Chapter 385: The Princess of the Undead! Yuyuko Saijoji!!

[Accompanied by the Bamboo Takeki Moon.] 】

[The story of Taketori Monogatari is actually the end.] 】

[This is a story with mythological overtones.] 】

[Under the witness of countless people, it is undoubtedly processed by people, and as a legend, it will be widely passed down in later generations.] 】

[In mythology, in fact, Hui Ye Ji asked the five people to find five kinds of treasures, all of which have different meanings.] 】

[And now.] 】

[Because you have your presence in the story.] 】

In addition to those five most precious things, the emperor undoubtedly has educational significance. 】

[He means in the story that no matter how supreme you are, you must not force others, otherwise you will be doomed.] 】

[If you think about it, it all feels a little funny.] 】

After leaving the village, it is naturally impossible for you and Penglai Mountain to really return to the moon. 】

After the mortals are gone, you ask to stop. 】

[You let the messenger of the moon go back and tell the moon night to see the zun, Hui Ye Ji you stayed, another day you will come to visit.] 】

[The emissaries of the moon are naturally extremely flustered by this, their task is to bring back the Penglai Mountain Huiye, and when they hear your words, they are a little confused for a while. 】

[In the end, it was Bayi Yonglin who sighed and asked these moon emissaries to go back for the time being, and she would stay behind to take care of Princess Huiye.] 】

After hearing that the sages of the moon had said this, the emissaries of the moon looked at each other, nodded and performed a salute to you, and then flew to the moon to report to the moon and the night. 】

[And you have undoubtedly returned to the Boli Shrine with Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and Bayi Yonglin.] 】

[When you think of the myths and legends in the future in which Hui Ye Ji and you will be married, you feel interesting again.] 】

[The only difference from other myths and legends is probably that you, the male protagonist, are not mortals in most myths, but the gods have a perfect ending, and there is no such miserable love between people and gods. 】

[But you already like a perfect ending, and in your opinion, this ending is better.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye looked at the smile on your face and asked curiously what you were thinking]

[You blinked, and naturally your own thoughts told her.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye suddenly couldn’t help but laugh, and said with a smile that he didn’t know what you were thinking all day long.] 】

In the laughter of the girl’s silver bell, you naturally picked up the girl and brought her back to the room. 】

After all, today is your wedding night, and you and Penglai Shanhui Night played poker. 】

[The next day, Penglai Shanhui’s face was slightly red, but her heart was proud of herself, she could make you so fascinated, of course, she was a little proud.] 】

[You talked to Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and said that if you want to go back to Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, you can always go back to Yamashita Taketori’s home to have a look.] 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye is naturally full of surprises about this, ask you if it is true? 】

[Your crying and laughing answer is naturally true, as long as it is not discovered.] 】

[And with the current strength of Penglai Mountain Huiye, how could it be discovered?] 】

[As the parents of Penglai Mountain Hui Ye in this life, Mr. and Mrs. Taketori really have nothing to say about the Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, since they want to go, what can’t they go?] 】

[This nun, now is so pure that she can’t even think of this.] 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye is naturally very happy, but it is not so impatient, immediately ran down the mountain, but decided to go home in a few days to see.] 】

[In the past, she was at home and often came to the Hakari Shrine to find you, but now she is at the Hakuri Shrine, and she often goes home to see, but it is no different.] 】

After all, she is the daughter who married out, and after marrying you, even if she is from the perspective of a mortal, this is normal. 】

[You looked at the Penglai Mountain Huiye who was full of joy and smiled, thinking that it was not a blessing to be able to marry such a young girl? 】

[Even if she really becomes NEET Ji in the future, it will not affect the charm of the girl at all.] 】

After coming out of the room, you undoubtedly ran into Bayi Yonglin. 】

[Bayi Yonglin’s face was also slightly red after seeing you, but she still stared at you with her eyes to warn you.] 】

[Since Princess Hui Ye chose you, and you also accepted Princess Hui Ye, then you must be kind to Princess Hui Ye, otherwise, even if your strength is strong, she will not easily let you go.] 】

[From the threat of the Sage of the Moon, one of the powerful creators of the Moon Capital, I have to say that the mother’s family of the Penglai Mountain Glory Night is indeed incomparably powerful, and no one dares to take it lightly in the face of this situation. 】

