this.

Kitahara Baiqiu actually understood after seeing Chang’e’s three-digit strength.

Chang’e will meet him, definitely out of her own will.

But there are some things.

Even if you know, it is better to say it directly in advance, and there will be any misunderstanding in the future.

Just when Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled and just wanted to say something.

A black shadow suddenly rushed out from the Guanghan Palace.

Beiyuan Baiqiu was a little stunned, and before he could say anything, his attention shifted to the past.

The black shadow was behind a few flashes.

Without hesitation, he even drilled into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu.

In the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu, he found a comfortable position for himself and lay down comfortably.

“Yu Free?”

Chang’e saw this figure.

Those clear and moving eyes were also full of surprise at this moment.

Because of this figure.

It was Chang’e’s pet, Yu Fu.

It is the only existence in the Guanghan Palace that has been accompanying Chang’e.

Only now.

But it was in front of Chang’e.

Drilled into the arms of another man.

That’s a bit of an unbelievable one.

“I really didn’t expect that Lord White Night was only coming to Guanghan Palace for the first time, and Yu Yue was so close to you.”

“You know, except for the concubine, the concubine has never seen Yu Fei get close to anyone.”

Chang’e shook her head, her voice full of surprise, watching Kitahara Baiqiu speak softly.

At this moment, in her heart, she was also more curious about Biyuan Baiqiu.

What kind of person is this person?

“Really? It turned out that she was Yu Fu. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, looked at the little guy who suddenly burrowed into his arms, and gently stroked her little head.

Chang’e’s jade exemption.

It is also a very famous existence.

It is indeed rare to be able to be so close to him when you meet. It seems that many of my talents have come into play at this moment.

Chang’e looked at the intimate Kitahara Baiqiu and Yu Yue.

Blinking, the expression on his face was also somewhat subtle.

After all, Yu Fu was originally only intimate with her.

Now that he was intimate with Beiyuan Baiqiu, this made Chang’e’s heart full of strange feelings.

Her heart is not as calm as it seems.

The appearance of Yu Wai.

Just a little episode.

The atmosphere between Kitahara Baiqiu and Chang’e became somewhat subtle.

Kitahara Baiqiu caressed Yu Yu in his arms, looked at the beautiful fairy who was only separated by a round table of his own, and continued to speak with a smile: “The fairy did not believe in meeting me because of the relationship between the Heavenly Emperor, but I don’t know, why is the fairy looking for me?” ”

Chang’e heard this, withdrew her gaze from Jade Rabbit’s body, looked back at Beiyuan Baiqiu and said, “There is no special reason, just that after accidentally seeing Lord White Night, I simply want to meet with Lord White Night and get to know him.” ”

“A simple acquaintance?”

Kitahara asked with a surprised face.

Chang’e nodded softly, and then asked, “Lord White Night, can the concubine ask you a question?” ”

“Nature can.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

“Lord White Night, do you think the concubines are beautiful?”

Chang’e moved a little closer, and her exquisite and beautiful face reflected in the eyes of Beiyuan Baiqiu, the beauty was suffocating, and the beauty was heartwarming.

Just this question……… Kitahara Bai Qiu was slightly stunned.

“Nature is beautiful, and I think that in the box court, the fairy’s appearance can be called the first.”

Kitahara Baiqiu opened his mouth directly and praised Chang’e, of course, these words are also sincere words.

The White Night Fork is naturally beautiful, and Sun Wukong is also beautiful.

The Queen of Halloween, Skaha, and the Two Goddesses are also not far behind, and they are very beautiful.

But the problem is that compared to Chang’e, Kitahara Baiqiu always feels a little bit worse

Chang’e is really that kind of style, that kind of beauty already has a feeling that can’t be said.

It is estimated that anyone who reads it will be impressed, right? All in all, beautiful.

In the face of the ancient and modern, the first beautiful woman of the Chinese god system, Kitahara Bai Qiuquan had no psychological pressure.

“Thank you Lord White Night for your compliment.”

Chang’e smiled a little shyly, and her heart was actually a little excited to hear this.

Chang’e is naturally beautiful, but to say that the box court is the first, it is actually a bit extreme.

It’s just that since Kitahara Baiqiu said this, then she is naturally happy, after all, what woman in this world doesn’t like others to say that she is beautiful?

Fairies are no exception.

“Lord White Night thinks that the concubine is extremely beautiful, and the concubine naturally thinks that Lord White Night is extremely handsome.”

“In the box court, the handsomeness of Lord White Night, the concubine feels that it can also be called the first.”

Chang’e looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn, and her heart was also a little surprised, gently speaking and listening to Chang’e’s gentle whispers.

Kitahara Baiqiu was dumbfounded, what is this, is the business blowing each other?

It’s just that listening to Chang’e praise is really heart-warming.

“Then I also thank the fairy for the praise.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

Chang’e smiled slightly, and continued to ask, “Lord White Night, if it were you, after you accidentally saw the concubine, would you have the idea of getting acquainted with the concubine?” ”

“Nature will.”

Kitahara replied calmly.

Chang’e’s figure, appearance, posture, temperament, are all at the top.

If Kitahara Baiqiu saw Chang’e, how could he not have known her?

“Well, so the same is true of concubines, after inadvertently meeting Lord White Night, they have the idea of getting to know you, it’s as simple as that.”

See Kitahara White Autumn so calm.

Chang’e’s eyes were full of smiles, and she said compared to the original Bai Qiu.

It’s not just about looks.

More than that, it’s actually that feeling.

The feeling of inadvertently seeing Kitahara Baiqiu prompted Chang’e to act.

“Chang’e fairy, you seem to be a little different from what I imagined.”

Kitahara laughed softly at No.

“Then, in the imagination of Lord White Night, what should a concubine look like?”

Chang’e blinked, her face curious.

“The Chang’e fairy I imagined is far less than the fairy yourself, and Pi Ti is no different.”

Than the original white autumn road.

Chang’e was stunned at first.

Then he couldn’t help but smile softly, and he was also indebted to the courtesy, making tea in the empty cup for Kitahara Baiqiu…

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