Xiye said this because he didn't want Lilith to think about what happened last night.

But when Lilith heard this, she had already thought about the scene in the morning.

The blood in her chest could not be stopped even though she was restrained.

Her face was red.

"Hey, Eileen, was he last night....."At this time, Levi lowered his voice and asked Irene beside him

"It's not possible that Xiye was sleeping so soundly that he was affected by Xiaowei's"duet technique" in his dream....I'm curious too..."Ailin stared at Xiye's hand on Xiaowei's head and said jealously

"oh.."Levi put away his curiosity and thought something strange happened last night....

"He actually already knows four of the seven magicians' techniques.. Xiye is so delicious to look at....."Qiu Yin showed a greedy look without moving

"You'd better stop thinking..."

Sanna Miroku raised his fist and stopped it in front of his chest, ready to attack at any time.

Although she was innocent and pure, it didn't mean that she wouldn't understand what Fudo Akine meant when she grew up.

Seeing this, Fudo Akine put her hands in front of her chest and begged for mercy:"Boss,...Calm down...I was just joking." On Xiye's side, the girl Xiao Wei raised her head:"Really?..."


Xiye nodded.

Seeing Xiaowei seemed very disappointed, he still said it.

"Connect to the"Greed" library and start the"Friendship" theme"


Xiye had a magic wand in his hand.

The magic power spread in the air with his thoughts, and spread invisibly around.

When the people on the scene saw Xiye was about to release the magic that would make them fall asleep, they all made defenses, so none of them fell asleep.

This was also because Xiye did not use his full strength, otherwise no one on the scene would escape.

However, the students of the Royal Biblia Academy who were away from this side and close to here could not escape the duet technique.

A large number of them fell down.

They fell into the dream created by Xiye.

If Xiye wanted to make the whole audience fall asleep, it would be easy, but he had to activate the Demon King Factor.

"As expected."

When Xiye's magic was over, Xiao Wei returned to Ailin's side:"As expected, we are in the same boat."

Immediately afterwards, Fengjian Levi also came to Xiye and demonstrated the invisibility technique....

Xiye was also able to use it after watching it.

It seemed that this was normal for everyone.

Lilith's guidance was completely unnecessary.

When five of the six magicians had been defeated by Xiye,

Sanna Miroku came out.

"Xiye, since you have learned everything else, let's try the spell we both use for the Pride Library."

Speaking of this, Sanna Miroku also transformed into the magician mode.

A light ball crystal representing justice appeared in her hand.

"My magic: Crystal Reflection, a magic that can reflect everything"

"Is that so?"

Xiye glanced at Maitreya's technique.

"Copy! Crystal Reflection Technique!"

The short white hair fluttered in the wind, and the magic technique was similar to that of Maitreya.

In his hand, a crystal emitting white light also rose.

In the picture, the young man in a dark windbreaker and holding a crystal representing the theme of"justice" was like a messenger in the dark night, giving people the illusion of loneliness and arrogance.

"Ha ha...I told you so."

Unmoved Qiuyin laughed loudly, then looked at Maitreya and said,"Boss, look at Xiye classmate..."


Still shocked that Xiye had really done it, Sanna Miroku was provoked by his adjutant Akine and laughed at by the magician mode on his body.

However, he lowered his head and prepared to leave.

As the best student of the Royal Biblia Academy, how could she be surpassed by a freshman who just came to the academy?

She couldn't accept it anyway.

Moreover, she was a candidate for the Demon King with the Demon King gene, which was obviously off track from her own concept of"justice"

"Hey, Boss...Why did he leave?"

When everyone was concerned about Sannai Miroku,

Xiye noticed that something had changed around him.

"Oh, Miroku, long time no see. This is the first time I see you so depressed."

A wave of space appeared.

A girl wearing a tight black dress, who looked very similar to Selina, emerged from the wave of space.

However, she and her sister looked like two different people. Lise exuded a sadistic vibe from head to toe.


"elder sister!".....

Everyone present knew who was coming, including Xiye.

It was Selina's sister Lise.

"Teacher Lilith, long time no see."

After glancing at Lilith, he looked at Selina who was holding the camera and said,"Sister, how are you these days?..."

Finally, his eyes fell on Xiye:"I didn't expect to see a demon king candidate in the Royal Biblia Academy.....It's really shocking."

While saying this, she wiped her mouth with her hand.

It was as if Xiye was a piece of fat meat, making her a little greedy.

"Oh, you must be Selina's sister. It turns out that twins have different personalities!"

Xiye pointed at Selina who was standing opposite him and said

"Oh? Which one do you like more?...I like both...."

Selina stuck out her tongue, licked the corner of her mouth, and said sadistically

"This is hard to choose...."

Xiye spread his hands and said helplessly.

They both have their own characteristics.

It is really a difficult question to choose....

As soon as the words fell, all eyes turned to Xiye.


"I have a new competitor.".....

Only Lise blinked at Xiye, with a smile on her face:"What a special man... who dares to speak the truth."....That means you like both."

"I hate doing multiple-choice questions."Xiye responded.

Only children do multiple-choice questions. As an adult, he has to

"It's really unexpected.."

Lise covered her mouth with her hands, and then her eyes showed a trace of brightness:"Then let them accompany you."

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery collapsed in an instant, and it became an unknown place............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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