Lise's magic power seemed to be blocked.

"How on earth did you do that?...."

She widened her eyes. The frozen time just now was broken.

That was a powerful spell, but how could it freeze herself?

Her eyes fell on Xiye's other hand.

A white crystal ball.

Crystal Reflection Spell.....No wonder....

However, after Xiye used the magic to eliminate it, he did not slack off.

The duet technique also formed a rhythmic magic with his thoughts and entered Lise's ears.


Lise began to lose consciousness, and with a groan, she fainted.


Xiye and Lise disappeared from the spot.

They came to the dream that Xiye customized himself.

This was also the result Xiye wanted. He wanted to know about the saint.

After disappearing, everything returned to normal.

Seeing Xiye suddenly disappear, everyone was a little nervous.

But Xiao Wei said happily:"Xiye created the dream, which seems to be stronger than Xiao Wei's dream. In the dream, he can rely on the control of the master."

"So don't worry...."


Lilith moaned softly and fainted from her sleep.

At this moment, her eyes struggled slightly and gradually opened.

Lilith looked around and was surprised to see everyone surrounding her, but her magic power was completely sucked away.

Although there was Xiye's magic power injected, it was only a small amount.

Lilith said weakly:"It's all over......Xiye classmate..."

After saying that, Xiye was the only one missing from the people around her.

Her pupils shrank.

A bad feeling came into her mind.

When she was about to faint, Xiye seemed to have activated his demonic transformation, trying to save her.....But now what about others?...

Teacher Lilith, that guy should be coming out soon...

"I didn't expect Xiye to be so strong."

Fudo Akine said on the side. After all, Fudo Akine, who possesses the Mantra Technique, is quite impressed by Xiye's strong learning ability.

"Xiye doesn't know how to treat her sister...."

Selina did not discuss this topic with everyone, but stared at the place where Lise disappeared last, her eyes lost in thought.

On Xiye's side.

In a dream.

This is a void universe.

The short magic blockade on Lise was also lifted.

The whole person entered a combat state.

When Lise woke up, she found that she had come to a strange place.

There were countless planets around her, and she was actually suspended in the air.

It felt like she was in the world of the stewardess.

She said in a panic:"Where is this!?"

"You should be familiar with duet, right?"

Xiye stared at Lise in front of him and said lazily. He had actually come to his dream space.

He was not worried that Lise would run away.

Hearing this, Lise was stunned for a moment. She was once a student of the Royal Biblia Academy and the controller of the Royal Library's 'Laziness' Library, one of the Seven Magicians. Of course she knew

"I should have thought of it long ago. You were able to learn to"neglect" the library in such a short time, not to mention other libraries, which is not a difficult task."

"Your theme is the dominant theme of the 'Arrogance' library"

"But how come you have two themes in the library?....And it is the opposite of the subject definition.."

Lise asked with some confusion.

At this moment, she had given up resistance. In the dream, everything she did was in vain.

So she simply asked about her failure.

"I don't know either, but now it has been proved that whether it is the power of the devil or justice, it is possible for both to exist together."

Xiye said lightly.

He naturally would not make public the ability given by his system that transcends the cognition of this world.

Then Xiye remembered the purpose of bringing her to the dream, and asked:"The saint you mentioned earlier... What is her relationship with the"Astir's Manuscript"?..."

"oh...Holy...I am not sure as well...It's just that I heard that she had a conflict with the"Astir's Codex" in her dream, and she has been looking for the owner of this magic book...."

"As for the rest, I don't know....Does the demon king Xiye have any idea about Sheng?..."

Lise suddenly showed a sadistic expression:"You clearly said before that you wanted to choose us two sisters, but now you are actually concerned about other people....."

"Saint doesn't have a good figure like me.....She is just a little magician who grew up in the Copy Quest Society, but you all possess the Demon King Gene...."

"Devil Factor..."

Xiye knew in his heart that Shengzai did get the devil gene later.

But what the hell is it that he grew up in the Gospel Exploration Society?....

There was also friction in the dream with the owner of the magic book"Astir's Codex"...

Has the plot changed?.....

"Xiye classmate....I have confessed everything.....I believe you brought me here just to ask this....I've told you everything....."

Then Lise pretended to be a weak woman, raised her right leg, put her right index finger on her lips and said softly,"Don't turn your face and deny it....."

After thinking for a while, Xiye saw Lise's behavior. If someone didn't know Lise's character, he would definitely be confused by her. But

Xiye knew that this girl was best at disguise. How could he know if she would turn against him in the next second?

"This is none of my business. I know everything you want to know."

"Then I'll take you out and bring you back to the Royal Biblia Academy to be dealt with by the principal..."

Xiye would not listen to her slander.

As for why she was not executed, it was still because of Selina.

The person behind was her sister.....

Another point is that she just connected to the"Eternal Library" and didn't do anything else bad......

"....headmaster...Xiye classmate, can I change someone? I will go to the Royal Bibula Academy and I will listen to you...."

As soon as Lise heard the name of the principal, she immediately became nervous.

She didn't know the principal's strength.

When she became a traitor, she learned in the Gospel Quest that the principal was actually one of the five great demons!

What a powerful existence.

She had no pressure in front of Xiye, and this man looked particularly promising............................................................................................................................................................... ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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