Chapter 347: The Sun Sovereignty of the White Night Fork! Rescue Alger!!

[The next day.] 】

[The White Night Fork wakes up earlier than you.] 】

[She looked at you sleeping and smiled slightly, leaning on you full of happiness.] 】

[You and this strongest Star Spirit Maiden in the box court have finally cultivated the right results]

[Watching you fall asleep.] 】

[White Night Fork naturally wants to do something.] 】

She took out her sun sovereignty and wanted it all to you. 】

But before she could do it, you woke up and stopped her. 】

You watch White Night Fork take out all her sun sovereignty, and you know what she wants to do. 】

[This girl is not as calm as she seems on the surface.] 】

[Again.] 】

Even if you know that you will return sooner or later in the future, as your close person, how can the White Night Fork watch you die? 】

[It’s just that the White Night Fork is different from Sun Wukong.] 】

Sun Wukong feels that as long as he resists, as long as he works hard, as long as he tries his best, then the possibility of success is very large. 】

[And the White Night Fork knows that even you yourself have given up, that basically can’t be avoided, can’t resist.] 】

After all, no one knows you better than you do. 】

White Night Fork doesn’t know how dangerous it really is, but she’s willing to do everything she can to help you. 】

All her own sun sovereignty is a piece of her heart. 】

[You must know that the current solar sovereignty of the White Night Fork is more than half of it.] 】

[She has more than a dozen solar sovereignty on her body.] 】

[This is undoubtedly a very terrifying force.] 】

It’s just that you don’t think it’s really necessary. 】

[So much solar sovereignty doesn’t help you?] Of course not. 】

[But the White Night Fork gave you all her sun sovereignty, how much impact that would have on her.] 】

[As the star spirit of the sun and the white night, it has many sun-related spirits such as heliocentric theory, but there is not a single sun sovereignty on the body?] How ridiculous is that? 】

[It’s no exaggeration.] 】

[Hand over all these sun sovereignty, not to mention the double digits, and the strength of the White Night Fork may even fall to three digits.] 】

[Because by then, she basically had only one shaken human final trial ‘Heavenly Movement Theory’ to get her hands on.] 】

[Under the influence of heliocentric theory.] 】

[The White Night Fork basically has a certain impact on her strength every time it lacks a sun sovereignty.] 】

[Just one or two less has little impact, less than half will definitely be turbulent.] 】

[The kindness of the White Night Fork is yours to understand.] 】

[But sacrificing the White Night Fork to complete yourself, you still can’t do this kind of thing.] 】

You kissed this beautiful star spirit who was thinking about you and stopped her. 】

[White Night Fork was silent for a moment, and smiled helplessly.] 】

What else can she say to you, who is reluctant to take even one of the sovereignty of the sun from her? 】

[The outside form is intensifying.] 】

[The atmosphere between the demon court and the heavenly court also became heavier and heavier, and even conflicts broke out at the beginning.] 】

[The Buddhist monks related to the Chinese divine system are also unable to stay out of the matter and are involved.] 】

[The countless gods and communities in the box court are all concerned about the anxiety between these three strongest forces, and everyone knows that sooner or later a great war will break out between the three forces.] 】

[Many of the gods are worried, because they don’t know how much it will involve at that time.] 】

[And during this time.] 】

[You and the White Night Fork seem to be indifferent to the outside world, and staying together intimately every day is almost like a honeymoon.] 】

[White Night Fork cherishes every day that is now with you, the beautiful girl with long white hair, and also temporarily forgets other things.] 】

[And during this period.] 】

[You also heard an interesting thing, and the expression of the White Night Fork is also a little subtle. 】

[You and the White Night Fork looked at each other and couldn’t laugh and cry, and then you went out hand in hand.] 】

[What you have heard about, of course, is because of the matter of Alger, one of the three major problem children.] 】

Today, Argel, who has been defeated again, has been taken over by the Greek gods and installed in Medusa’s divine personality. 】

[The fiercest demon star who once sat on an equal footing with the White Night Fork and the Queen of Halloween is now even reduced to four figures.] 】

Of course this is not the most critical. 】

[The most important thing is that this guy turned into four figures and was not honest, and even offended Athena.] 】

[Not surprisingly, she will be reduced to five figures by the compressed Linge again, and she will even be enslaved.] 】

After all, it is the girl who is related to you, and you still decided to rescue it.] 】

