"Dumped? Did you know that they have all been killed? And it's not just Linali, there's also a guy called Tas."

Xiye's face was gloomy. This white-haired godfather Fried must die, and he wanted to tell the purpose of their trip through his mouth.

Let Asia completely recognize the ugly faces of these people.


Fried, who was still expressing his feelings, suddenly froze.

"Linali is dead, what a rubbish"

"You know a lot."

Xiye raised his lips, turned around and faced Fried:"I also know that you are about to meet them."

"Ah...Hehehe, you almost made me believe it.....What a guy who doesn't know his own limits." Fried's expression became distorted, and he said with a wicked smile:"I haven't done anything for a long time, and I almost forgot the taste of blood."


Asia shouted loudly behind Xiye.

"That's really exciting."

"Turn on the magician mode."

"Open the 'Domination' theme!"

"Connect to the Royal Library's 'Gluttony' stack!"

"——"True Words!"

With a series of commands, Xiye transformed into a magic outfit, his black hair turned white, and a light circle was thrown out from his hand.

A barrier was formed in this room, separating it from the outside.


Behind him, Asia was knocked back a few steps by the sudden wave of magic power.

She stared blankly at Xiye's current state, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Mmm, smells like the devil....But why doesn't it have those exciting bat wings? Let me see."

Fried looked at Xiye in front of him, and thought he was a demon because of his demonic form. He pressed the lightsaber with thirst:"My lightsaber is thirsty."

Fried, an exorcist, is about the same as Linali in terms of strength.

Because he has a lightsaber in his hand, a weapon that specifically restrains demons, and some magic, he is more threatening in front of demons.

"Hey, Fried, please look carefully, I am not a demon, I am the Demon King."

Xiye curled the corners of his mouth, and with the blessing of the Word of Truth on his body, he moved quickly and hit Fried directly.


The powerful impact immediately made the whole person fly backwards.

He fell on the earthen fence surrounding the room outside.

Xiye did not use all his strength in this punch, because the Word of Truth was supported by magic power, and hitting the body would be like receiving magical damage in addition to physical damage.

Fried's condition at the moment was not good at all.

Because he didn't want the fallen angels to have a special body, he was just a physique stronger than ordinary people, and between the fallen angels.

Now his eyes were wide open, and his mind was in a state of confusion.

Cough cough!

After a while, after a continuous cough, Fried came to his senses.

"Damn demon, go to hell!"

He took out a gun, which was only equipped by high-level exorcists, a powerful weapon for hunting demons.


With a gunshot, an energy bullet suddenly came out of the gun and hit Xiye's body at a high speed.


With Xiye's mind control, the magic was directly removed without a trace of residue.


Asia, who was still a little worried, watched in surprise as the bullet in the exorcist gun was decomposed, and her tense body finally relaxed.

Asia knew the most. He had been with the white-haired godfather Fried for a while, and knew that his weapons had a strong suppressive effect on demons.

In his eyes, he also thought that the demon in front of him was the same as Fried.


The white-haired godfather Friede kept pulling the trigger.

Gunshots continued.

But it was all in vain.

Xiye clenched his palms and walked towards Friede's seat:"I heard from Linali, what are you going to do to Asia?"

Friede looked behind and saw the barrier, knowing that he had no way to retreat. After a look of shock, he returned to his normal state:"Wu... isn't it just taking away her artifact 'Smile of the Virgin Mary'? You can't have forgotten even this. Hehehehe.."


After hearing what Friede wanted to say, he glanced at Asia's reaction in the room.

There was a trace of tears on her delicate cheeks, and she didn't dare to look lifeless. She was obviously shocked by Friede's words.

Didn't you say that I could save more people?...


Xiye narrowed his eyes, turned back to look at Fried and said,"Then what will happen to Asia if we remove the artifact from her body?"

"Death, is there any need to say this....."

Friedl covered his face with his hands while laughing wildly, like a vicious wolf.

But the next second, his voice stopped abruptly.

Xiye's fist pierced Friedl's heart.

Friedl froze in place.

Only a small amount of blood dripped from the wound along Xiye's arm to the ground.

Behind him, Asia's eyes widened, and she was stunned in place.

For the first time, she felt that a person's death was not so pitiful. She just didn't know why this missionary wanted to deceive herself.

Was it just for the artifact"Smile of the Virgin Mary" that allowed the church to define herself as a witch?....

For a long time, Asia squatted on the ground, holding her knees with both hands, and her whole body was trembling.

Here, Xiye cleaned up Friede's body and wiped off the disgusting blood of Friede in his hands.

Then he slowly came to the side of Saint Asia.

"It's okay, everything is over, the fallen angels are just using you, you just need to recognize their ugly faces."

Xiye comforted her, and then squatted on the ground with her, patting Asia's hood gently:"Asia, you still have me, this will be your home from now on"


The sound was getting louder and louder. It was the first time that Asia cried so loudly.

Xiye was just accompanying her.

Sometimes, a person's growth can be achieved with the help of others. The rest depends on oneself. It was not until the night was lingering and there was silence all around that

Asia raised her head.

The tears on her face had been wiped away.

""Thank you, Mr. Xiye."

The girl smiled sincerely at Xiye.

Beside him, Xiye also understood that he had really walked out of the haze.

When he picked up his phone and saw a message

"Xiye-kun, please bring Asia to school tomorrow. Our supernatural research department's director Rias wants to see her.

——Kitty sauce stay!"............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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