“Miss Violet,I’m going to turn to you now!”

  Now the Navy is already part of the Revolutionary Army,so the people of the Revolutionary Army ride on Navy warships. As a marshal,Qingzhi will naturally not go directly,so those who are coming now,except for the Green Bull who is stationed at the headquarters,Kizaru,Fujitora,Garp and others are all here,and almost most of the elites of the navy are here。

  As for Violet,since Dressrosa was liberated,Violet has joined the revolution The army now relies on her ability to conduct investigations。

  Violet is a user with the stare fruit ability. Those regular-type fruits,childlike fruits and the like can only retain part of their abilities after leaving the pirate world。

  Childlike fruits The rule is to erase other people’s memories of the person who was turned into a toy,but in this world,this ability is no longer available. It can only turn people into toys,retaining some of the abilities,but the rules have been cancelled。

  After all,it is another A world has passed. The Childlike Fruit was found in the past few years after Sugar died. However,in order to prevent accidents,the Childlike Fruit was preserved and no one eats it。

  Normal fruits can be used. As for Violet’s Staring Fruit,in addition to reading minds,it also has clairvoyance,which can detect things four thousand kilometers around. This is truly terrifying。

  Four thousand kilometers away,Byakugan can only do so in front of the Staring Fruit. Call me dad. Of course,Byakugan’s ability is not only for detection,but also other things. And Byakugan also has a higher-level reincarnation eye. The key point is that this thing is bloodline,and there is only one glaring fruit。

  “I saw the island. There is a country on the island,but the form of their existence is very strange. It is somewhat similar to the country of Wano. It does not exist in the form of a city,but more like a village!”

  At this period,the villages had not yet experienced technological explosions,so they were still a bit primitive,similar to Wano Country。

  “Is it a place similar to Wano Country?Are there any special abilities or something like that?”

  Warring States and others looked at each other,and then continued to ask,and then Violet told everyone a series of information she saw。

  Although she couldn’t hear what the other party said,she could see,from the moment they entered At the beginning of this world,with the power of Dongmen Hao,all languages and so on became common。

  So Violet could also see what was going on,and Violet constantly relayed what she saw to others。

  And These people were responsible for quickly recording it and then analyzing it. They came to this world to take over this world,so intelligence is very important。

  In this way,the warship stayed at sea for several days,Violet Use your own abilities to continuously collect information

  “That’s pretty much it,there’s nothing more!”

  Violet has been using her ability for several days in a row,and she is a little exhausted at the moment。

  “Thank you so much for your hard work,Miss Violet,go and have a rest. This information is enough!”

  Everyone is very grateful to Vioette. Her ability is really useful. Now they are observing the situation in the Kingdom of Water. The entire Kingdom of Water now has almost no secrets for them。

  “Okay,now let’s analyze what to do next,Crane,sorry to bother you!”

  At this time,it is natural for the navy’s chief staff officer to take action。

  “Really,aren’t you also a wise general yourself?Why is everything blamed on me?”

  He looked at Warring States helplessly. This old guy was even more outrageous than Garp after his retirement. Why didn’t he find this guy so unreliable before?Is pretending to be a skill that everyone knows?

  “Forget it,let’s analyze the situation first. The place we are in is called the Kingdom of Water. According to the map Violet observed,in addition to the Kingdom of Water,there are four other relatively large countries and some scattered small villages. and small countries。” (To read exciting novels,go to Feilu Novel Network!)

  “What is special about this world are the ninjas. Their abilities do not originate from the sea,but from something called Chakra. However,we don’t know much about it. These are all what Violet saw。”

  “I suggest sending some more people into the Kingdom of Water to investigate in the name of merchants. Judging from the current situation,this profession called ninja is a semi-public one。”

  “Although it is difficult for ordinary people to learn the things here,they can understand it to some extent。”

  “Another point is that you can try to capture the ninjas who are out on missions,and then read their minds,etc. This will also give you a better understanding. It is best to have a two-pronged approach!”

  He quickly formulated a policy and already understood some of it. Then he only needed to use other methods。

  Her method is also useful. She starts from many aspects and can quickly understand the specific situation。

  It’s not that they are too cowardly,they don’t know the specific situation of this world,and Dongmen Hao doesn’t want to care about it,unless there is an enemy they can’t deal with,but at this time,such enemies basically don’t exist。

  It’s just that the Otsutsuki clan in the later period was a little more troublesome。

  Therefore,it is entirely up to them. Without understanding the specific situation,the Navy will naturally not take action rashly,so it has adopted a series of measures to conduct investigation。

  This time,the Shinigami from Soul Society did not follow them. They planned to wait for feedback from the navy. If there was a strong person worthy of their action,then they would just come back. As for now,there is no need。

  After taking action in many aspects,coupled with Violet’s mind-reading ability,Warring States and others soon learned the specific situation of this world。

  “The intelligence has been collected almost,and we know almost everything about their abilities,etc.,and now there is good (promise) news,this sea cannot limit our abilities!”

  Sengoku couldn’t help but smile. Every world has its own rules。

  Devil Fruits are restrained in the Pirate World because there is a special thing in the sea area of the Pirate World that can suppress Devil Fruits. Ability。

  But there is no such thing in the seas of other worlds,so their ability users will not be restricted by the sea water,which makes many ability users couldn’t help but smile。

  To be honest,they were all confused at first,because this world Any genin in the world can learn ninjutsu and be able to control seawater at sea。

  This is a real heavy blow to those with abilities。

  But now that the seawater in this world is useless,there are no restrictions on them. There is no need to take care of so much,and now that the intelligence collection is almost complete,it is time to conduct testing……


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