At the same time...

Leisa felt as if his body had been hit by something......Suddenly, my eyes went black and white...

I felt that the space around me suddenly changed....

When Lesser came to his senses, the place where he was still hadn't changed.....

His surprised expression immediately regained its composure, he stared at Xiye and said:

"You're such a headache.....This ghost space will also have such a situation....Let you linger a little longer..."

Lesa did not associate the situation just now with Xiye's....Although he was curious about what was going on....

But he would never believe that a human being could do this....

Eight-winged bat wings behind....Instantly, the flames were ignited...The whole person is like a huge roast chicken...The shadow of the 'roast chicken' suddenly appeared....

It was obvious that Lesa had reached the critical point of anger.

Xiye on the other side smiled....

"Come out, empty....."

Following Xiye's words, a beam of light came out from the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" and gradually turned into a little loli....

"Finally able to take action..."

The little girl has a typical smile on her face...The kind of smile that sends chills down one's spine...

"oh...What's this...Spirit of the instrument...It's amazing..."

At this moment, Lesa was floating in the air. Seeing that there was suddenly a loli next to Xiye, he smiled evilly....

Her eyes swept over Lesa, and she turned her head to Xiye and said,"It seems that men seem to have a special obsession with loli...."

Hearing this, Xiye frowned, but immediately crossed his arms....

"This guy is the bloodline of the"Immortal Roast Chicken". You should deal with it...."

"We don't have much time left. Even though I'm activating the power of the Demon King Factor, it still won't last long....Please handle it faster..."


Empty, stop....He said he understood.

Then he turned and looked at Raisa....Snapped his fingers in the air...

Dozens of magic circles formed behind her.....

No need for any magic power concentration...But in an instant,...

"Before the game starts, let me enjoy the fun of bombing.."The girl said darkly.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xiye didn't know what to say....After all, I have been in the magic book for too long, so it is okay to vent appropriately..... at this time...The magic circle behind a girl in the picture suddenly rotated violently....

The shadow of the roast chicken behind the sky covered half of the sky.....


The space trembled violently....Dozens of magic arrays suddenly formed dense magic bullets and bombarded towards Lesa like a meteor shower.....


Raiser stared at the scene in front of him, standing there in a daze. His magic power quickly turned into a huge fire escape that tried to block the magic bullets coming towards him....

However, the magic bullet, like a meteor, is constantly expanding its range....

Bang! Bang! Bang!.....

A bunch of magic bullets, creating a huge bombing effect...Explosion around Raisa....

A huge wave of fluctuations destroyed everything around it...

After the blue magic light...

There is not a single building left within dozens of kilometers....

And the arm of Lesser floating in the sky has been broken....The wings behind me are missing most of them....The whole person is as miserable as a beggar....

Lessar looked at Xiye and Kong, forcing a smile on his injured face. His entire face was in a hideous state, and he suddenly said:

"Forehead...Ha ha...It's really surprising....It's a pity that you met me....I am not dead..."

As he spoke, his injuries were recovering....But the injury is too serious.. The recovery is slow....


Kong suddenly raised his lips and looked at Xiye....

The next moment..with space as carrier...

"Connect' Collapse Theme’...Implementation - Collapse.."

The next second, a powerful magical power suddenly burst out from Sora's body....

The world began to tremble violently...

The rainbow in the sky turned black again in an instant.....

Black particles began to appear around the area, consuming magic power.....

It continued to spread, directly rushing around Raisa....

"Huh? What's going on?...Is Beelzebub's thing useful? Why would such a situation happen again?...."

When Raiser thought that this was just the instability of Beelzebub's virtual projection space....

The surrounding black particles have already begun to eat away at his magic power....

The magic power on my body gradually dissipated...

When Raisa felt something was wrong...

It's too late for everything...

It was like the intense pain of millions of black ants devouring my body....Make his eyes widen..

"What's this..."

Fear fills my heart...

Scratching your body with your hands...He stared at Xiye and the girl in the dark night....

"What's going on... you damn human...."

His face was filled with pain, and the flames behind him were intertwined, flickering....

It was clear that his condition was deteriorating rapidly at this moment....

When he wanted to gather his energy to deal with Xiye again, he had already lost his ability.....

The soul is constantly being weakened...

Until I fell into a deep sleep...

"Put it away.."

Confirmed that Raisa no longer has any abilities...Xiye said to the girl who was still emitting magical power.

"Huh! The power is still not enough!"

The girl's face showed a trace of sweat. It was obvious that the magic power consumed by the collapse phenomenon just now was not a little bit....

"It won't happen naturally in the future...."Xiye said as he slowly flew towards Lesa....

Looking at Raiser who fell to the ground like a leaf, his body was still recovering from his injuries....

If the soul is lost, can the injury be recovered?...

"That's better.."

Xiye's lips curled up.

After waiting for a long time, when Lexa's injuries recovered, Xiye was relieved after observing Lexa's condition.

The two disappeared at the same time, and Lexa fell into a coma. The victory belonged to him, and he could attribute the situation just now to the turbulence in the space....

