The surrounding scene has returned to normal.

Seraphlu looked around but didn't see the person she was looking for. Then, she looked in the direction of the Supernatural Research Department.


In the Supernatural Research Department,

Rias looked a little embarrassed because she was cleaning up the battlefield.

Kiba Yuto's body was found a few kilometers away from them.

Although Rias is no longer engaged, one less follower means one less strength!

Now she only has two followers, Koneko-chan and Himejima Akeno.

Sona, who is sitting opposite, has six followers.

"Minister, the battlefield has been cleaned up, it's time to go back now. Does Lord Lucifer need to be notified about this matter?..."

Himejima Akeno stood behind him and said calmly:

"Let me know. After all, the fallen angel Kirkbol died in our hands."

Lias pondered for a moment. In fact, with their abilities, it was impossible to deal with Kirkbol, a sub-demon king.

But she still did not ignore Xiye, a human.

She thought to herself that if she pushed all the responsibility onto Xiye, then he would be killed by the fallen angels.

""Yes." After receiving the order, Akeno Himejima walked out and prepared to use communication magic to contact Sirzechs!

Here, Cang's face was also solemn. This matter involved a lot of things. Regardless of whether it was Kirkbol's fault, it was definitely not as easy to solve as expected.

Everything would only be known after Seraphlu.

Trample! Trample!...

Seraphlu ran in from outside with quick footsteps.

She looked at the people in front of her who were all safe and sound with a puzzled look on her face, and her eyes fell on Cana:"Cana-chan, are you okay? Did that old guy Kirkbol do anything to you?..."

The magical girl came to Cang Na's side and asked about it carefully before she felt relieved.

"Kirkbol is dead." Although Sona didn't like Seraflor's doting on her, she was like a girl who had done something wrong and confessed her mistakes honestly.

"...died.."Seraphlu stayed where she was, looking around at the people watching her.

And the expression on Cang's face confirmed that she was not lying.

"It doesn't matter if you die, as long as your sister is here, it's okay!"

However, when she finished speaking, she suddenly realized something and said,"Can you kill Kirkbol!?"

A major problem arose. Just like the strongest combat power of Rias and Cang was only the strength of a high-level demon, Kirkbol, as the Demon King of Leviathan, of course he knew his strength.

"...Xiye killed him." Cang Na frowned, knowing that he couldn't get away with it, and then added:"Lias and I were involved."

"..."Seraphlu was shocked. Is Xiye actually that strong?...

That's the fallen angel from ancient times.....

After being shocked for a while, Serafla sat next to Sona and said calmly:"Since you all said so, I won't ask any more questions. Kirkbol's death was also his own fault, so why is he here?"

Sona's assistant Shinra Tsubaki, who was standing behind him, stepped forward and told all of Kirkbol's conspiracy.

"Damn....The evil idea was directed at Cang Na-chan. Was it Xiye who killed her?....He did the right thing!"

Serafla stood up angrily.

Then she looked around and asked Rias,"Where is your boyfriend Xiye?"....Why isn't he here?....."

"Lady Seraphlu, he went back first. A holy swordsman was injured, and he took her to...Let Asia heal"


Seraphlu nodded.

At this time, Himejima Akeno came in from the door with a crystal ball.

This crystal ball is a special tool that Rias uses to communicate with the underworld.

Although the human world and the underworld are so far apart, this special tool can communicate with each other.

"Minister, Sirzechs-sama is speaking to you...."

Hearing this, Rias frowned, and then took the communication crystal from Himejima Akeno's hand.

After inputting magic power, the magic crystal suddenly lit up.

A humanoid projection appeared.

Sirzechs' figure appeared.

"Rias, you look like you have some trouble...."

In the projection, Sirzechs said calmly:

"Yes, Kirkbol is dead. I killed him."Rias hesitated and said

"Could it be that your boyfriend did this? You don't have the strength to deal with that fallen angel cadre....."

Sirzechs's expression was somewhat moved. As the Demon King, he had the obligation to find out the whole story. As the supreme authority in the entire underworld, he could not afford to make any mistakes.

"Yes, my boyfriend Xiye did it."

Lias said firmly.

She had planned to explain the relationship between Xiye and herself, but now it seems that she can only keep it like this.

"That human boy?..."Sirzechs still looked a little surprised. Although he had guessed what happened after summarizing it, it was still a little shocking to hear it from his sister.

"Looks strong....Tomorrow I will go to the human world to meet your boyfriend...."Sirzechs said calmly.

However, he leaned a little and saw Serafla sitting behind from Rias's shoulder. He frowned and said,"Serafla, it seems that you are a little slow. You only arrived"

"Then you will be responsible for contacting Azazel. You know him better than I do...."

As a diplomatic job, Seraphlu is indeed familiar with Michael and Azazel.

"..Sirzechs, I will listen to you this time. I will never forgive Azazel for something like this happening to Sona-chan."

"hehe.."Sirzechs also smiled. Seraful's personality always made it difficult to argue with her.

Then Sirzechs's gaze shifted back to Rias:"Rias, I'm really looking forward to meeting your legendary boyfriend. He always surprises me..."

After a while, the call ended.

Rias's eyes fell on Koneko-chan, looking apologetic. ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please give me some free data, I hope you can support me! Below is a picture of Rias!

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