"Is Joan of Arc back?..."

Cao Cao suddenly asked


Siegfried said with disdain.

He had always disliked the saint Joan of Arc.

"Is that so?....Leonardo, Georg and the others are here, tell them not to do anything....Let Him In..."

Cao Cao said calmly

"I'm going now...Boss, are you going to do it yourself?.."

Siegfried smiled.

Everyone around Cao Cao was arrogant, so they would definitely exclude Xiye, a human being.

And after rejecting Cao Cao's invitation,.....

In the fog.

Xiye was a little surprised that no one attacked him along the way.

"It's strange, why is there no one here?.."

Rias looked around and said cautiously

"Could it be that he was scared away by Xiye?..."

Heige said jokingly

"This Cao Cao is an arrogant man, he won't run away."

Cang Na also became serious at this time.

For a moment, the place was empty. But after walking for a long distance,

Xiao Jiuzhong suddenly grabbed Xiye's hand from the side.

"I vaguely feel my mother's breath"


Hearing this, Xiye expanded his search range.

Suddenly, under a mountain, he sensed Cao Cao's presence.

There was also a huge nine-tailed fox.

However, she was trapped in the middle of the magic circle.

Her whole body was in a prone position.

It seemed that she would lose consciousness at any time.

"I saw..."Go this way."

Xiye stopped everyone from moving forward.

Magic power surged from him.

A blue magic circle appeared under everyone's feet.

Then it disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, in the middle of the mountains, there were four people standing next to Cao Cao. In the opposite direction, the space suddenly fluctuated.

Xiye and others appeared in a beam of light.

"Xiye...I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Cao Cao had a smile on his face.

He glanced at Xiye and the people around him and frowned.


The cat Xiao under Vali's command...

But it was only a moment of freeze.

He didn't take Vali seriously. He just felt that Xiye was popular.

And the fact that the infinite dragon god Orpheus didn't appear beside him made him more certain.

Xiye was just acquainted with Orpheus.

"yes...It's just Jeanne beside you....I'm not interested in you.."

Xiye said lightly

"Yo...You actually rejected the boss's invitation and dared to be so arrogant!"

Siegfried was the first to stand up.

The huge beast behind them opened its eyes.

The golden pupils suddenly fixed on Jiuchong.

The slowly dissipating consciousness suddenly revived.


A long roar pierced through the sky and began to shake violently.

"Mother...It's the mother.."

Jiuchong held Xiye's hand and shouted

"You said you would help me rescue my mother.....Please save her...."

Xiye stroked her head a few times.

Then he said,"I promised you...of course I will do it."

At this time, Cao Cao saw Jiuchong beside Xiye and had a clue about why Xiye suddenly came here:"So it was this little nine-tailed fox who asked you to come here...."

"If you are willing to join our hero team, then I can release this Dongda general."


Siegfried turned around in astonishment and looked at Cao Cao:

"Boss, we spent a lot of effort to catch this nine-tailed fox. How can we let it go after such a long time?"

Cao Cao's words made Siegfried unable to help but refute.

"No, I have a habit. It is better to fight for my own things, rather than accept charity from others."

As he said this, Xiye's eyes fell on Siegfried who was standing in front of Cao Cao.

"Ah, ah! You are really a bad guy. Don't think that you have the capital to negotiate just because the boss is kind to you."

Siegfried suddenly grinned and said sarcastically


After saying this, Xiye's aura suddenly changed.

He transformed into a mage.

"Connect to the 'Pride' library!"

"Open the 'Domination' theme!".........

Then the power of the seven libraries was added to him. He was completely different from before.

Xiye's state had changed dramatically.

Cao Cao and others were a little confused.

What kind of artifact or divine extermination tool Xiye used was beyond their knowledge.

The people present were all owners of divine extermination tools and artifacts.

They were undoubtedly extremely confident in their own records.

"Boss, there's no need to waste time talking to him. Let me go first and kill him."

Siegfried Liuzhu smiled and pointed the magic sword Modijian, which was no weaker than Durandal, at Xiye.

"Well, you go ahead!"

Cao Cao nodded, but he didn't refuse his request for a fight.

He also wanted to see if Xiye was strong enough!

And Siegfried had the God-killing Tool 'Dragon Hand' and several magic swords.

Then, looking at the others, everyone stepped back.

Their eyes were fixed on Heige.

She was a second-level demon king. If she intervened, Siegfried would not be able to handle it.

But Xiye disappeared from the spot with a 'swoosh'.

He appeared in front of Siegfried with the sound of the struggling nine-tailed fox Yasaka.

Such an opponent did not interest him at all.

Under the mantra, the powerful hand force went directly to Siegfried's neck.


Siegfried was like a cannonball.

He flew towards the mountainside on the side.


His body completely sank into the mountain.

Everything happened in an instant, and no one on the field reacted


Seeing this scene, Cao Cao and others' faces also changed.

They did not expect this to happen!

Siegfried was actually dealt with in one move.

And the attack just now was too fast!

At this time, when Cao Cao felt Siegfried's breath, he found that Siegfried had...I was so exhausted.

Although I knew that Siegfried might not be able to defeat Xiye, I was injured before I could fully understand Xiye's ability! ? ps: Please subscribe! Please subscribe to the whole book! Please support me with data!

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