Chapter 381: The Medicine of Penglai! Kaze returns with a fragrance!!

[For Fujiwara Meihong’s question. 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye naturally held her little hand and smiled and told her that it was a good place.] 】

[You are also a little surprised that Penglai Mountain Hui took Fujiwara Sister Red up the mountain at night.] 】

[After all, Fujiwara Meihong is the daughter of Fujiwara no Bibi.] 】

Although Fujiwara is no better than waiting for Penglai Yuzhi to go to sea to find the illusory Penglai Immortal Island.] 】

[But Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was not afraid to wait for Fujiwara not to wait for the return, Fujiwara Meihong told Fujiwara no more than to wait for this matter.] 】

You shake your head and lose your smile. 】

[I just think that Penglai Mountain Hui Ye really likes this child.] 】

After introducing each other to each other, you also held the cute little sister Hong in your arms. 】

After all, you are very annoying to children, so although the little sister red face is slightly red, she is still peaceful and well-behaved and sits in your arms. 】

[This can make Penglai Mountain Hui Ye a little jealous.] 】

[She got along with Little Sister Hong for a long time before they became acquainted, and as a result, how long have you been together, and suddenly they are so close.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye looks jealous and cute, but I don’t know if I am eating your vinegar or eating my sister’s vinegar.] 】

[You laughed a few times, messed up the hair of Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, and then kissed the cute Hui Ye Ji. 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was naturally full of red halos on his face, and he bowed his head shyly.] 】

[This can make the sister Hong’s eyes widen at the side, because she didn’t expect that you and Penglai Mountain Hui Ye were so close.] 】

[You know, her father proposed to Penglai Mountain Huiye…]

[You and Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at the stupid little sister Hong, and naturally told her the reason.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye said that even if she rejected everyone, those people would not give up, and if you want to blame it, you can only blame you for proposing to her too late, obviously she waited so long.] 】

[Saying, Penglai Mountain Hui Night is also a good look at you white. 】

[You raised your hand to surrender, and the nature of the chuckle did not refute the words of Penglai Mountain Huiye, anyway, the girl is now all yours, then what she said is naturally right]

[The agreement between Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and those five people, including you, actually has a time limit, that is, three years.] 】

[After three years, whether or not several people find what Penglai Mountain Hui Ye said, they will all return here, and you will let everything end completely.] 】

[Xiao Meihong listened to you and Penglai Shan Huiye’s words and seemed to understand it, and her face was a little confused.] 】

It’s just that when you take out the five things that Hui Ye said and show them to Little Sister Hong, Little Sister Hong will understand that you have won. 】

[Although you are still young, but the first thing you get Hui Ye Ji wants, that is naturally to win, such a simple truth, Little Sister Hong still understands.] 】

[But if you win, it means that her father has lost, so at this moment, the little sister’s red face is full of entanglements.] 】

[You and Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at each other with a smile on their faces.] 】

[Little child, the mind is still simple, she does not know what this means, but she is playing, and soon she is not very concerned about this matter.] 】

If it weren’t for my father. 】

[Little Sister Hong actually thinks that you and Penglai Mountain Hui Ye are more like a pair of immortal couples.] 】

[The two of you stand together, it’s like a painting, it’s pleasing to the eye.] 】

[Three years is not long, and it is not short to say.] 】

[In these three years, Little Sister Hong is undoubtedly familiar with you, and cutely calls you White Night Brother, called Penglai Mountain Hui Night Sister.] 】

[Every time I follow Penglai Mountain Hui up the mountain at night, my face is full of happy and lively cute looks.] 】

[During this period, you asked Xiaomeihong if she wanted to learn something from you, and Xiaomeihong thought about it and agreed, so you also taught Xiaomeihong something]

[Of course, in addition, Little Sister Hong also knew Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue.] 】

[Yakumo Zi was shocked to see Little Sister Hong for the first time, looking at you and Hui Ye and Xiao Mei Hong’s family of three, she almost thought that Little Sister Red was your child.] 】

[After all, for you, it really doesn’t matter, no matter how bizarre it is, it is not surprising, after learning the truth, Yakumo Zi was relieved.] 】

【Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue are also very fond of the well-behaved and cute sister Hong】

[In recent years, because of Yakumo Purple, the outside world has actually been very turbulent.] 】

Today’s monsters can basically be divided into three factions, radical, conservative, and neutral. 】

[And Yakumo Purple is undoubtedly the leader of the conservatives.] 】

[It is undoubtedly a step closer to the realization of Yakumo Zi’s dream, and she also told you her plan for the first time.] 】

[She wants to create a place where many races such as human yokai and yokai spirits are mixed together around your shrine of Hakuri.] 】

