
That was a few days later, and the time limit for my trip to another world was about to expire.


Xiye nodded.

This time, the"campus festival" will not only have"Anna", the demon king candidate.

It seems that Liberl will also appear....

Then Saint... should also be here.

Say goodbye to the two.

Lilith and Levi looked at each other.

"Xiye seems to be acting strange.

Levi also pretended to be a thinker:"Same for Sanna Miroku...There is something fishy...."....

Time passed quickly, and there were only three days left until the school festival.

However, Xiye's one-month deadline for the Seven Magicians World had also come to an end.

The system's voice sounded.

"Ding! The Seven Magicians World has expired. The host will automatically return to the Demon High School World in ten seconds. The Seven Magicians World Card can continue to be recharged with points"

"And seven magicians freeze the world and preserve it!"

"Start countdown 10...9...5...2..1!"

Until the system prompt sound stopped.

Xiye's eyes suddenly flashed with white light.

After a moment, he returned to his new home in Juwang Town.

"Are you back?..."

Xiye looked at the familiar place in front of him, which was his room.

And it was still dark, it seemed that the world had really stopped.

"Huh...This is where...."

The book spirit girl Kong scanned the strange world. She could only visit Xiye's memories in the world of the Seven Magicians.

But she knew nothing about the world of the Demon High School in this world.

Without Xiye's permission, she couldn't do it.

"Another dimension." Xiye explained

"oh....It seems that I underestimated you....I can actually come to another dimension world"

"But this is the world you built...."

The girl Sora was faced with such a thing, even though she was the author of the legendary"Astir's Manuscript" and had never seen such a thing before.

"no..."Xiye took out his phone from the bedside table.

Looking at it, it was a message that Xiaomaojiang had sent him not long ago.

"Um....Asia is going to meet Rias?.."

While thinking about the problem, the girl said in Xiye's mind:"A little Loli is coming...It seems like you have a special liking for this...."

The scheming Kong thought Xiye must have this quirk, and smiled thoughtfully.


The door was gently pushed open a little.

"Xiyejun...Are you asleep?..."

Outside the door, a blond, tender, white head poked in from the crack of the door.

She was a little nervous about approaching a boy's room in the middle of the night for the first time.


Putting down the phone, Xiye confronted Ai Xiya's eyes and asked in confusion:"What's wrong? are not..."

I was just about to tell you about Asia being deceived....But he immediately put it back into his mouth

"Can't sleep...Can you tell me a story?"

Asia looked at the demon Xiye who had killed people in front of her before, without showing any fear or resentment.

"tell a story...."

Xiye's mouth twitched....

The girl in my mind suddenly said,"It seems you still like telling stories...."

Apparently she is still upset about Xiyejiang's last threat.

"Then come in...."

Xiye waved his hand, signaling the girl, Asia, to speak.

Xiye approved.

The girl took small steps and slowly came to Xiye's bedside.

Xiye leaned against the bed, his eyes looking at the ceiling.

"Since the ancient Bible, the three major forces...Demons fight fallen angels and seraphim....The whole world has been reshuffled....The ancient ancestors of fallen angels and demons also died in the battle."

"..The God of the Bible was also severely damaged and soon fell. However, the heavenly system still exists.."

"The angels took advantage of this and deceived everyone, but there were still people who survived the ancient"

Xiye told a series of stories.

He didn't know what to tell the girl Asia, so he simply told her stories and let her understand the meaning of the stories.

"Are all your stories horror stories?....Why did the girl across from me start crying?"Shu Lingkong reminded Xiye in his mind.


I lowered my head and looked at the girl.

On her delicate face, two lines of tears glowed in the night light.

"Are you crying?.."

Xiye came to Asia with pity and wiped the tears off her face.

Then he touched her head which was lowered because of Xiye's approach.

"In fact, the existing church is also extremely filthy. You don't need to be disappointed with your faith."


The girl just lowered her head and said nothing.

From Xiye's story, she already knew that the God of the Bible was dead.

And Xiye didn't seem to have any reason to lie to her.....

Maybe God really doesn't exist anymore....

Asia's body twitched a few times because of crying.

Then she curled up on Xiye's thighs and gradually fell asleep.

"Pure girl.....Humph! Is there still faith in this world?..."

Kong Ye's heart was touched by Asia. Although she was still harsh in her words, she still asked Xiye about his faith.

"The weak need to believe in something illusory, but the strong do not need it....."

Xiye gently stroked Asia's little head while answering Sora's questions.

"oh....So which one are you?..."

Kong suddenly changed the subject, lowered his voice, and asked curiously.

Xiye was stunned for a moment, then said,"I...Belong to the latter.."

"It's really a wolfish ambition, but I agree with this point."

Kong laughed, which was also a recognition of Xiye's words.

"But why don't you show your true self?" Xiye asked curiously. He remembered that the spirit of the magic book in"Astir's Manuscript" could show its true self.

"I don't know why, but my power has been sealed and I haven't reached the level required to show my true form."

"Is that so?..."

Xiye put his consciousness into the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".

Below is Asia's picture!............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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