Chapter 99 The Valkyrie Who Lost Her Job: Rossweisse~ (Please subscribe on 3/6)

The remaining magicians were all captured by the demons of the underworld.

Because they have close cooperation with the"Calamity". They must be brought back to the underworld for investigation.

As for the three major forces in the Bible, they all accepted and signed the so-called"King of Colts Agreement".

And the witness is the main Norse god Odin.

Xiye pulled the little cute dragon and stood in the conference room.

For a moment, everyone on the scene was terrified.

After finally resolving the meeting, everyone dispersed one after another. When they left, they cast envious glances at Sirzechs.

I didn't expect that their biggest enemy leader was abducted by your brother-in-law. Doesn't this reduce the threat of the"Calamity" a lot!

Xiaomaojiang came to Xiye's side.

When she met Orpheus' eyes, she wanted to cry a little. This was simply too difficult.

There are more and more competitors, and their identities and strengths are becoming more and more exaggerated.

"This is Xiaomao-chan, my girlfriend!" Xiye briefly introduced her.

And Orpheus looked at her blankly, then said"oh" and ended the conversation.

"She is the Infinite Dragon God Ophis?"Rias looked at Ophis in astonishment.

She just heard Sirzechs mention the Infinite Dragon God, but she didn't know who it was.

She didn't expect it to be such a girl wearing a Gothic Lolita skirt, and she seemed to be a little uncommunicative.

But when did Xiye know her?...

""Ah~ This infinite dragon god looks pretty cute!"

Himejima Akeno also came up and smiled faintly.

Mao Maochan gave her an angry look.

Immediately, Himejima Akeno shut up.

When did Mao Maochan learn to be mean to others?....

Then Xiye introduced everyone present.

Everyone knew that Orpheus was the leader of the Disaster Rebellion.

As for Sirzechs, Seraphlu, and Gurefia, they knew Orpheus.

They were not surprised.

In fact, Xiye was able to gain a good impression from Orpheus because of Xiaosheng.

"By the way, Ophis, why did you come here with that Katrea to attack?"

Xiye asked deliberately.

Because Sirzechs had no intention of leaving at the moment, he obviously wanted to ask about this matter.

This also made everyone prick up their ears.

"Li Zevim is very resistant to your meeting, so he asked Katrea to interrupt your meeting."

Ophis looked up at Xiye and said.

This made Sirzechs frown.

"This disaster seems to be getting a little restless and wants to take action against the underworld....."

"I have to go back in advance to prepare in case they make any further moves."

It's not hard to understand. If the three-party meeting reaches a consensus, it will be very disadvantageous for them to regain control of the underworld!

However, he still gave Xiye an admiring look. He was able to abduct Orpheus, the leader of the chaos, which was a good start for disintegrating their power. He didn't think it was wrong because Xiye cheated.

Seeing this scene, Rias rolled her eyes at Sirzechs.

However, she was not jealous. This little cute dragon really couldn't be seen as a bad girl.

And he also made a great contribution to the underworld by doing this............

Fortunately, with Xiao Menglong and other girls, they have prepared for the move in advance.

Otherwise, Xiye's original home would really be too small to live in. However

, the trouble is that Rias and Himejima Akeno have successfully moved into Xiye's mansion.

According to Himejima Akeno, it was for Koneko-chan's lifelong event!

And Sona, who made Xiye a gigolo, also came.

She brought her mature assistant Shinra Tsubaki to Xiye's house.

The reason is that this house is also mine.

Successfully moved in.

Fortunately, this place is big enough to accommodate.

And Sona is temporarily accompanied by Serafla, who is in charge of diplomacy but not government affairs.

In the backyard, the two little maids, Xenova and Shido Irina, who looked pitiful, asked

"Boss, the work is stressful....There are so many new people all of a sudden. When will we be able to become regular employees?"

"Jenova is right. When will this end?...."Wisteria Irina nodded frantically、

"Correction thing?..."Xiye hesitated for a while, and seeing that they had a very serious attitude towards work before, suddenly a reminder sounded in his mind!

"Ding! The system issues a mission: rescue the unemployed Valkyrie: Rossweisse, and hire her as a maid! The system rewards unlimited sword crafting! The magic power of the magic book of"Astir's Manuscript" is +5%"

"....Maid! ?"

Xiye nodded and looked at the two girls in maid costumes:"The probation period is one month, and then you can become a regular employee. If you find it tiring, I will find a companion for you!"

"One month! ?..."It's been a long time!" Shido Irina hung her head and was immediately discouraged.

However, Jenova's face suddenly lit up:"Finally, there is hope!"

Facing Xiye's Seraph who started as a maid, there is now a deadline.

Jenova is still very excited about the temptation of the Seraph.

"Hey, Boss...Who is the other maid you mentioned?...Could it be Asia?"

Zi Teng Irina also stopped complaining. If it was Asia, she would feel better, after all, they were all Xiye's followers.

The gap between them was narrowed, and she could still feel more balanced.

"No, I'm going to go out for a while, you guys go ahead and do your work...."

Xiye shook his head and began to look around.

He was looking for Rossweisse's scent.


The two girls looked at each other. How could someone follow in their footsteps?

Poor guy!...But why is it so cool?...

When they looked back at Xiye again, he had disappeared from the spot.........

��The scene came to a street.

A woman in a business suit, with long white hair, looked around.

"Where is Lord Odin?....."

The nervous expression on her face proves that she is looking for an important person.

But she seems to have no clue! ps: Please subscribe! Please support with data! Thanks to Shanhe for the 6,000 words, they are all ruthless people! Below is the picture of Rossweisse!

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