Chapter 362 Three people on the stage! The three gods in the audience!!

Otono Kisaka Gakuen.

The time soon came to the afternoon.

At the moment in the backstage of the school broadcast hall.

Takasaka Hotaru, Minami Kotori, and Miyama Tsunemi have all already put on their costumes.

Sitting backstage, nervous no.

Although the encounter with the White Night is still fresh in the memory, it was only a small episode after all.

Their main goal.

Naturally, it is also an idol activity to save the school.

“Bird, bird, I’m not wearing the reverse clothes, right?”

Sitting on the sidelines, his hands clutching his clothes, and looking at his exposed thighs from time to time, Yuantian Haiwei’s face was full of trepidation.

As soon as these words came out, Nan Xiaobird, who was originally a little nervous in his heart, looked at the nervous and restless Yuan Tian Haiwei.

I couldn’t help but smile, and the nervousness in my heart suddenly eased a lot.

The South Bird hadn’t had time to answer yet.

Takasaka Hotaru said with a big grin, “Ah, Xiaohai, how do you do it when you are so nervous, usually the school uniform is also a short skirt, how to wear this is nervous.” ”

Takasaka Hotaru’s hand lifted and pulled, and the funny directly pulled up Hae-mi’s thigh, “Uh-huh, not bad!” I tested it by hand, and my thighs were very elastic and full of marks. ”

“Spike is the fruit!!!”

Enda Haiwei immediately blushed with shame, glared at Takasaka Hotaru with a vicious stare, and retorted loudly, “What are you doing!” And, and can this be the same as a school uniform? The school uniform is the school uniform, this, this……… All in all, it’s so shameless! ”

“No, shameless?”

Nan Xiaobird was still smiling at the two of them.

However, when he heard the words of Enda Haiwei, he was immediately shocked.

Because these clothes…

She took it out or designed it.

Nan Xiaobird looked at Yuan Tian Haiwei with tears in his eyes, looking like he was about to cry.

The cute look that I see is extremely heartwarming.

“That, that… Little bird, I’m not talking about you. ”

Looking at Nan Xiaobird’s expression, Yuan Tian Hai suddenly panicked and quickly explained.

“It’s too much, Xiaohai, you’re too much, you see what you said.”

Takasaka Hotaru Naoko awe-inspiringly accuses Entada Kaimi.

“You also said! If it weren’t for Hotaru you suddenly saying that school idols can help the school, and then pulling me hard, would I be so foolish? ”

Yuenda Hai did not stare at Takasaka Hotaru no Go, and she did not have a good look for Takasaka Hotaru.

“Huh? or something, but Xiaohai you didn’t refuse either, didn’t you? I think you’re also very positive. ”

“Isn’t that something I can’t refuse at all!!!”

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the background.

The girls were playing and joking.

I have to say that this also eased the nervous hearts of the three young girls a lot, after all, it was the first time on stage.

Even the most heartless looking Takasaka Hotaru was very nervous after a fight.

The three girls looked at each other, and they all had smiles on their faces.

“It’s a bit of a shame to say it now, but I’m going to say that we don’t necessarily succeed, or we probably will…”

“It will work!”

“No, I mean…”

“Absolutely will succeed!”

The sky was suddenly full of black lines, and he had no idea where Takasaka Hotaru’s confidence came from.

As a good friend for many years, although she was pulled by Takasaka Hotaru no Go, in her opinion, things would not go so smoothly.

After all, even adults can’t solve the school abandonment crisis, let alone children, and reality is so easy.

Yuenda didn’t really want to squeeze Takasaka Hotaru’s face into a meat bun and ask where her confidence came from.

“Poof, it’s a small fruit.”

Nan Xiaobird couldn’t help but smile at the side.

Her eyes looked gently at Takasaka Hotaru, and she knew it was difficult.

But if things are likely to succeed, it must be because of Takasaka Hotaru

Minami Kotori feels that at least Takasaka Hotaru’s self-confidence has to be said to be very infectious.

“Well, although the first time you live, there may be no one there.”

Takasaka touched his head and said embarrassedly.

She was self-aware about this.

Yuan Tian Hai did not cry and laughed.

And you know……

“Now, you say, the man we met this morning, will he come?”

The South Bird asked in a low voice at this time.

Takasaka Hotaru and Enda Kaiwei were both stunned and glanced at each other.

Of course they knew who the South Bird was talking about.

The South Bird naturally speaks of the White Night.

The feeling that the white night brings to them is actually very special, and this special feeling is that they have known the white night a long time ago………

“Definitely coming, so we just have to look forward to it.”

Takasaka Hotaru smiled softly, and this time he said with certainty.

Although it was only the first time to see.

But she inexplicably felt that White Night was not the kind of person who broke his faith.

Miyata Kaimi and Minami Kotori also laughed when they heard Takasaka Hotaru’s words.

And at this very moment.

Takasaka Hotaru’s cell phone also rang.

Takasaka Hotaru looked up at the crowd with a smile on his face, “It’s time, we’re going to play, the first step to saving the school!” ”

Enada and Minami looked at each other.

He also came to Takasaka Hotaru’s side, with a smile on his face, and the three girls held hands.

“Before we get on stage, let’s make a number.”




“Muse! Come on!!! ”

With the voices of the three maidens, the dark curtain was slowly pulled open.

