Chapter 379 The examiner opens the hanging for the candidate! Who can stand this!!

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye may be joking.] 】

But there’s no doubt you’re not kidding. 】

[Afterwards.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye did not mention this matter, but every time he saw your face was slightly red, and his eyes were a little evasive.] 】

[You take care of the girl’s thin noodles, naturally there is no tacit understanding without taking the initiative in advance, as always, as if it were the same as usual.] 】

[But the atmosphere between you has obviously changed, and you have begun to have the breath of love.] 】

[Yakumo Purple gritted her teeth at this after discovering it, but she had no choice but to keep secretly saying something to Yakumo Blue.] 】

[Yakumo Blue makes a cute exclamation every time, secretly watching your face full of redness. 】

[She doesn’t resist you either, but…… But she wasn’t ready for that, and she really couldn’t do anything in front of the Purple Lord. 】

Yakumo Zi only hates iron and steel, and sees that you are about to be robbed, and it doesn’t matter who is before and after whom.] 】

[If it weren’t for the fact that she has a lot of things now and no time, she is on her own]

[Yakumo Blue is really too indisputable.] 】

[Yakumo Zi sighed, but also thanks to the wind and the wind now do not know, otherwise Yakumo Zi can hardly imagine what kind of horror scene it will be, it is estimated that the sky has been described, right? 】

[You are naturally all aware of the small movements of Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue, and you are also laughing at this.] 】

[If this is Lolita’s cultivation, you are probably successful in cultivation]

[The days go by day by day.] 】

[The things that Penglai Shan Hui Ye was worried about undoubtedly happened.] 】

[Five high-ranking nobles with prominent identities still came here, and after seeing the legendary Hui Ye Ji, they were naturally shocked.] 】

[Hui Ye Ji’s beauty, of course, goes without saying.] 】

[The five of them proposed to Penglai Shan Hui Ye at the same time.] 】

Although the past was temporarily shirked, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was undoubtedly very distressed about this. 】

[Although she joked about marrying you, she got through this difficult time with you pretending to be a husband and wife.]

But without your permission, how can she really involve you, involve you, and cause you trouble? 】

[Under the expectation of Taketori Ong, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was a little helpless, but he also came up with a way.] 】

[She first superficially responded to Taketori’s expectations, but then there was a premise, that is, these five people had to grant her a small request to find her favorite thing in order to be the wife of that person.] 】

[But in fact, these few things that Penglai Mountain Hui Ye said were impossible for mortals to achieve.] 】

[The first is the prince of the Shizhu Kingdom.] 】

Hui Ye Ji asked him to take the stone bowl of the Tianzhu Guofo. 】

[The second is the Prince of Che Zhiguo.] 】

[Hui Ye Ji said that there is a fairy mountain in the East China Sea named Penglai Mountain, there is a tree on the mountain, the root is silver, the trunk is golden, and the tree bears the fruit of white jade, Hui Ye Ji asked the prince to fold a branch for her. 】

[The remaining three.] 】

Hui Ye Ji also asked them to take Tang Tu’s fire rat fur, the five-colored jade glowing on the dragon’s head, and the swallow’s son Amber.] 】

[This is the famous Taketori Monogatari.] 】

[The original intention of Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was to make these people retreat in disbelief.] 】

But her beauty is too dusty. 】

Even these five things are all illusory things at first hearing, but these high-ranking nobles are willing to work hard for this one by one. 】

[This is why there is a later story.] 】

[And just after Penglai Shan Hui Ye made a request to the five people.] 】

[Your figure also appears in everyone’s sight.] 】


“Since I proposed to Hui Yeji, why are I missing?”

Accompanied by such a light laugh.

The white night also walked in front of several people in full view of everyone.

Seeing the appearance of the white night, everyone was stunned.

And the people who watched the liveliness without exception also recognized the white night.

White Nights have only appeared once in the village.

But the impression he gave was really too profound.

Many people are in an uproar at this moment.

After seeing the white night, in fact, many people think that the white night and the hui night Ji are the real male and female appearances, a pair created by heaven and earth.

But because White Night only appeared once, and never appeared again, people thought that White Night and Hui Ye Ji might be inseparable.

