"Xiye classmate.. I didn't expect you to have such strength....."

Adjusting the red glasses on his nose, Cang Na's tone did not contain a trace of emotion.

If it weren't for the different voice, Xiye would have almost mistaken this voice for a system notification sound.

"Then the game begins."Xiye said as he glanced in the direction of Seraphlu.

This magical girl is the Demon King who dotes on Cang.....

At this moment, he is also observing the magic dynamics of Xiye.....

The people present had never met Xiye before, and had no idea of Xiye's abilities and strength....

Even Asia was holding her breath as she watched the battle continue.

Although she had seen the battle between Xiye and the White-haired Godfather,...

But the person in front of me is the sister of the devil, how can she be an ordinary person?....


With the power of the mantra, Xiye's body disappeared like lightning as his mind was injected.

This was without the power of the Light God Luger's"Radiance Technique". You could still see afterimages in the air.

But for Xiye, it was enough...

The ghostly attack came towards Cang Na. Although he was a six-winged demon, he was the future patriarch of the Sidi family and was not an ordinary person. His reaction speed was very fast.....It's not good...

Cang Na immediately cast a defensive magic...

A huge water circle formed on her body, wrapping herself up.

Unfortunately, she underestimated Xiye's attack.

Xiye had a perverted close-range attack.


With a powerful fist, the rune soul ring formed by the mantra in his hand vaguely turned into a blue dragon, attacking the water prisoner.


There was no way to stop Xiye's attack.

Because Xiye's current strength was close to the edge of the power of the sub-demon king, it was impossible for the upper demon Cang to stop it.

In an instant, the water prisoner collapsed and turned into a pool of water, falling to the ground.

"Um..."Feeling the powerful attack, his defense was instantly broken, and Xiye's fist seemed to be constantly expanding in front of his eyes, expanding to cover his entire vision.

The danger was approaching, and Cangna was a little panicked, closing his eyes and waiting for Xiye's attack.

Cangna felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, brushing his light black hair.

It stopped abruptly.....

After a long while, Cang Na opened his eyes and found that he was fine......


The moment he opened his eyes, Xiye's hand had already been put down, and the two of them were facing each other, looking into each other's eyes.....

I only found Xiye looking at me calmly....

Silver-white short hair, handsome cheeks....

This was the first time Sidi had confronted a man at close range....

The body shrank back in shock....

Then I realized that I seemed to have lost the game.....

"Are you okay?.."Seraphlu, wearing a blue magic girl costume, appeared between Xiye and Cangna, looking at Cangna with a worried look.

However, she immediately looked at Xiye and said,"Thank you for showing mercy...but your artifact looks pretty good."...Can I transform into a magical girl?.."

Suddenly, the game between the two of them was over, because of Seraful's intervention, Cang Na's head was full of black lines....

Xiye was not much better, and his mouth twitched.

However, Seraflor took out a magic broom and handed it to Xiye:"This matter is over, this is for you...."

He took it.

The voice of the girl in Xiye's mind rang out:"Humph, this is my trophy...."

"Na...for you.."

The magic broom disappeared from Xiye's hand and appeared in the hand of the black-bellied loli in his mind.

The girl played with the thing in her hand:"This broken thing, it's my turn....."

This side.

Because the battle failed, although Cang Na was not really injured, but the blow just now was enough to prove that she was defeated.

At this moment, Cang Na returned to her usual state and said to Xi Ye:"You are very strong...."

He walked to Rias with Serafla.

Rias stared at Xiye, and recalled the scene just now in her mind, the powerful close-range attack, that punch was not simple.

Thinking carefully, she immediately thought of the tragic deaths of the superior demons Tasi in the church, and the fallen angel who was beheaded alive.

"It should be gone....It seems that Xiye really did it...."

Although Sona failed to stand up, he said to Rias who was distracted:"I didn't expect that Xiye, the classmate you wanted to take as a follower, is quite strong...."

"Um..."Coming back to her senses, looking at Sona who was so close, Rias narrowed her eyes slightly:"Indeed, even you are no match for her..."

Being hit by Rias again, Cangna's eyes lingered on Xiye for a while:"It seems that he has not become your dependent yet....."

"What do you mean..."Rias frowned, feeling that something was wrong.....

Could it be that Cang Na has taken a fancy to Xi Ye and wants to snatch her away to be her dependent?....

Isn't this a blatant robbery?.....

That's not very nice.....

The fact that Xiye was able to defeat Cangna so easily shows that he is definitely very powerful and has extraordinary potential. If he can obtain such a follower, it will be beneficial for the two future clan leaders...

"Didn't I help you last time?....You owe me a favor, so this time I'll take it as repayment...."Sona's tone became much calmer. He remembered what Rias had asked him to do and said firmly:

"Last time.?.."Rias was stunned...

Isn't that asking Cang Na to help her find out about Xiye in Tokyo?...

It seems that Cang Na is not as simple as he said......

Are you serious?...

"Wow...Cang Na-chan, I want to take this guy as my dependent.....I think it's OK.."

Seraphlu understood what Sona meant and thought it was okay. After all, Xiye's strength was there.....She knew better than anyone that Xiye's magic power level had reached the highest level of demons....

He is definitely the best among the new demons in the underworld..

Suddenly I thought of something...Seraphlu spoke again:"It seems that Rias has a honey trap like Koneko-chan....Cang Na Sauce...."

