Chapter 374 Gensokyo Origins! The name of the Yokai Sage!!

【After leaving the Hakuri Shrine.] 】

[Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka undoubtedly understand your strength and position in this world.] 】

In the past, they were too weak to reach and were not qualified to know. 】

But now there is no doubt that they just went out and learned about you. 】

[Hearing that you have also traveled in many places in this world, they are naturally excited and ready to walk in the places you have walked.] 】

[They didn’t reveal their relationship with you, after all, they didn’t come out of the fox fake tiger.] 】

[And it wasn’t long before the fame of the two, unsurprisingly, resounded throughout the world.] 】

After the two of them defeated a big demon in the realm of a high-level youkai, the whole world was shocked. 】

After all, the gap between the high-level youkai and the big demon is not a star and a half, but a huge one.] 】

[Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka undoubtedly entered the sight of many big demons.] 】

[It wasn’t long before Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka officially stepped into the level of the Great Demon, which shocked countless people even more, and no one dared to despise them anymore.] 】

[The two also completely stepped into the stage of the world’s pinnacle.] 】

[At the Hakurei Shrine, you heard the news of Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka one by one, and your reputation grew bigger and bigger, and you smiled lightly.] 】

[Not at all surprised by this.] 】

[It’s better to say that if they can’t do this, you will feel surprised]

[It is worth mentioning. 】

[After leaving the Hakari-i Shrine, Kazemi Yuka really remembered your words and never came back.] 】

[Yakumo Zi, on the other hand, came back several times using the ability of the gap.] 】

[According to her, the things outside are too hard to eat, so I want to come back and eat what Brother White Night has made.] 】

[If you don’t come back often, you call it a regular return, and if something comes back often, is that called coming back often?] 】

According to her account, she secretly came back with Kazemi Yuka, and Kazemi Yuka had no idea that she had returned. 】

[You look at Yakumo Zi who stole beams and changed pillars, and you are also angry and funny, and you can’t help but shake your head and look at Yakumo Purple with pity.] 】

[Is there something that can be hidden for a while, a lifetime?] 】

“Now Kazemi Yuka doesn’t know, but if she knows in the future, what will happen to Yakumo Purple is self-evident.] 】

Yakumo Zi naturally didn’t care, and waved his hand to say something like a big husband, a big. 】

[Concealing it for a while is a moment, and then it will be said when it is really discovered.] 】

There is no doubt that she was completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter. 】

[Looking at Yakumo Purple who died like this, you calmly drank tea and naturally said nothing more.] 】

After eating, Yakumo Zi was undoubtedly satisfied. 】

After she spits on you and eats your stuff, she can’t eat anything outside anymore.] 】

[After Kazemi Yuka went out, she tried the outside food a few times, and I never ate anything again.] 】

[But Kazemi Yuka is the embodiment of nature, and now she is no longer the weak and small she was then, and it doesn’t matter if she never eats.] 】

[Yakumo Purple said that as an ordinary youkai, she still needs to eat.] 】

[So I can’t blame her when I come back often, I blame you for raising her appetite]

Yakumo Purple even pretended to say that you were responsible for her. 】

[You knocked Yakumo Zi’s head in disgust.] 】

[As she wished, the earth was indeed responsible for her.] 】

[Well, responsible for teaching Yakumo Purple how to make delicious dishes.] 】

[It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish.] 】


Yakumo Zi was only halfway through her studies, and she fled in a hurry. 】

[Learning to cook is not suitable for her at all.] 】

[She went straight into the gap on the pretext that she couldn’t be discovered by Yuka Kazemi that she had sneaked back.] 】

[Watching Yakumo Zi escape, you also chuckled twice.] 】

[In the following days, Yakumo Zi naturally ran back to eat and drink, and told you about her experience of seeing the wind and seeing the fragrance by the way.] 】

[With the passage of time, more experience has been experienced.] 】

Yakumo Purple also slowly began to be a little silent. 】

[Because they have experienced too much along the way, and they have seen too much.] 】

When they were weak before, they had already done their best just to keep themselves in their hands, and they had no time to observe the world. 】

[But now, Yakumo Purple is discovered.] 】

[In this world, there are too many people like when she was a child with Kazemi. 】

[She and Kazemi Yuka are lucky to meet you, if they don’t meet you, what will happen to them?] 】

[Yakumo Purple can’t imagine it.] 】

It is precisely because I have experienced and seen these things that Yakumo Zi’s heart will be more touched.] 】

“Brother White Night, you say, why is this world like this?” “】

[Yakumo Zi asked you, she is not very kind, but she has seen a lot, and she is indeed a little confused. 】

“Because that’s the way the world is, no one has stepped up to change it yet.” “】

[You chuckled and replied to Yakumo Purple.] 】

Yakumo Zi heard this, and a determined expression suddenly appeared on her face, and she suddenly had an idea in her heart, although it was difficult to implement, but she wanted to try. 】

“Brother White Night, if I want to be this world-changing person, will you help me?” “】

“Of course, whatever you want to do, I am naturally on your side”]

[In the face of Yakumo Zi’s question, you smiled and replied like this.] 】

Yakumo Zi also smiled, with your support, her heart is also bottomed. 】

Her ideas are not yet mature, and she needs to make a detailed plan. 】

[After this meal, Yakumo Purple also left as always.] 】

[Unlike before, this time she has her own goals and ideals.] 】

[You also chuckled a few times when you looked in the direction Yakumo Zi left.] 】

[You know, this is the original origin of the future Gensokyo establishment.] 】

[After another period of time.] 】

[The name of the Yakumo Purple Demon Sage also resounded throughout the world.] 】

[The Sages… Sages…]

【What is a sage?】 】

[Sages undoubtedly refer to people who are wise, talented, and of high character.] 】

[Leave nothing else at that. 】

At least today’s Yakumo Purple is a veritable youkai sage, not a future idler… Million].

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