Twentieth Century Fox Films President Alain Ryder Jr. couldn't stop smiling.

The quality of the finished film convinced him that the box office of this film would not be low.

"Martin, congratulations!"

He will not forget who the hero of this film is, and immediately came over to shake Martin's hand.

Martin smiled, "No, it should be congratulations to us." "

"Haha!" Alain Ryder Jr. laughed, "yes, congratulations. "

Then the main creators took the stage to answer questions from reporters and interact with fans.

This paragraph is ignored.

It was after ten o'clock when the movie ended, and the guests and audience dispersed one by one.

Martin also left in a car.

"BOSS, the paparazzi have been shaken off. Gordon said.

Martin glanced back and smiled, "Go to Malibu." "

In the cottage, Nicole has been waiting for a long time.

Martin opened the door to the villa with the spare key, and saw rose petals scattered on the ground, which formed a guide line that guided Martin through the living room and up the stairs to the master bedroom.

On the big bed in the bedroom, a "mermaid" named Nicole is ready to sing all night-

The powder blue transparent mermaid skirt made Martin's heartbeat accelerate suddenly, and the fiery desire surged up.

"Come on, little bastard!" Nicole smiled and hooked her fingers.

Can this be endured?

Of course not!

After Martin performed a "golden cicada shelling" technique, he pounced on the mermaid, and shouted strangely: "Wuna monster, see my old grandson come to subdue you." "

Nicole couldn't understand Martin's Chinese dialect, but she could read his movements, giggled, and rolled over on the bed.

Revealing a smooth, curvaceous back.

Then it was crushed by a "dark cloud" called Martin.

Then there are 18,000 words that cannot be described, the environment has been created, and it is time for you to use your imagination again, come on, brothers!


Martin left in the early hours of the morning and was in good spirits.

That's not much exercise for him.

What, you say staying up late?

That's even less of a problem, succubi are nocturnal creatures, more energetic at night than during the day.

Although this body has not been completely transformed, not sleeping all night will have no effect on the body.

But don't learn from Martin, you're not a succubus, go to bed early and get up early, your kidneys are good and your appetite is good!


When Nicole returns to the Beverly Hills mansion, Tom Cruise has also returned, eating lunch at the table.

Seeing Nicole, he asked with a cold face, "Didn't come back overnight?"

Nicole also replied coldly: "Aren't you too?"

Tom Cruise nodded, the expression on his face did not change at all, and he still said coldly: "I'm busy filming "Mission Impossible 2", so why are you?"

Nicole said expressionlessly, "I went to my own house." "

"Hah!" Tom Cruise let out a sarcastic laugh, "your hidden cabin in Malibu?"

Nicole nodded without changing her face: "Yes." "

The mockery on Tom Cruise's face grew, "With whom? It can't be the hillbilly of Russell Crowe, right?"

Tom Cruise knew that his wife had a small cottage in Malibu, but he didn't know the exact address.

Since his wife didn't say it, he didn't bother to inquire.

As for Russell Crowe, the New Zealand-born Australian gang movie star, and Nicole met when they were 19 or 20 years old, and the two have been friends for many years, so there are often scandals, which makes Tom Cruise very unhappy.

Nicole didn't want to answer the question, "I'm tired and I'm going to go and rest for a while." "

Tom Cruise sneered, "Of course you're tired, you won't that hillbilly all night, right?"

Nicole was finally enraged, turned around, and walked up to Tom Cruise, looking at him with a pair of beautiful blue eyes without blinking.

Tom Cruise also regretted what he had just said, but he couldn't bow his head to his wife, so he looked back at her coldly.

At this time, Nicole suddenly said: "Tom, I can swear with all my relatives with my acting career that I didn't meet Russell Crowe last night." So, do you dare to swear with your acting career and all your relatives that you didn't roll the sheets with Shirley Lansing's old Bichi during the filming of "Mission Impossible 2"?"

Tom Cruise was a very superstitious man, and he suddenly became confused.

(PS: Most people in Hollywood are superstitious.) )

After Nicole finished speaking, without waiting for Tom Cruise to answer, she went straight to the stairs and walked towards the bedroom.

That's where she is smart, she doesn't do everything.

Just give your husband a little color to see, but you can't keep him from getting off the stage.