After experiencing the glare of light, the scene of the auditorium also appeared in front of the three maidens.

Empty, deserted, silent….

Time, as if frozen in this moment.

The three girls held each other’s hands, and they could feel the coldness in each other’s palms

Even Takasaka Hotaru was a little stunned at the moment, and his face was full of disbelief.

She had very few people who wanted to come over, but she didn’t think that no one would come………

There is nothing to describe the mood of the three young girls today.

“Small fruit…”

Enta’s voice trembled a little, and he subconsciously looked at Takasaka Hotaru with concern.

“Little fruit……”

The same goes for the South Bird.

Their hearts are naturally very uncomfortable and desperate.

After all, after working so hard for so long, it is only such a result.

But they knew that the one who paid the most was Takasaka Hotaru.

In this situation now, they are naturally more worried about Takasaka Hotaru than themselves…

“What’s wrong? Because the audience is too small, don’t you sing? ”

And at this very moment.

Suddenly, a voice from the audience sounded, and he said with a chuckle.

The three of them were stunned when they heard this.

Then they looked back at the stage, and what they saw was the white night.


Yuan Tian Hai was not full of surprise.

Because she hadn’t seen the White Night just now, it had suddenly appeared.

It was unbelievable.

Missed? But it’s impossible.

Because at this moment I came to the studio hall.

Not only the white night, but also two women.

Yuan Tian Hai did not see the two women, and the expression on his face was directly frozen.

Because the two are so beautiful.

It feels like a goddess.

Rather, the two are goddesses themselves!

Hestia, the goddess of fire, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

“I’ve brought two friends here, you don’t mind.”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and asked.

“I don’t mind, of course I don’t care.”

Takasaka wiped his face and said with a beautiful smile on his face

This feeling of despair enveloping the heart and then being illuminated is really a great touch to the heart.

“Come on, little bird, little sea, let’s get started!”

Takasaka Hotaru said loudly.

“Hmmm!” x2。

Minami Kotori and Enada Hai did not look at Takasaka Hotaru no Go.

He nodded happily.

With a click, the dim lights in the audience completely dimmed, and the stage was also dark.

With the spotlight coming on.

It also represents the beginning of the performance of the girls.

Bai Ye looked at this scene and smiled slightly on his face.

Three people on stage.

But offstage……… But it was three gods.

The gold content of this concert audience is definitely more than all concerts in the world.

Looking at the three young girls wielding youth, their faces full of smiles.

The White Night also returns to Hestia and Artemis.

“What, what do you think of seeing them?”

Bai Ye smiled and asked, “Thoughts…”

Hestia looked at the three maidens gently, and said with a bitter smile, “If it weren’t for the fact that there were no gods in your world on the White Night, I would probably have regarded them as Aorit, Merethe, and Monet.” ”

A’Yd, Mehlethe, Monet.

These are the original three goddesses of the Muse of Greek mythology.

“It’s a bit unbelievable.”

The moon god Artemis nodded and said, “If it is a world with gods, I think they must be the reincarnation of the muse, and it is no accident that they should be very popular in the future, and even fire all over the world.” ”

“Well, that’s how I feel the same way, and besides us, there will be other people here.”

Hestia looked around and said softly.

It seems that there are only three of them who watch Takasaka Hotaru perform, but there are actually six people who exist.

That, of course, is also the other members of the Muse.

They were hiding.

But of course, it could not hide from Hestia.

Hestia shook her head and her face was full of smiles.

She and Artemis were called out alone by the White Night, and there was something strange about it.

Even the girls in the family were strange.

The result was unexpectedly, but it was indeed a bit unexpected.

The μs of this world………

If the muse of their world meets the μs of this world.

I’m afraid it’s also very interesting.

Hestia smiled slightly.

For their words, Bai Ye’s face was also full of smiles, which was not surprising.

Then they didn’t say much.

Instead, I enjoyed the performance of the three of them.

With the passage of time, the music on the stage fell, and naturally it was also the end of the performance.

“It’s wonderful, I didn’t want to come here on purpose.”

After the performance, White Night also highly appreciated it.

Takasaka Hotaru no Go, Minami Bird, and Enda Hai have not heard of it.

There was a fine sweat on his forehead, and he gasped for breath, and naturally he also showed a happy smile.

“Thank you!!!”

The three said in unison.

White Night smiled and nodded slightly.

Then he took Hestia and Artemis and prepared to leave.

“That! Wait, can you tell me your name! Will we ever have a chance to meet later? ”

Just as the White Night was getting ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, it was not Takasaka Hotaru who stopped the white night, but Minami Bird Takasaka Hotaru and Miyama Kaimi, who looked at her in amazement.

Nan Xiaobird’s face was slightly red, but he still looked expectantly at the white night.

“My name is White Night, and as for the future, we will naturally have the opportunity to see White Night again.”

White Nights………

Takasaka Hotaru is a fruit, Yuenda Kaiwei, and Minami Kotori naturally keep this name in mind.

Some of the girls who were hiding also secretly wrote it down.

And then.

White Night smiled at several people again after that.

With Hestia and Artemis, they also disappeared directly in the same place.

Everyone watched this scene.

The faces were all directly frozen.

Gone, gone?! Child!


The screams of the maiden.

Suddenly, it also resounded throughout the recording hall…

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