(Chapter 27 is being revised. If you miss it, you can only read the simplified version.)

But that's a later story. After all, I can't do it with my current strength.

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Host: Xiye

Race: Human

Strength: Supreme Demon Elementary

Weapon:"Astir's Manuscript" unlocked 40%.

Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica': Attached weapon, which improves with the improvement of Astir's manuscript ability.

Ability: 'Rage' Library: Sacred Ritual, 'Gluttony' Library: Word of Truth! 'Greed' Library: Chorus! 'Magic Elimination'!

Special ability; can copy other people's abilities (limited, the same degree of ability as the other party)

"In other words, the limitation of copying is that it can only imitate attacks of the same degree, but it is still okay."

Xiye also fell asleep peacefully. The people here are very cute. There shouldn't be too many crises like the world of Devil High School......... the next day...

Xiye woke up and just as he was about to raise his arms, his arms felt soft to varying degrees. When he saw the situation clearly, his head was full of black lines.....Xiao Wei and Kannazuki Ailin

"It shouldn't be, how could I not notice it."

After pondering for a while,

Xiye soon figured out what was going on.

He didn't notice that there were two more people around him, all thanks to Xiaowei's duet.

It can make people fall asleep.

This can easily explain why he made such a mistake.

However, what bad intentions could Xiaowei have?....I just want to sleep with you.

Ailin just can't leave her identity as the devil's partner behind.

When Xiye thought about whether he should continue to sleep, there were two soft knocks on the door.

"Xiye, it's time for class. You're going to be late."

Lilith was the one who spoke.

As a teacher, she had no obligation to call a student to class.

But Lilith thought that she might have misunderstood Xiye yesterday, and wanted to apologize to him today.

However, there was no response from inside the door.

"Could it be that classmate Xiye has already gone out?...."

Lilith wondered.

Then she opened the door to see if he was really gone or if he was sleeping too deeply.....

But when she opened the door, she saw the scene in front of her.

In the picture, Xiye was helping Ailin put on her shirt.

And Ailin looked a little reluctant.

Xiaowei, who had not yet dressed, was watching Xiye busy.

But the sound of the door opening outside immediately stopped what Xiaye was doing.

Xiye put down what he was doing and turned his head slowly.

He silently thought to himself that it shouldn't be the case.

But when Lilith's face turned red and she covered her mouth in shock.

Xiye knew that he could not wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

After a slight hesitation, Xiye could only help Ailin put on her clothes first.....

He already knew what would happen next.

But Lilith covered her mouth and did not shout out as loudly as before.

Instead, she quietly left.

"Alas, Teacher Lilith left....."

Ailin pointed in the direction of the door and said in what Xiye thought was the simplest and most insane words:

"But what happened to Lilith today?"

Xiye was also curious why Lilith suddenly stopped shouting like before....

After cleaning up Ailin, he looked at the culprit girl and said,"Xiao Wei, it's your turn." After a lot of trouble, it was finally over.

Lilith ran out of the door, but she was at the bottom of the teaching building. She put her hand on her heart and calmed down.

"Xiye classmate...Why..."

OPPE...Xiao Wei is indeed not small....

"But you never chased me....How do you know?...."

Lilith's heart becomes complicated...

"Hey, Teacher Lilith."

Akito and Ailin also came to the teaching building and greeted Lilith at the stairs.

"Um...Qiu Yin...Maitreya..."

Lilith took a deep breath and replied to them.

Seeing Lilith's distracted look, Qiu Yin said generously,"I saw the school newspaper last night....Teacher Lilith is pretty quick..."


When Akine Fudo mentioned the newspaper, she thought about what happened this morning and looked a little disappointed.

But she left without saying goodbye.

"Hey, Boss.. What happened to Teacher Lilith?..."

The straightforward Qiu Yin watched Lilith's strange departure and asked in confusion.

"Who knows?"

Sanna Miroku turned his head away and said with a little pride.

"oh...I almost forgot that the eldest is still an innocent girl.....Hahaha..."

Akine scratched her head and laughed loudly.

"If you keep talking, I won't help you with your part-time job and buy you food."

Miroku's eyes narrowed. She hated it most when people called her a pure girl. She obviously hated that....

And the fatal weakness of Fudo Akine is that although the Mantra Technique seems violent, it depends on her hunger and fullness.

Even though she eats a lot, she can't even feed herself.

Miroku is like her boss and part-time employer, and Fudo Akine has also taken on some of Miroku's bodyguard work.

However, the two of them have said such jokes many times, so Fudo Akine didn't take it seriously.

Suddenly, Fudo Akine thought of something and said jokingly:"But, boss, the principal said yesterday that he would let him learn our technique. What do you think? It seems that you are also included...."

"I am the same as him, I am the library of 'Arrogance', but he is the theme of 'Domination', and he is also the owner of the Demon King Gene, and I am the theme of 'Justice', representing the side of justice."

Miller said righteously and confidently:"It is impossible for him to learn"

"That's hard to say.....oh...I think Demon King Xiye is pretty good..."Akine said

"Which side are you on? Am I still the chief inspector of the Royal Library?"

Shanna Miroku said unhappily.

Below is a picture of the arrogant Shanna Miroku............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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