"I'm getting married!".

Frank's words shocked the jaws of the three families of Grant, Linda, and Martin.

"Are you kidding?" asked Grant, hesitantly.

"Shut up!" Linda interrupted her husband.

Then a barrage of questions erupted at Frank: "It's good to get married, you really need to be careful - who is the other party? which girl is there? what does the family do? Why do you suddenly want to marry her?".

"Sister, are you interrogating the prisoner?"

"Answer me!".


With Frank's narration, the Martins figure it out.

The girl's name is Chris Kerr, an Australian, whom Frank met on holiday in Sydney last year.

He fell in love with this girl at first sight, and after being entangled for more than ten days, he finally got the other party to agree to try to date him.

As the two got along in Australia, Frank fell in love, and even reversed the norm of changing female partners once a month, and spent half a year with Chris in Sydney before returning to the United States.

According to his original idea, half a year is almost over, and he can start a new life, or return to his original life, when he returns to the United States.

And Chris didn't pester him, and the two broke up calmly.

But what Frank didn't expect was that his feelings for Chris were far deeper than he imagined.

Back in the United States, Frank discovers that he misses Chris all the time, even when he has a new girlfriend.

Even when rolling the sheets with his new girlfriend, Chris's appearance always comes to mind.

So he decided to follow his heart and flew back to Australia, where he chased Chris back again.

This time, he's not ready to let go anymore and is going to marry Chris.

He flew back to the United States with Chris, went to meet his parents, and after asking for his parents' permission, took Chris to Los Angeles to meet his sister Linda.

"So you brought Chris with you, what about people?".

Linda subconsciously looked behind Frank.

Frank sneered and said, "At the hotel, didn't I come over to talk to you first?" Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll bring her over to show you. "

"Aranda, it looks like we'll need to prepare a bigger dinner tomorrow. Linda immediately commanded.

"Yes, ma'am. "

"Isn't it my sister, can't your dear brother come and make your dinner a little more sumptuous?"

"Hmph, you eat whatever we eat!".

Linda was a little angry, feeling that her brother seemed to be guarding herself.

Even came over alone to test it first, are you still afraid that you will target that Chris?

Hehe, am I such a ignorant person?

But after a quick turn of thought, it seems that Frank really cares about that Chris.

The younger brother was getting married, and for a while, Linda was a little sad.

Grant put his arm around his wife's shoulders.

Frank, on the other hand, pulled Martin to speak in a playful manner.

"Martin, I heard that your movie has already grossed more than 52 million in the United States, and it has only been less than a month. "

In the 90s, it was not easy for a film to reach the North American box office of more than 100 million.

"By the way, I heard that you also released an album, how did it sell?".

"That's great, my little nephew is a genius. "

"By the way, can you give me an album, preferably signed, I'll keep it as a souvenir. You know, my uncle has been busy with your aunt lately, and I don't have time to buy it, but don't worry, when I'm done with this, my uncle will buy a hundred copies directly. "

"By the way, and your Kung Fu Panda. Did you know that Chris also has a sister who loves your book so much, can she sign him tomorrow when she comes?".

"What, didn't I say this just now, then I must have forgotten, I'll tell my sister later, and wait until she's a little bit angry. "

"Chris's sister came to the United States with her, and I tell you, although she is only 14 years old, she is already very beautiful!".

Her name is Miranda Kerr, she came out as a model at the age of 11, and she was the same age as you debuted, and this year she won the Australian National Model Selection Contest for Dolly Cover Girl. "

"How about it, do you want your uncle to pull a string for you, it's really beautiful!".

Martin touched his chin.

Miranda Kerr?

Is that Miranda Kerr?


I guess that's it!

Martin was suddenly a little more interested in tomorrow's party.


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Deluxe Suite.

Miranda Kerr, who had a pretty face and was already well developed at the age of fourteen, excitedly visited the rooms.

"Wow, this bathroom is so luxurious, is this faucet pure gold?".

"Oh my God, the view from this balcony is so beautiful. "

"Sister, come and see, this place is also equipped with Lancôme's cosmetics, can we take them with us when we leave?".

A nervous Chris is too lazy to talk to her sister, and she is worried about the meeting between Frank and his sister.

From Frank's words, it can be understood that he has great respect for this sister and ...... if the other party objects

Chris shook his head, not wanting to think about it again.

To be honest, before coming to the United States, she never thought that her boyfriend's family would be so rich, but fortunately, her boyfriend's parents are not the kind of people who care about their origin, and I hope his sister will do the same......

"Don't worry, sister, Frank will take care of it. Didn't he say that his sister is a kind person, how can such a person oppose true love!".

Miranda ran over at some point and hugged her sister from behind.

The faces of the two sisters seem to be carved out of a mold, with round faces, round eyes, round noses, and round dimples.

However, Chris's face is a little longer, and he doesn't look as cute and delicate as Miranda, but he has a little more sexy style.

Because of their Filipino ancestry, the sisters do not have the blonde hair and almost pale complexion of typical white Australian beauties, but the brown hair and skin of the sisters are more healthy and natural.

In addition, the two sisters are the type with a round and full body, a plump body but excellent proportions.

This plump figure, against the backdrop of a pair of long legs, seems to have a unique sense of vigor and strength.

Chris, who was comforted by his sister, was in a slightly relaxed mood.

Suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "By the way, Frank said that his nephew is the author of your favorite "Kung Fu Panda", and it is said that he is still a handsome guy." "

"Hey, I just like his work, I don't care what kind of person he is!" Miranda proudly straightened her chest with a large scale.

(Brothers, please take care of it, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here, thank you.) )

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