Tom Cruise looked at Nicole's back and breathed a sigh of relief, and a rare feeling of guilt rose in his heart.

But I didn't know that I had been PUA by my wife.

To be honest, there is no relationship between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman now, no, it should be said that the union of the two is not because of any feelings.

Tom Cruise is an absolute face dog, just look at his wives.

And Nicole Kidman grows on his aesthetic point again.

After meeting Nicole Kidman at a party, Tom Cruise immediately goes on the offensive against him.

In order to pursue Nicole, Tom Cruise even did not hesitate to use his connections to make Nicole Kidman the heroine of one of his own movies.

That movie should be known to many people, it is "Thunder Ambition". (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tom Cruise showed his power and ability, and the two fell in love.

But it wasn't "love" that prompted Tom Cruise to marry Nicole, but Tom Cruise's first marriage to actress Mimi Rogers.

Because in the first marriage, Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers did not have children.

A lot of media hype reported that Tom Cruise was infertile.

Some media even believe that Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers' marriage is a sexless marriage at all, and this marriage is a scam by Tom Cruise to cover up that he is a homosexual.

So Tom Cruise asks Nicole Kidman to have a child for him as a way to prove that he is fertile and not gay

At Tom Cruise's insistence, Nicole Kidman had to endure humiliation, walk into the hospital under the lens of numerous media outlets, and have a fertility test.

But Nicole Kidman adamantly disagrees with getting pregnant out of wedlock, so Tom Cruise has to marry Nicole Kidman.

A year after the marriage, Nicole Kidman became pregnant, but miscarried due to an ectopic pregnancy.

What did you think of here?

Tom Cruise is not very much like using Nicole Kidman to give birth to a child for himself, he has high requirements for appearance, so the child's appearance naturally cannot be low, Nicole's high appearance is very much in line with his requirements.

This seems to be more like a cover-up of the fact of "homosexuality".

In Hollywood, there are a lot of rumors about Tom Cruise being GAY, and 90% of the rumors in this circle have been confirmed as facts.

By the way, Tom Cruise and Beckham have also had many scandals, and the two are very good friends, and Beckham stayed at Tom Cruise's mansion many times when he was playing in the United States.

Speaking of Nicole, the purpose of her marriage to Tom Cruise is equally impure.

As a newcomer to Hollywood, and a super beauty, she is naturally coveted a lot.

And Tom Cruise is powerful and handsome in Hollywood, so he is naturally a very good backer, which can allow her to avoid a lot of trouble.

In the original timeline, Nicole Kidman once admitted in an interview: "'Marrying Tom Cruise at 22 is something I've never wanted to talk about. Because my current husband is my true love, I talk about my ex-husband and feel disrespectful to him. I got married early to get protected, love was the reason I got married, but at the time I couldn't care about that, marrying a powerful man would keep me from (sexual) harassment. I still know how to film, but I am very well protected. "

So the combination of these two, one is to find a disguise, the other is to find a backer, but not for love!

At the end of this chapter, let's talk about gossip.

Nicole Kidman not only had an affair with Russell Crowe, but also had an affair with another Australian beauty - Naomi Watts.

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts have known each other for almost a decade now.

In the future, their friendship will continue for 20 years, and such a sisterly friendship is very rare in the entertainment industry.

But in 2017, at Nicole Kidman's fiftieth birthday party, she was too excited to say that she leaked her mouth, revealing that she had a relationship with Naomi Watts.

Naomi Watts, who was also present at the time, did not deny it, but went up and gave Nicole a big hug.

Because all the people present at the time were relatives and friends, the rumors were just rumors.

But in 2022, in an online interview, Nicole Kidman was asked about this by the host, and after hesitating for a moment, she admitted the rumor and said that she did not regret it.

Then let's take a look at the comments of netizens at that time:

"It's so beautiful that I can't believe it's true. "

"It has to be true! Don't play with my fragile mind. "

"I remember that the internet used to spread this pair. "

"I'm so sweet. "

"Please, I can be fake, they must be real. "

There are also many netizens in the comment area who presented the "video evidence" that they are a couple, which is the picture of the two kissing in public on the stage of an award ceremony in 2015.

You can go to the Internet to find the video, that hot kiss scene, that's really "hot"!

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )。

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