"That is……"

Xiye followed closely, and the girl also sensed the person behind her and stopped.

At this time, he could see clearly that the other person had long black hair with a braid in the middle of the bun.

Judging from her dress, she was a student of a certain college.

With the mark of the devil in her hand, Xiye suddenly thought of a name.


The other party also looked at Xiye, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

It seemed that she had discovered Xiye's Demon King Mark.

Click- click-

Anna walked towards him.

Xiye could hear every step she took.

All the noise around him disappeared instantly.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

"Demon King Candidate……"

"I know you, you are Xiye from Royal Biberia College!"

"As a freshman, becoming a candidate for the Demon King is really amazing!"

Anna looked harmless, as if she was really praising herself.

In fact, Xiye already knew that the other party was an enemy, not a friend.

"It's nothing, I just had better luck. What's your name, please?"

Although I already knew the other person's name, I still had to go through the motions to avoid suspicion.

"What is your name?"

"Oh, excuse me, my full name is Anastasia-Anna"

"Or just call me Anna."

After saying that, Anna smiled again, and Xiye even thought that she was smiling from the heart. No one would have guessed that such a gentle and pretty girl would be a powerful villain boss.

When she smiled, the still space around her suddenly cracked.


"Ah, there seems to be something delicious over there!"

"Really? Really? Let's go and have a look together!"

The surrounding noise suddenly sounded, and time and space began to flow at this moment.

Although I knew that the other party would not take action so quickly,

I was still a little wary of this existence that silently pulled me into another space.

"I was rude just now. Someone was following me, so I performed a magic trick.……"

Seeing that the other party looked apologetic, Xiye decided to play along with her.


"Could it be the alien space just now?"

Seeing Xiye asking.

Anna nodded, there were more glowing particles around, floating in the air like they had life.

Some of them ran to Xiye's side, dancing up and down.

Seeing this scene, Anna smiled and said

"These are elves, and it seems like they like you very much!"

"The elves are a symbol of heaven and earth. It can be said that the world cannot do without these little guys.……"

Seeing Anna lost in memories, Xiye waved his hand symbolically and said

"That's true, but people still need to recognize their own power."

"I don't know why you are so motivated towards me, a freshman."

Xiye's words made Anna's eyes more anxious and deep, and the smile on her lips gradually disappeared.

"Are you going to fight?……"

Xiye could sense the murderous intent emanating from the other party.

Although he did not move, he was alert and prepared to fight back at any time.

"There's someone coming over there."

"Judging from the aura, it's Liberl, and Saint... Oh, no, it should be Kasuga Saint!"

The voice of Magic Book Lingkong sounded in Xiye's mind.

At the same time, it also eased the tense atmosphere.

"Could it be that he sensed the murderous intent?"

Before Xiye could think about it, the questioning voice of Bible Loli appeared in his mind again.

""Ye... Is there anyone called Saint in this world?"

Xiye didn't have time to answer her, but she could feel that her reaction was very strong.

Anna also noticed Xiye's eyes and looked towards the gate.

Two people walked out from the crowd, the God of Light Gru and Kasuga Saint.

"Is it hidden?……"

Xiye easily guessed that Liberl's disappearance was because the other party must have been hiding and observing secretly.

When Anna saw the God of Light Gru, her eyes swept over Kasuga Saint next to her, and suddenly she froze.

"That is... the owner of the Devil Gene."

Anna whispered in a voice as soft as a mosquito, almost inaudible.

Seeing Anna in a daze, Xiye looked in her direction.

"Oops, her target is Kasuga Hitoshi……"

"This guy has the devil factor, it's normal for him to be targeted"

"It was hard for her not to be excited when two carriers suddenly appeared.

The murderous intent and anger just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by endless enthusiasm.

Before the other party noticed, a faint smile had already hung on the corner of her mouth.

"I didn't expect you guys to come too."

Seeing the two of them notice him, Xiye reached out to say hello.

At the same time, he tried to stop Anna from going berserk.

"Xiye, are these two your friends?"

Xiye nodded.

After all, Anna is the biggest enemy. Compared with her, everyone is his ally.

"Hello, my name is Anastasia-Anna"

"Please give me more advice!"

She extended her hand in a friendly manner, and the God of Light Gru shook hands with her expressionless face.

But Anna put some tricks on the handshake.


The uncommunicative God of Light Gru sensed the strength of the opponent's hand.

With a meticulous expression, the God of Light Gru followed closely and exerted his strength.

"Although you are a speed player"

"But your power should not be underestimated."

Anna smiled and let go of her hand, leaving Gru with a red palm and a wary face.

"How did you know that?"

The Saint frowned slightly, looking at the hand Anna handed over, but cautiously did not reach out to take it.

Anna did not withdraw her hand, but summoned those spirit light balls and said seriously

"This is my ability, I can analyze the opponent's strength and type"

"But that's all.……"

Xiye said calmly, Anna will not attack others at this time, Liberl is here.

The God of Light Gru had used the Demon King Factor before, so some of it remained in his body.

However, Gru seemed to be in a daze.

At this time, in Xiye's mind, the neurotic loli god Xiaosheng suddenly said:"That's the Saint...Looks like he has the same demon gene as his master."

"Xiaosheng, she used to dream that the master invited her to be his partner...."Kong also gloated at this time and said


Xiaosheng and Iris were both stunned. How could this happen?!...... ps: Please subscribe and provide data support! QAQ~

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