[There, whether it is a human or a monster, whether strong or weak, as long as you do not take the initiative to cause chaos, you can live happily.] 】

【A real paradise!】 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye listened to it and was directly stunned, because of the difficulty of this…… It is self-evident that with so many races staying together, the possibility of no war is basically impossible. 】

[For this era, Yakumo Zi’s idea is not so much a dream as a dream.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye finally understood why this guy was called a monster sage, this guy…… It’s really trying to do that. 】

Of course, if you want to achieve this, you still have to find a way to solve some of the guys who are in the way first.] 】

Yakumo Zi said this, her eyes were full of coldness, and it was obvious that she had been hindered by some obstacles. 】

At the same time. 】

During this period, Kazemi Yuka finally came back once.] 】

[Seeing you again, the natural performance of the wind and the fragrance is also very pleasant. 】

[And she herself has undoubtedly grown a lot.] 】

[Yakumo Zi came back with her, and Yakumo Zi was also very surprised to see you, as if she had been reunited for a long time.] 】

[I have to say that Yakumo Purple is quite similar.] 】

[It’s just that the day before her, she also deliberately came to remind Penglai Mountain Hui Ye not to go up the mountain today…]

It’s not that she wants to help Penglai Mountain Hui Night. 】

[But now that the situation of the yokai has reached a critical period, Yakumo Zi does not want to see Yuka at this time to run away or anything, and even knows that she actually comes back often and has accidents.] 】

[So she could only grit her teeth and had to help Penglai Mountain Hui Ye once.] 】

[Kazemi Yuka did not stay too long when she came back this time, and before leaving, she undoubtedly expressed her heart to you, and you undoubtedly agreed.] 】

Kazemi Yuka’s face was full of surprise and kissed you. 】

[Nowadays, her reputation in the outside world is no smaller than Yakumo Purple, and even compared to Yakumo Purple, the existence of Katsumi Yuxiang is more frightening to many big demons.] 】

[Yakumo Purple’s idea Kazemi Yuka is supportive, and Kazemi Yuka feels that once Yakumo Purple’s idea is realized, they will be able to be with you forever.] 】

[So, in order to establish Gensokyo with Yakumo Zi, she also has something to do for the time being.] 】

[Three years.] 】

[No doubt it passed quickly.] 】

[Approaching the final result.] 】

[Because of you, Penglai Mountain Huiye, Fujiwara is not as good as the relationship, Fujiwara Meihong is undoubtedly beginning to be anxious again.] 】

[Three years of getting along, let Fujiwara Meihong understand that you and Penglai Shan Huiye are really in love, and the two of you should be together.] 】

But, but. 】

Fujiwara doesn’t know what will happen if her father fails. 】

No matter what, Fujiwara is her father, and she is naturally extremely worried. 】

[Looking at Fujiwara Sister Hong, you and Penglai Shan Huiye also have smiles on their faces.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye thought of something, and smiled and ran to Fujiwara Meihong to ask her if she wanted to be with you all the time.] 】

[Fujiwara Meihong turned back to God, looked at you and Penglai Mountain Huiye, naturally it was a positive answer.] 】

[Then Penglai Mountain Hui Ye took out the Penglai Immortal Island that you gave her, and tricked Fujiwara Meihong into eating it.] 】

[You look at this scene and know that although this is somewhat different from history, you don’t care very much.] 】

[Fujiwara Meihong has absolute trust in Penglai Mountain Huiye, and she naturally directly ate the Penglai Immortal Medicine.] 】

[After eating, Penglai Shan Hui Ye also told Sister Hong that this is a elixir that can never grow old after eating.] 】

[Fujiwara sister heard the words, and the expression on her face was directly frozen.] 】

[At the same time, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye also found you, and the expression on her face was a little worried, because a few days ago, Bayi Yonglin found her and said that she was about to return to the moon. 】

[You are not surprised by this matter, because you knew it when Bayi Yonglin came, and you told Penglai Mountain that it would be okay to have a night, and you would solve it.] 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Night was immediately relieved.] 】

[A few days later.] 】

[The five people who proposed to Penglai Mountain Hui Ye were undoubtedly gathered again.] 】

[In this regard, you are undoubtedly also pretending to be mixed in.] 】

[It’s just that compared to the gray face of the five days, it looks like a weathered and frosted look, but you are still personable, and the appearance of Yushu Linfeng seems out of place. 】

[The five people were all a little surprised to see you on your face.] 】

[Think you are too difficult to give up?] 】

[Even the many onlookers on the side thought so, whispering one by one.] 】

[You don’t care about that.] 】

[It didn’t take long for Taketori to summon you in as well.] 】。

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