Some people even regret it.

But no one expected that when Hui Ye Ji was proposed by five big people, White Night actually appeared again.

“It turned out to be the White Night Prince.”

When Taketori saw the white night, he also quickly got up to greet him.

His impression of the White Night was also extremely profound.

And more than anyone else.

In Taketori’s view, White Night is also the most suitable for his daughter.

White Night has come once and never came again, which has made Taketori very disappointed, and now that White Night has come, it is clear that Night still cares about his daughter.

This naturally makes Taketori feel very good.

The five people who were proposing to Hui Ye Ji and had a prominent status were also tight in their hearts after seeing the White Night.

Without him, the white night is so handsome.

Although it does not mean that the handsome will necessarily become the final winner.

But handsome to this point, the advantage over them is undoubtedly much greater.

The five of them faced the white night and also felt a huge pressure.

Bai Ye did not care about the five people, but after arching his hand towards Taketori Weng first, his face was full of smiles as he looked at the Penglai Mountain Huiye.

“How did you get here?”

Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at Bai Ye with some surprise on his face, only to feel that his heart was beating faster and his face was a little hot.

She sat behind the curtain and asked softly through it.

“Me? Naturally, I also came to propose to Miss Hui Ye. ”

White Night looked at the five people and said with a chuckle.


Penglai Mountain Hui night hearsay.

For a moment I just felt that my heart was faster.

It turned out to be that…… Isn’t that kidding? Are they all true?

Whether it was the promise to marry her, or the first time the two met White Night said that it was just to meet her simply to see her, it was all true…?

Penglai Shanhui’s face was full of redness, and he didn’t know what to say.

Because it’s not surprising to put it on other people.

But put it on the white night, it is still a little strange.

“Well, since Miss Hui Ye has made a request to all five of them, let us also make a request.”

White Night smiled softly and opened his mouth again.

Hearing this, the hearts of the Che Holding Prince, the Shizhu Prince, and the Fujiwara were suddenly tight.

They were really afraid that Penglai Shan Hui Ye would casually mention an extremely relaxed condition, after all, seeing this person in front of them, this was not an impossible thing.

If the conditions are not equal, the white night is extremely relaxed.

Although they have no choice, they will also be extremely unwilling.

“Of course, since I arrived later than these five, Miss Hui Yeji can also raise her requirements for me a little, and I don’t mind at all.”

White Night glanced at the five people and added.

Penglai Shan Hui heard the words at night, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

If it wasn’t for the White Night’s reminder, she really almost fainted because of shyness just now, and subconsciously just casually made a request and fooled over.

Now with the reminder of the white night, the Penglai Mountain Hui Night naturally reacted.

“Since that’s the case, then Lord White Night will find all the things of the five of them for the concubines.”

The pleasant and ethereal voice of Penglai Mountain Hui Night sounded, full of laughter.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

The Prince of Che, the Prince of Carbamboo, Fujiwara and so on are just looking for the same.

But you have to find all five of the most precious treasures.

It’s difficult… Isn’t it a little too big?

Even Taketori was frowning at this moment.

And Fujiwara was naturally ecstatic when he heard the words of the five people.


White Night heard the words, of course, also agreed.

This made the onlookers even more stunned.

They didn’t expect that White Night would agree to be so cheerful.

In this regard, the White Night and the Penglai Mountain Glowing Night were separated by curtains, but they looked at each other and smiled…….

[So far.] 】

[The matter also ended temporarily.] 】

[The next day, the Penglai Mountain Glory Night Wind and Fire came to the Boli Shrine with a red fluttering expression on his face.] 】

[She complained to you that Taketori Ong blamed her yesterday for giving you the problem that was too difficult, but obviously only you can complete the conditions she proposed.] 】

[After complaining, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye also directly handed over Penglai’s jade branch fire rat Qiu and swallow Amber directly to you. 】

[You look at Penglai Mountain Huiye as if you are afraid that you will not be able to marry out.] 】

[I have to say.] 】

[Today’s Penglai Mountain Night, in addition to noble elegance, is also extremely pure.] 】

[Not as many messy ideas as the NEET Ji of the later generation.] Broad].

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