It sank to the bottom of the sea. Because the medicines were well preserved,they did not spread. As for the Golden Lion’s subordinates,they were quickly caught by the navy. As for those who resisted,they all went into the sea to feed the fish like the Golden Lion.。

  The golden lion matter ended here. Garp and the others did not expect that they just came to make soy sauce,and the golden lion was gone,but this was a great help to morale。

  You must know that when the Golden Lion took out the Deep Sea Prison,it had a great impact on the reputation of the navy and the prison. Now that it is better,it can finally be restored,although these are no longer important。

  But killing a legendary pirate is a good way to boost morale。

  In this way,the revolutionary army on the sea is still in full swing. The world government’s living space is suppressed by“two,six,and three” very small,until all the participating countries have broken away from the control of the world government and have been controlled by the revolutionary army. Take it。

  In addition,the revolutionary army also dealt with those nobles based on the local situation. If they did not act recklessly,they would not care. They would not interfere in the other party’s internal affairs casually,but would only play a supervisory role。

  But those who went too far were naturally dealt with directly,so after everything was settled,the navy and the revolutionary army directly surrounded the holy land of Mariejoia。

  This is the final foundation of the world government. As long as we capture this place,everything on the land will fall into the hands of Dongmen Hao. Dongmen Hao can use this to directly control the power of the land。

  “Wulaoxing,surrender,you have no power to resist anymore!”

  Warring States and others surrounded Mariejoia and kept shouting. Some of the captains are also here,here to help。

  Warring States and others are Chineseizing outside,and the Five Old Stars inside are extremely distressed at this moment. As for the Tianlong people,they I also know fear. You must know that the status of the Celestial Dragons depends on the World Government. Without the World Government,they are just a bunch of garbage。

  “Is there no response from Lord Im?”

  The remaining three Five Old Stars are not weak,but facing Jinglingting,they are weak. At this moment,they are like ants on a hot pot。

  “No response,still no response,where did Lord Im go?Has he decided to abandon the world government?”

  The other five old stars also have bloodshot eyes. Now they can’t run away. They have always felt that they and others have a trump card,which is the King of Heaven in Im’s hands。

  But what’s the result?Im now They didn’t disappear. They didn’t even answer the phone calls. Without the King,how could they fight the people outside?Not to mention the Jingling Court,the Navy and the Revolutionary Army alone made them extremely powerless。

  “Sirs,now we can only rely on ourselves!”

  Seeing that these people have been calling a guy named Im,Sora can’t stand it anymore。

  Sora is the loyal dog of the World Government。

  He was the marshal of the navy before the Warring States Period。

  He was very powerful。

  He was later promoted to the World Commander-in-Chief。

  In the position,it can be said that he is completely loyal to the World Government,otherwise he would not be sitting in this position。

  Now Sora feels that instead of praying for help that is completely unreliable,it is better to think about what to do。

  He believes in his own power,It’s also because he doesn’t know the power of the Heavenly King,otherwise he wouldn’t think so。

  You must know that the Heavenly King can use the power of natural disasters. In the face of natural disasters,it is difficult for humans to survive。

  “It seems that we have been completely abandoned by Lord Im,so everyone,the next step is the final battle!”

  Wu Laoxing has lived for a long time. Now that he knows that everything is gone,he can only fight to the death. At least he is better than sitting here waiting to die. No strong man grew up in a greenhouse.。

  As they become stronger,they all have their own will,a very strong will,so they are also very open-minded about death. Since Im doesn’t care about them,they no longer intend to remain silent like this。

  “You are right about Kong,we should really rely on ourselves,although there is almost no hope of this. Those Tianlong people,let them fend for themselves. Let’s try to see if we can lead people to break out of the siege!”

  Several Five Old Stars discussed it. They are not afraid of death,but it does not mean they want to die. Now that Im has given up on them,they no longer have to be loyal to them. As for those Tianlong people,they naturally have no obligation to protect them. (See For exciting novels,go to Feilu Novel Network!)

  Now they plan to gather all the remaining strength,and then find a way to open a breakthrough,and then escape. It is best to escape,even if they cannot escape,there is no problem What a big deal……

  In fact,they have also prepared some secret passages in the Holy Land,but these secret passages are now useless。

  Because the entire holy land is wrapped in a barrier,this means that even from the secret passage,there is no way out。

  Now they can only try to break through head-on and see if they can find someone to release the barrier. For this kind of thing,they believe that as long as they find someone to release it,they can rush out。

  The remaining five old stars gathered together those who were still capable of fighting,and then began to observe the situation outside。

  “It is impossible to see who released this barrier at all,which is the most troublesome point,and it seems that they no longer intend to wait any longer!”

  Song’s expression is very bad,because he can’t find the person who released the barrier,and he doesn’t know who released it,so everything is in vain。

  “We can only fight hard. The person who releases this thing will only stay in the rear,so we wait until they attack and rush out to attack their rear。”

  One of the five old stars said,now they can only gamble on luck. But to be honest,they don’t understand the barrier of Jinglingting. It is true that in some worlds,it is enough to kill the caster。

  But Soul Society Once the barrier is released,it will be useless even if you kill the releaser,because the barrier has become independent,so this is very embarrassing,and they don’t know this. They thought that they might be able to fight with this method They rushed out,but little did they know that they were at their end。

  The revolutionary army and navy outside could not wait any longer. After all,their efforts for so long were in front of them,but both the revolutionary army and the navy had received an order,that is Don’t kill the Celestial Dragons。

  Not all Celestial Dragons are hopeless. There are people who have been influenced by Princess Otohime,and there are also those who are as innocent as Ming Ge’s father,but the number can be said to be small. Quite pitiful,just one or two。

  And all the Celestial Dragons should be executed in front of the whole world. This would be the best effect。


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