Bang - the magic spear did not move, but another magic spear stabbed down from the air.

If Levi had not dodged quickly just now, he might have become a dead soul under the spear.

"Damn it, what on earth is going on!"

On the other hand, Xiye looked calm and composed. No one knew this matter better than him.

"Is this also a test?"

"But I know, if that's the case, then come on."

Xiye's seemingly relaxed tone was just a boast in the eyes of others.

"Haha, if you have the guts, don't leave, just stand there and wait for this thing to come."

"Yes, this power is close to the level of the Great Demon Lord!"

"If this kid can still stop it……"

"Well, maybe we can find a way to get him to our college. We want to recruit students like that!"

"Wake up, this guy is going to get into trouble soon, he can't wait."

Even under the doubts and ridicule of the crowd, Xiye still has no fear.

Even Xiaowei on the stage has been worried

"What should I do?"

"The principal is missing too. How can I……"

The situation below was no longer something Xiao Wei could easily resolve.

Moreover, Ailin's move was a killing move, completely disregarding any

"Forget it, never mind. If there is real danger, I will take action."

Just when I thought of this, the situation over there changed again.

Bang -

Levi dodged while blocking Irene's advance.

But all her attacks were in vain. Not only were they easily dodged, but even if they hit, they would bounce off.

"what is going on……"

A very sharp wound appeared next to Levi's covered face.

"Tsk... I didn't expect to be pushed to this point."

"It seems that someone must be secretly controlling it."

Although she said so, Levi didn't have any more physical strength to exert.

She couldn't control her magic power at all. If she used it forcibly, she would become a monster, that is, a slave of the monster.

"Damn it."

Just when Levi wanted to withdraw and recover his strength to fight again, several more magic guns appeared in the sky.

Swish, swish, swish - the magic guns came in an instant, and Levi was directly covered by the smoke.


Xiao Wei's heart tightened. Even here, she could smell the smell of blood.

"No, I want……"

Just when Xiao Wei was about to make a move, something changed on the field.

Because three magic spears suddenly shot towards an open space.

The speed was extremely fast.


The magic spears smashed down, and Levi flew out of the smoke.

Everyone could clearly see that there was a very long bloodstain on Levi's right arm.


"In this case?"

The hooded woman over there has also recovered a lot, looking at that side with some disbelief.

But Anna saw

"She escaped, otherwise we wouldn't have seen her."

"In this situation where my physical strength is completely reduced and my magic power cannot be used, how can I avoid fatal injuries?"

When Anna said this, her eyes changed a lot.

"Unexpectedly, there are quite a few masters in this academy."

"I really didn't expect that even if one person was missing, it wouldn't cause any harm to this freshman."

"It seems that Liberl will make another wasted trip this time."


Not long ago, Xiye had just gone out, and Selina was also planning to go out.

But what she didn't expect was that there was a woman sitting at her door.

Looking closely, it was a little girl about ten years old.

"Ah, you are……"

"Today, you don't have to participate in the competition."

Selina was stunned by the girl's words.

The other person's eyes were very cold, not like a real child.

It seemed that there lived a terrifying existence that had lived for a long time.

"Are you...hungry?"

"I just happen to have some food here, come in."

Selina welcomed the person in.

But what he didn't know was that the other person was the principal of Sky Academy, Liberl.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Just normal food"


Selina didn't know why she wanted to help the child when she saw her.

Maybe it was because she was just a hungry child?

But she also forgot where she was going today.

"By the way, what do you think about my suggestion?"

Selina turned a deaf ear to it. She naturally regarded it as a child's soliloquy.

Knock, knock, knock - someone suddenly appeared at the door. Because the door was open, he could be seen at a glance.

In addition, he knocked on the door when he appeared, which was simply reminding the owner of his arrival.

In other places, it would definitely be an impolite behavior.

"I didn't expect you to come too."

"It seems that he is still as sharp as before."

When thinking of this, Selina had already noticed the presence of the principal.

At this time, he still came to the dining table with a smile and looked at the two

"How thoughtful of you to come to eat without even calling me"

"If I knew, I wouldn't let you mess around."

"Well, anyway, I'm here."

"Selina, if possible, give me something to eat.

Seeing the principal's request, Selina readily agreed, and then she thought of something.

She looked at this strange child and the principal carefully, and it was even more strange.

"Principal... do you know him?》?"

Because of the way they look, it's hard not to speculate what kind of relationship they have.

It's not about looks, but a woman's intuition.

More importantly, what kind of person is this?

"Do you know him? Hehe, I think so.……"

"But even if it was just a reminiscence, the principal was still smiling and didn't look like someone who was eating.

When the child saw the principal coming, his face turned bad.

"Principal, please stop bullying others."

"He's a hungry kid."

"Otherwise I won't cook for you!"

When she said this, Selina waved the spoon in her hand threateningly.

She didn't look dangerous, and her little face was a bit intimidating.

"Hahahaha, kid!"

"It's really fitting. I've lived for so long and still people call me a kid."

The principal laughed at the side, as if it was a joke he had never heard before.

But the strange thing was that Liberl did not act impulsively like before.

"It's really strange, it doesn't seem like you."

"Could it be that you really stopped this girl from going to the venue?"

At this time, the principal had already opened a time field, so that others could not hear their conversation at all.

In the eyes of others, even when Selina turned her head to look, she only found that the two were happily talking.

"Really, you really know how to choose your opponents."

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