“A ghost?Of course you can,but I think you’d better focus most of your energy on the sword. As for the ghost,it is always just a means to assist in combat for us!”

  Although she is proficient in Ghost Way,she only transformed after Sister Hua reached the extreme in Kendo。

  At that time,Sister Hua could hardly continue to improve in Kendo,so she had the energy to focus on other things。

  She also knew about Dongmen Hao cannot be the same as herself,but in her opinion,she must focus most of her energy on the killing swordsmanship。

  “I naturally know this,after all,this is the foundation of my foundation!”

  Dongmen Hao nodded in agreement. His strongest skill is killing swordsmanship,so most of his energy will naturally be put on killing swordsmanship。

  He would not do such a thing as picking sesame seeds and losing watermelons。

  And compared with others,he The more special thing is that he can cultivate his skills by himself. Cultivating his skills by himself is equivalent to him being divided into several people,each of whom specializes in one skill。

  He can do things that others cannot devote too much energy to,and there are people to teach him. It can also be greatly improved。

  In addition,his skills are more terrifying than others after they are refined. His focus is still on the killing sword,but his skills in other aspects are not slower than others,even Yu wanted to be faster。

  After listening to Dongmen Hao’s words,Uozhihua Lie stopped talking nonsense and began to explain some knowledge about ghost ways. At the same time,he also let Dongmen Hao use the ghost ways he knew. The result was that Maozhihualie was greatly surprised

  “Judging from the time when you entered the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy,you should not have been studying ghost ways for a long time,but you have already achieved such a level of achievement. It is really incredible!”

  Unohana Retsu was also shocked. The killing swordsmanship is not bad. After all,Dongmen Hao came from Zaraki District before. Although he came to Soul Society for a short time,it shows that his talent in swordsmanship is awesome. Although before Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy also provided some information,saying that Dongmen Hao was a genius in all aspects。

  But at that time,Unohana Retsu was completely attracted by Dongmen Hao’s swordsmanship talent,so he ignored the others。

  Now seeing Dongmen Hao His orbital attainments,combined with Dongmen Hao’s time learning Kidō,this is simply a genius among geniuses。

  And the Shunpo used in the previous battle,except for the useless fight,in other aspects,in Unohana Retsu’s eyes,the talent is terrifying It has reached the extreme。

  At this moment,a word also popped up in Unohana Retsu’s mind,that is,an almighty person。

  In the history of Soul Society,it can be called an almighty person。

  Except for a few members of the Zero Division,There should be only Mr。

  Shan,at least that’s what she knows。

  Although Aizen is the same,he hides it so deeply that Unohana Retsu doesn’t even know about it。

  These people have all kinds of talents and have time. The accumulation of knowledge has led to the current level,and what about Dongmen Hao?His talent is also very terrifying。

  For this reason,Uozhihua Lie conducted some tests again,and she found that Dongmen Hao was good at Zhan Fist and Zhan Gui. Each field has terrifying talents that are different from ordinary people,and they are completely geniuses among geniuses。

  Secondly,the Zanpakutō has also awakened. Although it is a healing system,with Dongmen Hao’s strength,what can the healing system do?The healing system can also give He brings a very good increase

  “It seems that we need to contact the captain. Besides fighting in vain,Shunpo also needs to find a good teacher!”

  At this moment,Uozhihua Lie has already thought of training Dongmen Hao as a super high-end combat power of the corpse。

  With such talent,Uozhihua Lie feels that if Dongmen Hao continues to grow,he must be another captain. The existence of a horse with terrifying strength。

  She can teach ghost and kendo,but she is not very good at Shunpo. As for Bai Da,after seeing Dongmen Hao integrate kendo into Bai Da,Unohana Retsu I feel there is no need to teach anymore

  “Captain Unohana?What’s wrong with you?”

  Seeing Uozhihua Lie in a daze,Dongmen Hao couldn’t help but ask. He could almost guess the reason。

  Just now Uozhihua Lie tested his strength and talent in all aspects,and it is estimated that he will show it now. Her talent must have shocked her。

  It’s not that Dongmen Haoduo is arrogant,but because these skills can be practiced very quickly after they are refined。

  He has absolute confidence in these skills。

  ”It’s nothing,I just thought of something. Dongmen-kun,your Kidō talent is also very good. I will release a high-level Kidō next,so you have to watch carefully!Uozhihualie said,on the one hand,the purpose of releasing this high-level ghost path is to arouse Dongmen Hao’s interest。

  A normal person,seeing such a powerful broken path,will definitely want to learn. High interest is a sign of progress in learning. The premise is to be fast。

  Secondly,the advanced ghost path is also accumulated from various foundations. While releasing it,Unohana Retsu will give some teachings。

  This kind of effect is undoubtedly the best

  “Watch out,Breaking the Path No. 88: Feilong-level thieves’ sky-shattering thunder cannon!”

  Mao Zhihua Lie directly revealed the spirit pattern,and Dongmen Hao saw the huge pattern composed of dense spiritual patterns。

  Then a beam of light shot directly from Mao Zhihua Lie’s hand,and the light beam hit the ground at an extremely fast speed. On the rock wall ahead。

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