Outside the town of Juwang, two powerful auras were approaching.

A man with silver-blue thunder god hair and an arrogant look on his face, whose strength was also at the level of a main god, was looking at the city in front of him.

Another man with black pigtails and a dark purple linen scarf wrapped around his neck said with a hint of hostility:"Loki...Li Zevim actually asked you to cooperate with me. You, a Nordic god, are so dissatisfied with your main god."

"Cruzerai, Asmodeus, you are nothing but a lost dog. What are you talking about? Besides, didn't your Infinite Dragon God betray you?..."

Loki had a look of disdain on his face. He was known as the evil god and had a strong contempt for all gods other than the Nordic gods.

"Hades is dead, all the gods in Greek mythology have disappeared, even the dragon eater Samael has disappeared, isn't this exactly what you want?...Twilight of the Gods"

"However, Li Zevim is not happy about this. If the Dragon Eater disappears, then the Infinite Dragon God will be a necessary threat."

Cruzere said carelessly without looking at Loki's stinky face.

The cooperation between the two is just based on a common purpose, and friends can't do it.

Then he thought of the mission today, and then said:

"It looks like the good days for the human named Xiye are coming to an end."

"It is hard to imagine how he made your leader, Infinite Dragon God, a traitor. I would like to see..."

Loki had an evil smile on his face.

Then the two disappeared.

Not far from them, the White Dragon King Vali was watching their every move.

Beside him, Tacheng Heige frowned.

"Xiye, you look troubled....."

"Heige, you seem to be paying attention to that guy recently, but he is not as simple as you think...."

Wally narrowed his eyes.

The Nordic evil god Loki is as powerful as the Nordic god Odin.

Moreover, Loki can also create a magic wolf with the power to kill gods, which is more powerful than his father and enough to compete with the two Tianlongs in their prime. It is ranked among the top ten in the world.

It has the god-killing fangs that ignore defense, and being bitten will cause serious injuries, and it is immune to most magical attacks.

There is also Cruzerai, a former descendant of Asmodeus, who is as powerful as the demon king.

If it depends on Xiye alone, Wally feels that he has no chance of winning!

This is just his unilateral idea.

However, Xiye, this mysterious guy, always makes people incredible. Wally himself dare not judge how the specific situation will develop.

If Orpheus was there, it would be okay.

However, undercurrents surged, and he did not focus his attention on Xiye

"My sister is in his hands. If anything happens to him, my poor sister will be a widow."

Heige stared at the direction of the two guys who had just headed to Juwang Town, and a sense of uneasiness surged from the bottom of his heart.

"When did you and Xiye get along so well?..."The monkey pouted and said

"Last time you turned into a black cat and were locked in a cage at Xiye's house. When you came back, you were a different person.....Could it be that you and your sister have also fallen in love?..."

"But that guy doesn't look like he's interested in you.....There are girls around me..."

At this point, the pain from being blown away by Asia last time has not yet subsided.

"Shut up!"

Heige's golden eyes suddenly flashed with fluorescence, and he said in a warning.

"...Tsk... you should save some energy to help your brother-in-law....He is in danger now..."

The monkey was startled, took a step back, and said timidly


He snorted and ignored the monkey!............

In Kuwang Town.

The style of Xiye's home has changed with the appearance of three girls.

Four computers were purchased!

Mao Maojiang, Iris, Kong, Orpheus, and Xiaosheng sat in front of the computer and started e-sports!

Only the girl Asia was not infected by Mao Maojiang's"bad habits".

Fortunately, Xiye had taught her good behavioral norms in advance.

She is sitting next to Xiye at the moment.

And Himejima Juri is on the other side.

Next to Xiye.

Himejima Akeno took out the fruit plate and placed it on the table opposite the sofa.

The beautiful contact lenses passed over her"sister" Himejima Juri.

At first, there was some resistance to such close contact between Xiye and Himejima Juri.

But gradually, when everything was used to, Himejima Akeno no longer had that barrier.

Looking at Xiye next to his"sister", he was full of gratitude.

Everything is good, and the person he cares about is back....

Although the ending is not good, the mother who took care of me when I was a child can appear in front of me again.

This is a gift and also the salvation of the soul!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Untie Himejima Akeno's heart knot,"

"Reward: The 'Sloth' Library of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Royal Library!"

"Reward:"Astir's Manuscript" magic book opening level +5%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening all the libraries! Magic opening level: 70%,!"

"The book spirit can escape from the magic book and stay in the outside world!"

"Auxiliary equipment:"Bible" magic book Number of followers: 2/10"

"Auxiliary equipment:"Ilias's Fragment" magic book Magic power increase: +120%"

"Auxiliary equipment: Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica' 'Subtraction' theme is fully released! Not enabled: Enable the 'Nothingness' theme!"

"....Finally finished?...."

"However, when the magic power reaches 70%, the corresponding equipment also goes up a level."

Such a result was beyond Xiye's expectations, but he also had a certain understanding of the power of the magic book. He calmed down immediately.

However, the three girls who were playing games turned their heads.

They also sensed the changes just now.

Before, they couldn't stay outside for a long time, and had to go back after playing games with Xiaomao-chan for half of the time.

Now, that feeling has disappeared.

The three of them turned their heads suspiciously and stared at Xiye.

Looking at the two women beside her.

Kong spoke first:"Sure enough, you are a man who becomes stronger with a woman....." ps: All are collected, and the official plot begins! Don't skip the order, there are exciting chapters later!

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