Chapter 345: Wind and Rain Come! Restless Son Goku!!

[The long time has passed since you came to the world of the box. 】

[Discuss with all the two-digit detectives in the box, combined with your own exploration and cultivation.] 】

[You finally came to the door of the double digits, and you can break through to the double digits at any time]

[There are no difficulties, no difficulties. 】

Everything seems to be so natural with the passage of time, so natural. 】

It’s just that although you have really stepped into the double figures with one foot, you are not in a hurry to break through. 】

[You know that if you break through the double digits, you may cause a huge movement in the box, and many things will be hidden and exposed when you break through.] 】

You know what a lot of things in you will face once they are exposed. 】

[When the first simulation of the first time into the box court you Lingge correction broke through the triple digits, or the white night fork helped you to hide it before the layer was exposed.] 】

[But the gap between two and three digits is simply too great for this approach to be impossible to do again.] 】

As long as you break through the double digits, many things can no longer be hidden. 】

Now you still have a lot to do, and the time has not yet come.] 】

[So although you have reached the two-figure door, you can enter it with just one more step, but you are not in a hurry.] 】

[For the time being, just stand at the door and enter the door at any time.] 】



White Night Fork watched Kitahara White Autumn come out of the retreat, and also asked curiously about White Night Fork and Kitahara White Autumn.

The two of them really have the meaning of an old husband and wife now.

“Well, yes, I’ll be able to get in at any time, but it’s not the right time.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu glanced at Bai Ye Fork and replied.

Finding that Sun Wukong was actually there today, he also smiled at her lightly.

White Night Fork nodded knowingly.

She didn’t say much or ask Kitahara why Bai Qiu didn’t break through now.

Because the last time Kitahara Bai Qiu just came to the box court.

The White Night Fork found that the Northern Plains White Autumn had hidden a lot of things, and it was still hidden by using the identity of the king of the gods.

For this matter White Night Fork is still fresh in my memory.

Who knew what terrible things were hidden in Kitahara Baiqiu’s body. Whatever it is, breaking through the double digits is bound to be exposed.

It’s normal not to rush to break through.

It is better to say that it is precisely because there is no hurry to break through that it can better reflect the horror of the things hidden in the white autumn of the Northern Plains.

The White Night Fork was not worried about the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Because this guy is really perverted to the point where no one needs to worry.

“Master, Master, what are you talking about?” What’s going in? ”

Sun Wukong asked with a confused look on his face.

White Night Fork is also not surprised that Sun Wukong called her Master Lady.

Because Sun Wukong has been calling for a long time.

White Night Fork was still a little blushing and shy at first.

But now……… Call it.

Her relationship with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Sun Wukong is not wrong to call a teacher, anyway, sooner or later it will be called.

“Nothing, it’s just that your master is about to break through double figures.”

White Night Fork laughed softly and explained to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong’s eyes lit up and he said in surprise, “What?!!” ”

“Congratulations Master! Hey Master! ”

“Worthy of being a master, I was about to break through the double digits so soon, and I couldn’t find my own way at all.”

Sun Wukong is very happy.

Be happy for your master.

His master’s strength in the triple digits is very terrifying, if this breaks through the double digits, how strong it must be!

Sun Wukong is simply unimaginable.

When you reach the three digits, although the master can still guide you a little, but more importantly, you have to realize it yourself.

No two-digit digit is guided.

Therefore, although Sun Wukong is now a three-digit strength, he still can’t see his two-digit path.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the little girl who was happier than herself when she heard the news, and she was also dumbfounded.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Sun Wukong, looked at the queen who was now famous for shaking the entire box court, thought about it or said, “Goku, if one day I leave, you still have to run the community as I am now, chase your dreams, but don’t change too much, because I am only leaving temporarily, don’t let me not recognize you next time I come back.” ”

“Leave? Master, where are you going? ”

Sun Wukong was stunned and couldn’t help but ask.

Because of Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

To know that at her level, the premonition or something, but very accurate but……… But………

“Master, you’re almost over double digits!” When you break through the double figures, it is definitely the strongest! Is there anything else that can threaten you, Master?!! ”

Sun Wukong asked uneasily towards Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara shook his head, somewhat silent, without answering Sun Wukong’s question.

After a moment of silence, the White Night Fork said to Sun Wukong, “Okay, listen to your master, your master will not come back.” ”

Sun Wukong heard the words.

I suddenly understood that there was really going to be an accident.

And this matter may not even be solved by the joint efforts of the master and the master.

She took a deep look at Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork…

She knew that the two were hiding from her.

If you think about it, what does she know about her master? She has been relying on her own master all along………

Son Goku did not speak.

After looking at the two people for a moment, they just turned around and left.

Obviously, it wasn’t long since she saw the master, but she still left.

Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork looked at Sun Wukong’s back, and no one stopped them.

“I really didn’t expect that you would tell Goku directly.”

After Sun Wukong disappeared from sight, the White Night Fork! He said with a sigh.

“Nature is to say in advance, if something really happens to catch Goku off guard, she will only hit it more, and it is always good to have a psychological preparation.”

Kitahara said with a chuckle.

“Then why don’t you tell Goku about your perverted ability to restart?”

The White Night Fork glanced at Kitahara Bai Qiu and spat out.

“Didn’t I already say that? I’ll be back, and even if I really say it, it’s useless. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu first looked at Bai Yecha in surprise, and then he also began to explain: “Just like an ordinary little girl, after learning that her close parents are going to leave for several years, she is full of reluctance, crying and making trouble to stop it.” ”

“When you know that a person will die, even if you know that he will be resurrected in the future, how can you, as a close person of this person, not change the end of his death in the first place?” 」

“Goku is still just a little girl, she is young and vigorous, full of momentum, whether she knows it or not, she naturally can’t approve of my death, and it doesn’t matter whether she says it or not.”

White Night Fork nodded.

Indeed, this may be the case with the character of Son Goku.

In layman’s terms.

It’s all the way, a bit idealistic.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with idealism.

It’s that reality is really hard to sustain idealism.

“Little girl, little girl, now that Goku is a little girl, it is estimated that it is only you.”

The White Night Fork suppressed his inner emotions and said jokingly on the surface.

Sun Wukong said with a dumb smile, “Don’t look at that lady outside is the Great Sage of Qi Tian, the Queen, it is a three-digit exception, and there are few strong people in the whole box court who can match.” ”

“But she’s in front of me, isn’t she the little girl?”

Yeah, don’t look at Sun Wukong outside how beautiful it is.

But in front of Kitahara Baiqiu, wasn’t he still the little girl who had studied art from his teacher?

“So, she’s going to trouble you when the time comes, White Night Fork.”


White Night Fork nodded…

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