
It is outrageous that a human being can dodge the attack from the artifact"The Evil Eye that Stops the World"...

"Humph!..But you can't stop me like this..."

Katrea's eyes were filled with deep thoughts.

From her hand, an incomprehensible purple snake appeared.

"This is the Ouroboros from the Infinite Dragon God that Lucifer gave me! It has infinite power! Today I will avenge the dead Lord Leviathan!"

After saying that, the snake in her hand suddenly flew from her arm to her face.

It turned into her throat.

The purple magic power swirled around her body and suddenly surged.

"Tsk. Another lackey of the guy from"Misfortune"."Wali looked unhappy. When he talked about Lucifer, he thought of the son of Lucifer Lizevim who had driven him out. He felt a little unhappy, but he didn't dare to go to Lizevim, because as the White Dragon King, he was naturally restrained by that guy.

‘Leave this guy to me....’

Sirzechs stepped forward and said to Xiye and Vali behind him.

"This is our underworld's business, we have to solve the dispute ourselves"

"Phew... This Sirzechs is really hard to figure out...."Wally put his hands behind his head, looking relaxed.

"Hello...It seems like there is another person in heaven...."

Xiye felt a powerful force coming from above

"Get it straight, call me White Dragon King or Wally...you guy." Wally smacked his lips and couldn't do anything to Xiye.

The White Dragon King in his body suddenly said,"Old friend....There's a girl up there, she's not a good person...Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.."

"Infinite Dragon God: Orpheus! ?...It seems to be her.."

Vali had seen Orpheus before, but he was still quite familiar with her. He was sure when he felt her strength just now. It must be that girl!

"Ding! The system issues a task: Meet the Infinite Dragon God and take her to the dimensional gap to shock the Great Red! The system rewards the magic book"Astir's Manuscript", and the magic power opening degree is +10%"

"...Shock the Great Red...How can I do it now?..."Xiye curled her lips. This task looked not very good.

But the magic power was activated at a level of 10%!

One task was equivalent to two tasks.

However, in her mind, she felt the desire to go to the dimensional gap....

Suddenly he said:"Night...Do you want to go to the dimensional gap?...It's very dangerous there, there lives a great red True Red Dragon God Emperor!"

"Dimension gap?..."The girl frowned

"Looks like a nice place...It's unbelievable that even a native god like you is afraid of that place."

"True Red Dragon God Emperor.."

Xiye looked at the props on his body, it seemed that it could not pose a threat to him now.

However, I believe it won't take long to deal with it!

"night...Is that Orpheus?...I know her...I just don't know if she still remembers me..."Xiaosheng thought for a while and said.

I guessed that Xiye might meet this Infinite Dragon God.

Now what Xiye has to do is to meet this cute dragon first.

Since the biblical loli god Xiaosheng and the cute dragon know each other, then things will be easy.

It’s just that this ancient god knows the Infinite Dragon God who was driven out of the dimensional gap, which doesn’t seem so unacceptable.


Xiye’s magic power surged and he entered the state of a magician.

And Vali was just thinking about how to deal with this Infinite Dragon God.

He saw Xiye suddenly become a fighting state and flew into the sky like an arrow.

And the direction he flew made him dumbfounded.

Isn’t it the Infinite Dragon God that he feared?....

"I'm going to meet the Infinite Dragon God...The rest of the magicians are up to you...."

Xiye said lightly

"0.0...This guy is really not afraid of being killed...I actually went to find that dragon to play with...."

Wally looked at Xiye with a complicated expression.

Could it be that this guy is really that strong?...

Seeing the situation, he didn't know what to think next.....

The center of the battle.

Katrea showed a difficult look on her face. Even with the Ouroboros amplification of the Infinite Dragon God, her power was no match for Sirzechs.

However, she was stunned when she saw the magic power suddenly bursting out of Xiye. What was he going to do?...

Go find Orpheus...It's really asking for death....

Sirzechs was also a little puzzled.

His brother-in-law always brought him surprises.

But the joke was a bit too much at this moment....

That's the Infinite Dragon God.....I don't even dare to fight with him...

At the same time,

Xiye flew up into the sky.

On the way, several magicians tried to stop Xiye's progress.

But they were all knocked down by Xiye's energy balls.

And the loli at the top, her dark pupils moved slightly.

When Xiye got closer and closer, she said with a nonchalant look on her face:"Do you want to attack me?..."


Xiye stopped at a position one meter away from Menglong and said softly:

"Then what are you looking for me for?..."

Infinite Cute Dragon seemed to be indifferent to Xiye, and seeing that Xiye did not make a move, she did not prepare to make a move either.

"Actually, I heard a story about a little girl who was driven out of the dimensional gap by a big red guy, and that person had no home."

Xiye paused, sorted out his emotions and began to talk.

"Little Loli came to a place with many people, but she was taken to an organization called"Disaster Chaos" by a guy named Li Zeweim, and was asked to be their boss, but she was not interested at all...."

"However, the little Lolita is very good and always gives them their own strength, but no one understands her. The little Lolita is actually just a homeless child...."

"....You're talking about me?.."

The cute little dragon suddenly understood what Xiye meant, then raised his head and opened his eyes wide and said in a silly and cute way. ps: Please order it yourself, and please give me flowers and votes! Thank you for the three 12,000 tickets from Tianshaguxinglei for urging me to update. I really thank you, you are so stupid! The picture of the cute little dragon!

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