
The door of Wang Liber Academy was pushed open.

A great magical power overflowed from inside and outside.

"The source of the collapse should be inside."

Sanna Miroku said vigilantly, looking at the endless magic power coming from inside.

But just as she stepped forward.

Xiye stretched out his right hand to block Sanna Miroku:"Wait, when you enter here, remember that you can't use the conversion to magician mode"


Sanna Miroku turned to look at Xiye with a puzzled look on his face and asked.

Xiye had forgotten before coming that the Royal Liberl Academy seemed to have been surrounded by a barrier.

And magic is not allowed in this academy. For this girl, Sanna Miroku, who is just a magician.

If she uses it, her clothes will be destroyed!

Xiye was embarrassed when asked this by Sanna Miroku.

To tell the truth, this innocent girl would probably think of herself as a liar.

But in order to prevent the embarrassing scene, Xiye insisted,"You'd better listen to me."


Shannai Miroku's face was immediately unhappy. She had been here many times before, and this kind of thing would never happen.

So, the magic power was running through Shannai Miroku's body.

"Connect to the"Pride" library and open the"Justice" theme!"

As soon as the voice fell!


The sound of clothes being torn into pieces entered Xiye's ears.

And he could clearly see the white.....And Sanna Miroku was stunned and stood there stiffly.

"It's terrible. The world has become such that no one believes the truth, and no one believes lies either....."

Xiye had just finished speaking....!

A huge scream spread around with Sannai Miroku.

Feeling that his eardrums were about to burst, Xiye took off his clothes.

He handed it to Sannai Miroku, whose face was extremely red and whose hands were protected in front of his chest, not daring to look directly at him.

"I can only lend you the clothes, but please don't take the pants....."


Glancing at Xiye's tilted head, Sanna Miroku let go of one arm and tentatively took Xiye's clothes.

Then he quickly put them on.

Fortunately, Xiye was much taller than the girl.

The length of the clothes was enough to cover the parts that needed to be covered.

After a few minutes, the girl Sanna Miroku said tremblingly:"Turn around, I'm....Changed....."

Xiye turned his head helplessly and saw Shannai Miroku:"You believe it now, right?"

"You still say that!"Sanai Miroku kept pressing the corners of the clothes with both hands, and he didn't let the large clothes float because of walking or anything!

"Okay, now you have to follow me closely. Maybe you need to change and listen to my instructions....."Xiye said jokingly

"...."Shannai Miroku did not answer.

Instead, he walked behind Xiye, avoiding his gaze to cover up his shyness.

It seemed that Xiye was not that bad.

It was just that he was wearing his clothes........

After confirming that everything was fine, Xiye said,"Go in and see if there are any other people's clothes. Otherwise, if you keep walking like this, I don't know when this collapse will end."

After saying that, Xiye looked at the sky behind him. It seemed that this place had left the original world and came to an independent dimension.....You should be here.....

After entering the academy, they searched the academy.

Maitreya was watching Xiye from behind.

It seemed that this guy was not that annoying.....

After a while of busy work, the clothes were finally found.

Xiye handed the clothes to Mi Le and asked her to put them on in a secluded place.

At this time, a breath of monsters was moving outside the room where Xiye was.

From the window, it can be seen that these monsters are like zombies, all gray, and are moving forward step by step.

The target is the direction of the door.

"Are you here?..."

Xiye looked back and saw that Maitreya had not come out yet.

"I'll finish the battle quickly."

"Open the"Pride" library!"

"Connect with the 'dominate' theme!"

"Holy Ritual!"

Xiye completed the transformation into the magician mode.

This was the first time Xiye tried to use magic power when he entered the door.

He found that he was not affected by this place.

It was probably related to the forced intervention of the system.

As he thought, several blue magic rings were generated around him.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound was like a deafening sound. The magic power condensed in the magic circle and blasted the monsters in front of him. They were cleared away in an instant.

Those monsters turned into a pile of gray quagmire, emitting lavender mist. It was obvious that they would not survive.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of Xiye.

How could Xiye not recognize this person?

Isn't he the target person this time?.....Sheng!

When Sheng appeared in front of Xiye.

Sheng was also trying to find out about Xiye.

"You are the new student with the devil gene....."

After saying that, she suddenly noticed something unexpected on Xiye!

《Astir's manuscript: The Magic Book!

Although it was a legendary thing, she had seen it in her dreams, and she had also seen the record of the Magic Book in the magic book.

Moreover, the young man in front of her gradually overlapped with the figure in her dream.

He just looked a little younger.


Xiye nodded.

He was waiting for what the Saint would do.

Because he also wanted to know what intervention the system had made.

Would it have screwed him?

As for Xiye, the small inner door opened.

"what happened...."

When she saw Xiye, who had already entered the magician mode, and the battle scene in front of her, Sanna Miroku immediately understood.

The monster was approaching.

And the blue-haired girl in front of her seemed to be an enemy as well.

But she was more curious about why Xiye was not affected by her.���However, reason took over, and Miroku realized what he should do. He quickly came behind Xiye.

Now the only thing she could do was not to hold Xiye back.................................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg for flowers and monthly tickets

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