"These dozen……"

Xiao Wei's relaxed mood was instantly tensed

"You will die if you continue like this!"

""Xiye, run!"

But the people below turned a deaf ear and didn't care what others thought.

But he didn't move at all, and seemed to be looking forward to it falling.

Not long after, more than a dozen magic spears condensed and solidified, like rain, and fell instantly. Swish, swish, swish - the field was full of smoke, and before the dozen magic spears were over, Levi launched the warlock again!

Boom - a black light was released directly, and then when Irene appeared again, her position had changed to the other end.

Most people didn't know what happened, and how Irene moved there.

Could it be that she has the same ability as Levi?

In fact, this has been seen by Anna and the hooded woman over there

"It's really interesting that just one person has such powerful strength"

"I'm really looking forward to fighting with them."

"Although there is one person who cannot be controlled, everything is under control!"

When thinking of this, Anna suddenly said

"Did you see that too?"

"At the moment the attack landed, she launched a huge force and hit Xiye"

"Then he used magic to travel at the speed of light, and finally harvested it with the power of the spear."

"What a perfect tactic!"

Anna regained her previous smile and licked her lips.

"But I think there is still hope."

"After all, this man is not simple."

"But, he must have been injured."

It was hard for Anna to disagree. Even if she didn't see Xiye come out, the blood on the tip of the other party's gun said it all.

Just as everyone was watching, the smoke suddenly broke, and then the direction was towards Ailin.

It was as if something instantly passed through the smoke and reached Ailin's position.

"That was an afterimage. Everything around her couldn't keep up with Ailin's attack."

"Her attack just now had all hit the target!"

Xiao Wei, who was standing by, was explaining the situation.

After all, she couldn't help at all.

Not only did everyone notice the strangeness of the smoke, they also found blood on the tip of the gun.

"Did you all see that?……"

"There is no doubt about it, that man was hit!"

"Even if he was a candidate for the Demon King, he was still killed in one second by a woman."

"No, I feel something is wrong, I don't know why"

"You are just not right because you haven't seen the body of the powerful guy yet."

"In fact, I was looking forward to his performance at the beginning, but now……"

"No way, is this true?"

Amidst all the speculation, Xiao Wei also saw the blood that the audience had mentioned.

She was shocked. Was Xiye really hit?

That was a magic gun. There was almost no chance of survival after being hit.

Levi also woke up from his coma. Seeing Irene with blood on her face, his pupils trembled.

"This is……"

She wanted to stand up and prove it, but she couldn't.

In the battle with Xiye just now, she not only lost her magic power. She also lost the most critical physical strength of a ninja.

Because Levi mostly uses ninjutsu to attack on the move.

She rarely relies on magic, and now she hopes that she can have the strength to stand up and fight.

This powerful force was also noticed by the two people fighting over there.

Although it is a different space, all the attacking air and everything will not be detected.

All the power and destructive power will be fully released in the space.

It will not cause any damage to the world and the surroundings.

"Hum... Really interesting"

"It seems that your students have also used their full strength!"

Liberl looked at the silent principal and was cautious.

Because the opponent's strength was equal to his own, if he was not careful, he would be completely defeated.

Because the physical and magical power consumption of both sides was the same.

As long as one of them was in a lower state, it would reveal a flaw and would definitely be defeated.

In the battle between masters, death is fatal in an instant.

While looking at the big man over there, the principal did not dare to take it lightly.

"Is it Eileen?……"

The principal, who was with them day and night, was very familiar with this aura.

But being able to use such a huge power was like destroying the enemy in 2

"What happened over there?"

""I saw the power of Irene's anger for the first time."

After saying that, Liberl appeared behind the principal, who easily dodged.

The two continued to fight.

However, the field over there had changed.

Compared to the deadly blows of the masters, more people knew about the excitement of this.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"This girl vomited blood?"

"what is going on?"

"Is it because of overexertion?"

"I felt something was wrong from the beginning. Did she take some stimulants?"

"Very likely."

Amidst all the speculation, it was Ailin who vomited blood and looked at Levi in front of her with empty eyes.

""Ai... Ailin!"

Levi couldn't believe that Ailin had fallen down like this.

Although she still had a breath left, her life would be in danger if she wasn't rescued in time.

Huh - the smoke dissipated, and Xiye stood there intact.

In his hands, the tips of more than a dozen magic spears were pinched by Xiye.

There was no blood on Xiye's body.

It can even be said that Xiye's breathing did not change, and he was still steady.

"What on earth... happened?"

Xiao Wei looked at the situation below, and she was at a loss.

It wasn't that she couldn't tell who would win in the current situation.

It was that she couldn't believe that after suffering such an attack,

Xiye could still be unscathed!

Not only her, but also that���The hooded woman and Anna were both surprised

"This...this is impossible!"

"How is it possible that it would be completely ineffective against him!"

"How could he be so strong? Could it be that he had some magical tool?"

"But why didn't I notice it at all?"

The hooded woman was almost crazy and wanted to know everything about Xiye.

Because this man was too powerful.

Even if she had a deep understanding of him before, she would still be surprised when she saw him in person.

Anna put away her expression of watching a show and analyzed:


"A strong enemy indeed"

"Also, if you don’t take back your breath, something bad might happen."

At this point, the hooded woman felt it.

But she didn’t want to take it back either. She wanted that Ailin to die.


On the field, Ailin still stood up unsteadily.

The spear pointed directly at Xiye, and she was determined not to give up.

"Eileen, no!"

"If you use magic again, you will die!"

Ke'ai Lin still ignored it, raised her magic gun and walked towards Xiye tremblingly.

"Humph, use my people against me"

"You will pay the price, too."

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