His eyes fell on Cang Na's followers not far away, and locked on Zhen Luo Chunji:"Chunji, you are a queen, you should sacrifice yourself... maybe Xiye will like it...."

"big boss...this..."Shinra Tsubaki's face flushed slightly. Although she and Sona had similar personalities, she was still a little shy when talking about such things....

She immediately looked at President Sona for help..

Seeing this, Rias also covered her face....

This is between her and Cang Na.....

You, a demon king, want to interfere in this matter?...

But the beauty trap doesn't seem to work..

I have also mentioned it tactfully.....However, the kitten was kidnapped....

Xiye still didn't buy it.

At this time, Xiye also cancelled the magician mode and came here.

Seeing this scene.

If I listen to Seraphlu's words, wouldn't I become a sex maniac?....

The kind where the beauty trap is used and then the person is kidnapped...

Sensing Xiye's thoughts, the girl Kong in her mind suddenly said,"That Zhenluo Chunji looks pretty good.....In your food chain?..."

Choosing to ignore it directly, Xiye came to Cang Na and said,"I don't intend to become a reincarnated devil or anyone's follower...."


Sona and Rias looked at each other and remained silent.

Although Xiye said this, the two still maintained the same attitude and must take Xiye as their dependent....

This battle is over...

Seraphlu also took back the virtual projection space.

Everyone returned to the meeting room of the Supernatural Research Society. After talking to Rias and Sona, Xiye left with Koneko-chan and Asia.

Soon after, Sona and the others also left.

Just now, two queen-level figures were competing. As Rias's"queen" family, she did not go up to interrupt, but watched the changes from the side.

"Minister...This Xiye Jun doesn't seem to appreciate it....However.. Xiyejun is indeed strong..."

Seeing everyone leaving, Himejima Akeno was also shocked and said...

The inner thoughts of revenge on Xiye...No hope anymore.....

"Um..."Rias responded calmly, feeling a little disappointed....

Xiye gave her a shock in terms of strength...

But I couldn't use it for myself...

Thinking about the upcoming engagement...With a sad face,

Himejima Akeno, who wanted to leave, saw Rias's complicated expression and asked in confusion:

"Minister Rias...Are you worried about that?..."

"Um..."Rias, who had always been strong, was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Himejima Akeno was her first retainer....She knew about her engagement, but Koneko-chan and Kiba Yuto didn't know about it.

She was eager to improve her own strength to fight against that 'scumbag' from Phoenix.’..

But the opponent's strength made her feel hopeless....

But Rias was not discouraged....Xiye seems to have a light on him.....

"Lord Lucifer, can't he help the minister?.."Himejima Akeno said solemnly, but halfway through her words,

Rias interrupted her and said,"It's useless....Although my brother is a demon king, this is a marriage between pure-blooded demons from the underworld...."

After saying that, Rias sat alone on the sofa, lying heavily on the sofa with her eyes closed............

After leaving school

, Tacheng Kitten was the most shocked.

She thought Xiye had gone from being an ordinary person to a divine weapon owner, and was also a president who could defeat Sona, who was at the same level as Rias, in seconds.....

Except for a hint of sadness about hiding her identity from Xiye... but if you think about it carefully....I can still understand Xiye's thoughts.

Because it is so difficult for a divine weapon owner to grow up....

First, they will be hunted....Second, someone with premeditated plans would target him and take his artifact....

As Rias's follower, she had been educated on this subject....

So she forgot about hiding her strength.

But the matter was not over yet.

Tacheng Kitten looked at Asia, hesitated for a moment, and said doubtfully:"Xiye Jun~ Your artifact is so powerful... Why don't you seek asylum?...Become Rias's minister...She is.."

After a pause, Tacheng Kitten continued with a firm look in his eyes:"She is the sister of the devil Lucifer... With her protection... wouldn't Xiye Jun be able to grow faster?...And can avoid the covetousness of others..."


Hearing this name, Asia held Xiye's hand, and her legs felt weak....Today, we have seen the Leviathan Demon King...Rias's brother is also a demon king.

The girl Asia can't even use her body.. This is too dangerous..

"Growth does not necessarily require the protection of others...Isn't being strong the best protection?...And it can protect the people around you.."Xiye felt that the palm of the kitten in Tacheng tightened slightly, obviously worried about his safety. Xiye said lightly


Xiaomaojiang nodded.

At the same time, Xiye had already picked up Asia with one hand....

Because Asia heard the title of Demon King...Fainted...

"What happened to Asia?..."

Kitty asked doubtfully

"Too fragile inside...And the terror that the church instilled in him....Her head got hot and she passed out..."Xiye said with a smile

"oh.."Kitten sauce tastes a little bit...

What Ke Xiye just said...Be strong enough to protect those around you...

Is he talking about me?...

But overall, everything is moving in a good direction....

I was afraid that Xiye was weak before....Now there is no need to think about it at all.

Xiye and Xiaomaojiang had dinner together....By the way, I packed a portion for Asia....

Afterwards, Xiye looked at Asia who was still sleeping in his arms....His face was flushed.

He kept saying,"The Devil..."

Xiye also smiled gently.

Back to the house....Xiye began to think about how to complete the task issued by the system: meet Gurefia...

Ps: The following is a picture of Shinra Tsubaki QAQ..

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