[Due to the conflict between the Demon Court and the Heavenly Court, your departure from the White Night Fork did not attract the attention of others.] 】

[It is better to say that Alger is not concerned about it now.] 】

[After all, Alger is now reduced to four figures, which is comparable to the sensation caused by the Demon Court and the Heavenly Court.] 】

[All fell to four figures and still restless, it is estimated that only Alger, four digits are not honest, then the Greek gods do not want to how to pinch how to pinch? At most. 】

[When you and the White Night Fork come to the site where the Greek gods are located, and find Alger.] 】

[The two of you saw Alger, who was already drunk, snorting and sleeping.] 】

[Perseus, on the other hand, is sneaking up on her, ready to behead her to accomplish his great deeds.] 】

Even if Argel is now down to four figures, it is not something that Perseus can deal with.] 】

In order to destroy Argel, Perseus had to use this method. 】

[When you and the White Night Fork see this situation, they both have subtle expressions and can’t help but hold their foreheads.] 】

[Alger is really arrogant, and his brain is not bright, and it can only be said that it is normal to have such an ending.] 】

[You slapped Perseus in the face, and naturally saved Argel without hesitation.] 】

[Alger was shocked when he heard the movement, and naturally he was also awakened.] 】

[In the confusion, Argel opened her eyes, the drunkenness of the god brew had not been completely expelled, and her spirit was still in a state of confusion. 】

Then, she saw you. 】

Seeing that your Alger didn’t react much, and even seemed to be ready to roll over and continue to sleep, you were even a little speechless about it. 】

[So Alger didn’t really go back to sleep, and not long after closing her eyes again, she suddenly sat up again.] 】

[When she reacted, she suddenly really was yin.] 】

In an instant, like a sleeping lion, Argel’s spirit was completely released, and the entire Greek god system began to vibrate. 】

[The many main gods of the Greek god system also began to move at this moment.] 】

[The matter of Argel, although no one in the outside world pays much attention to the affairs between the demon court and the heavenly court, the Greek god system itself is still very careful.] 】

[Alger’s sudden movement made people even wonder if Perseus had failed and caused Alger’s rebellion.] 】

Zeus and the Lord Gods were also shocked when they came here to see you and the White Night Fork. 】

They naturally know you and the White Night Fork, because you and the White Night Fork’s reputation in the box court is really too great. 】

Zeus, with a solemn look in his eyes, asked you what you were here for. 】

You are naturally blunt in saying that you have come to take Alger away. 】

The gods were very shaken, but they did not dare to stop them at all. 】

After Zeus was silent for a long time, he pointed to Perseus, who had been knocked unconscious by you, and asked if you should give him an explanation. 】

[You are blunt, what is the account?] 】

[As a strong man, you already look down on Perseus, a man who steals chickens and dogs to win the victory, and what else do you want to say.] 】

[In this way, you and the White Night Fork walked out with Argel and also under the angry and angry eyes of the Greek gods.] 】

[In the face of you and the White Night Fork, none of them dared to act rashly, not even Zeus.] 】

You took Alger away under their watchful eye. 】

[The gods of the Greek deity dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.] 】

Although it is your nemesis, the Greek gods are really nothing to you now, not even a threat.] 】

[It is not easy to have many troubles in this period, so you have not taken a shot at the Greek gods for the time being, but have taken Alger away.] 】

[Alger was naturally very dishonest to be taken away by you, constantly asking who you really were and why you took her.] 】

[To be honest, you also have some headaches for children on this issue, but her kind of personality is also an extremely cute kind of it, well, although the headache, but the beautiful idiot will also be liked by some people, right?] 】

[You also helped Alger recover his memory, and after Alger remembered, his eyes directly lit up, and he constantly exclaimed.] 】

She screamed and was amazed, just like a small child, completely without the appearance of the most fierce demon star. 】

[You can’t cry and laugh about this, naturally you also handed over Alger to the White Night Fork, and the White Night Fork smiled and agreed.] 】

[Two-digit tube four-digit, for the white night fork, naturally easy and easy]

[I have to say that the White Night Fork is indeed like your main palace at this moment.] 】

[And Alger’s attempt to restore three-digit strength is simple, as long as the Greek god system is destroyed.] Garden】

[In his excitement, Argel naturally asks you when you will destroy the Greek gods.] 】

[You laughed softly at this, and said that you would go whenever you wanted.] 】

[Greek Theology.] 】

[I have long been distracted by you.] 】。

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