[But for you, this is not too much of a deterrent, but you feel that the sage of the moon is now selling cuteness.] 】

[After you smile so thoughtfully, you also make a guarantee to Bayi Yonglin]

[If nothing else, you have nothing to say about pampering girls]

[Bayi Yonglin is naturally very satisfied with your assurance.] 】

[Because of the relationship between Penglai Mountain and Huiye, she also temporarily stayed at the Boli Shrine.] 】

Although it is very wrong and extremely contrary to use this word to describe the Sage of the Moon, the current Bayi Yonglin really has a feeling of being a dowryman.] 】

[You are also not in a hurry about this, and it is excellent to slowly cultivate feelings.] 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Night has been taken down by you, how can Bayi Yonglin run away?] 】

[Because of your wedding with Penglai Mountain Huiye, Yakumo Zi has not actually been here for a while, but you don’t care too much.] 】

Until one day, Yakumo Blue found you in a panic and told you that the Purple Lord was in danger, and your eyes froze. 】

[But soon you thought of something again, and slowly relaxed, telling Yakumo Blue not to worry about it, and then informed Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and Bayi Yonglin that they were going to go out. 】

[And on the road, your thoughts are full of thoughts, and you can’t help but smile on your face.] 】

[It can hurt Yakumo Zi, it seems that Yakumo Zi met the one.] 】

[And when you find Yakumo Purple, the truth is as you expected…]

[You have come to the confines of a temple called Sai Hang Si Home.] 】

[This temple is very large, but no one exists here, only three maidens.] 】

[A maiden guards outside the temple.] 】

[And inside the temple.] 】

[A young girl is feeding the injured Yakumo Purple porridge.] 】

[When you see this scene, you can’t help but be a little funny.] 】

“Zi, I really haven’t seen you look so well-behaved in a long time, the last time was probably when you were a child.”

The soft laughter of the white night suddenly sounded inside the temple of Sai Hang Temple.

The girl who was feeding Yakumo Purple was frightened by this sudden sound and was suddenly flustered.

Yakumo Purple heard the voice of the white night first froze, and then looked at the face was also slightly red.

As the voice falls.

The figure of the white night soon appeared in front of the two young girls.

“Purple, don’t you want to pay a little?”

After appearing in front of the two of them, Bai Ye looked at the girl in front of Yakumo Zi and asked with a chuckle.

“Oh, her name is Seijoji Yuyuko, and it’s our new friend Yakumo Purple with a slight blush on her face.”

But still to the White Night.

Being fed by Yu Youzi and bumped into by the white night, in Yakumo Zi’s view, this is a proper black history!

Childhood? Can that be the same as a kid?

She’d been young at the time, so she deserved it!

But now, she is already a famous yokai sage, and she also has the dignity of a yokai sage!

Seijoji Yuyuko.

Hear the name.

White Night looked at the girl in front of her and smiled slightly, not feeling surprised.

She is the eldest lady of the Sai Hang Temple family.

The undead princess of the future owner of the White Jade Building, the administrator of the ghosts of the underworld.

At the same time, it is also the existence that has the best relationship between the future and Yakumo Purple in Gensokyo.

“Yuyuko, he is…”

Yakumo Purple wants to introduce White Night to Yuyuko Saihoji as well.

The result did not wait for her to speak.

Yuyuko Saihoji’s eyes lit up and she said excitedly, “I know I know!” He is the White Night Brother in your mouth! Wow! How handsome! ”

Yakumo Zi heard this, the expression on his face was stunned, and he asked uncertainly, “Yu Youzi, did we mention Brother White Night to you…?” ”


Yuyuko of Xixingji replied naturally, and then explained, “But when you were in a coma, you called Brother White Night many times, and of course I wrote it down.” ”

Yakumo Purple Hearsay.

The expression on his face froze suddenly.

Then the red halo slowly crept up to her face, starting from the explosion.


The girl screamed.

Soon there was a sound at this Westbound Temple.

White Night looked at the innocent and sluggish Westward Temple Yu Yuzi and couldn’t cry and laugh.

No doubt.

This girl is a natural stay…

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