He was also confused..

But before that, he had to send Raisa out first....My words are followed by a step forward....

A perfect plan was formed in Xiye's mind.

With a wave of Xiye's hand, Lesa suddenly disappeared from here.

He appeared in another space, that is, the virtual projection space....

Gurefia, who was still searching for the two, sensed the vibration of space. Raisa suddenly appeared in her sight and fell to the ground peacefully....

"Hmm? Where's Xiye?..."

Gurefia wanted to look for Xiye again, but she didn't see him.

She had no choice but to go down to observe Lesa's situation....

When a still-living corpse of Lesa appeared before her, she frowned....

He doesn't seem to be injured, so why can't he wake up?...

After this happened, Gurefia had no choice but to send Lesa out of this virtual projection space....

At this moment, the black sun in the sky suddenly returned to normal....

Everyone in the Supernatural Academy was surprised to find Lesa. They looked around for Xiye, but couldn't find him....

Rias has a bad feeling....

Is it Xiye...

And Lesa's body also appeared behind them, but he was in a coma....

When her followers went up to wake up their master...

But Raisa never had the ability to respond....

"Ala Ala~ What happened?...Where is Xiyejun?..."Himejima Akeno looked at Raiser's current state and said with concern.

"Akeno..."Koneko-chan called out Himejima Akeno's name softly, but didn't say anything else..time passed by minute by minute.....

Small space vibration...

Xiye suddenly appeared not far from Gurefia...


Xiye and Gurefia looked at each other....

"Where have you been?" Gurefia asked calmly, but there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

But she didn't show it....

"I don't know either, I just know that I suddenly received the flow of space...Then I went around and came back...."

Xiye is not afraid of hell yet, Gurefia said straight at him.

However, Gurefia looked at Xiye now....

Student Clothing...The strange forbidden hand just now disappeared, and his eyes were clear.. She couldn't even raise any doubts....

Then, Gurefia nodded and said,"Let's go out first...."

I was afraid that something unexpected would happen. After all, the person in front of me was Rias' boyfriend.....


Following a flash of white light, Xiye and Gurefia appeared in front of everyone....

"Ala Ala~ Xiyejun~ You are finally back..."

Himejima Akeno covered her mouth and smiled.

Now it seems that Xiye has won this battle. As Rias's number one follower, of course he will be happy....

And Xiye people seem to be fine...And Raiser has not woken up yet.

Himejima Akeno is beginning to doubt whether his Phoenix bloodline is pure....

Just returned to the Supernatural Research Department, Xiye first looked at Lesa and confirmed that he was���Just as he was about to look away, he felt a burning gaze watching him.

Then he looked over and found the owner of the gaze.

At this time, the blonde girl with twin ponytails who claimed to be passing by in the other space was looking at him in a daze....


Xiye raised his eyebrows in confusion. He had made Lesa unconscious, but she looked at him without any hatred.....

And this look gave him a weird feeling....

Thinking of this, Xiye looked at Rebel and couldn't help but sighed deeply....

He came straight to Xiaomaojiang, stroked her head gently, and said,"I'm fine...."

However, looking at Rias, please be gentle.

Gurefia stared at Xiye's actions. He was so close to her family in front of the lady, and Rias didn't show any discomfort....

But this is Rias's private matter. As a maid of the Gremory family, she will not judge this.

However, in front of everyone, she said calmly:"I declare that the winner of this duel is Xiye..."

As Grayfia shouted, Rias smiled slightly, and the huge burden in her heart was relieved....

The problem that has troubled me for so long has finally come to an end....

Then, Gurefia looked in the direction of Seraphlu:"Lord Leviathan....Please go back with me first...Sirzechs kept talking about you during your stay in the human world...."

"Humph, I just don't want to do hard labor...."Serafla shook Sona's arm and said,"Sona, I'm going back first."

Then she walked to Gurefia's side and glanced at Xiye from the corner of her eyes.

She was curious why Xiye was fine in the space shock, but Raisa became a living dead.....

Glancing at Raiser lying on the ground, Grayfia said to Ravel,"I’ll ask you to take Raiser back. I will also explain this situation to Sirzechs-sama...."

Rebel nodded, and then asked Raisa's followers to lift him up.

Together with Gurefia and the others, they disappeared into the teleportation array to the underworld.

Sona watched Serafla leave, then turned her gaze to Xiye. She expressed the confusion in her eyes:"Xiye, congratulations on winning the game, but I'm curious about where you suddenly disappeared and reappeared...."

Xiye also used the same rhetoric he used against Gurefia to preach to Cangna....

Feeling that this didn't seem like a lie, Sona murmured suspiciously,"Could it be that Beelzebub-sama's alternate dimension is experiencing turbulence?"..."

"Is someone interfering with this game?..."

As a strategic queen, Cang Na is still obsessed with things she can't figure out....

However, Rias said,"No matter what, it's good that Raiser, the disgusting guy, failed..."

"The minister is right..."Himejima Akeno said with a smile....

But the underworld was in uproar at this moment.... ps: Please subscribe to support the author....

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