The sword was nailed to the ground!

Qin Yang appeared in front of Yang Tian, ​​holding Yang Tian with one hand, picked up the long sword on the ground and attacked Ye Chen and Lin Qingyun.

"I'll hold it here, you go first, I'll be there soon!"

Before he finished speaking, he threw Yang Tian aside with his arm.

"Ah this!"

Yang Tian was thrown out of the center of the three before he could even speak.

Looking at the long sword coming towards them, Lin Qingyun and Ye Chen quickly took out their weapons to block it.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

A series of metal and iron sounds came out.

I don't know if it was because Qin Yang took the initiative, and this person seemed to know Yang Tian, ​​which led to the two of them not daring to attack, and they were suppressed by Qin Yang for a while.

"Who is this person? Why did he start a fight right away!"

The long sword kept resisting the long sword's attack, and Lin Qingyun didn't forget to look at Ye Chen and ask questions.

Ye Chen was also confused at this time. Why did he start a fight right away, without giving people a chance to speak.

"I don't know either."

While parrying, the two looked at Yang Tian.

Yang Tian was still a little confused at this time. Why did Qin Yang come over? This is not reasonable.

And! Why is there a faint fragrance in Qin Yang's arms? I also feel that the arms are not wide and a little soft, which makes Yang Tian feel a little cold.

I, Yang Tian, ​​like women, not men!

Then he found that Lin Qingyun and Ye Chen were staring at him, and Yang Tiancai reacted and explained: "Brother Qin Yang, don't do it, we are on the same side!"

Qin Yang was also getting more and more frightened as the two men's strength was comparable to his, and he couldn't even take them down.

You know, since my rebirth, there are almost no people of the same age who can fight with me, and now there are two of them!

While thinking, he was about to take out the remote control from his pocket, ready to fire a round of volleys at the two men to suppress their offensive, and then he heard Yang Tian's voice.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have misunderstood. Just now when he jumped off the plane, he saw the two men looking at Yang Tian with ill intentions, as if they were "forcing" something.

"I'm really sorry, I misunderstood!"

Qin Yang quickly put away his sword and apologized. It was embarrassing that he had caused a misunderstanding.

Ye Chen and Lin Qingyun nodded and then put away their weapons.

Although they looked calm on the surface, they were still a little shocked in their hearts. Both Ye Chen and Lin Qingyun were shocked by the person in front of them.

First of all, as an immortal emperor, Ye Chen did not expect that he could meet someone of the same age with such cultivation besides Lin Qingyun. This made him doubt whether this world was a world of cultivation.

The same was true for Lin Qingyun on the other side. As a dragon king, he had been surrounded by a bunch of evildoers since he met Yang Tian. He even felt that he was a fake dragon king.

When the old man said how awesome it was to be the king, he did not hear him say that he could meet such people, and they were all friends of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian ran over from the side. He was thrown out by Qin Yang without any preparation. He should be more careful next time, at least not let Qin Yang hug him.

"No fight, no acquaintance. Let me introduce you."

"This is Qin Yang, from Kyoto."

"This is Ye Chen, this is Lin Qingyun."

Qin Yang bowed his hand.

I'm afraid it's not a matter of who is stronger or weaker at the scene, Yang Tian's connections are too terrifying. She has been around for so many years and has never met anyone who can compare with her, but now she has met two.

Lin Qingyun returned the greeting.

Ye Chen also returned the greeting, but he showed a playful smile on his face. Qin Yang in front of him was actually a woman, and the most important thing was that Yang Tian looked as if he didn't know.

With his eyesight, he could naturally tell the gender of the person in front of him.

"Let's get back to the point, brother Qin Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Tian didn't notice Ye Chen's playful smile and asked Qin Yang.

"It's like this."

Qin Yang told Yang Tian what happened just now, but he concealed the fact that Qin Yanan called him Miss.

"So your target is also this Duanxiu Sect?"

Looking at the helicopter in the sky, Yang Tian estimated that there were about six or seven people in the helicopter, and their strength was around the peak of the dark energy, and only one was at the transformation energy.

"Yes, I haven't introduced my other identity yet, I am the leader of the Dragon Group, Qin Yang!"

Yang Tian felt something was wrong when he heard this. Why did the Dragon Group show up? Are they going to contact the Dragon Country's personnel? It's a bit fast.

The Dragon Group is a legendary group.

Weaving, is this all the strength they have? That's too weak. How can Dragon Country compete with these sects?

It's not Yang Tian's fault. In the original novel, this mysterious Dragon Group didn't show up at all. It was just mentioned twice.

In addition, the three minions just said that they were afraid of Dragon Country's strength. What's there to be afraid of with such strength?

"Then you plan to attack by force?"

Yang Tian frowned and looked at Qin Yang. If they attacked by force, they and Qin Yang's people might be in danger.

"Yes, I was planning to observe for a while. Now that your incident happened, we plan to act in advance."

Qin Yang nodded.

She didn't know much about the specific situation of the Broken Sleeve Sect, but with her own strength and the Dragon Group, there should be no problem.

After all, she had never experienced such a thing before her rebirth, so she could only rely on her experience to deal with it.

Ye Chen and Lin Qingyun almost laughed out loud. Just relying on this Qin Yang and the people on the plane to come here is simply a delivery.

Qin Yang seemed to see that the two people looked at him with some strange eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

In his opinion, there are not many people in the huge Dragon Country who can resist the Dragon Group. After all, the Dragon Group is not just a few of them. He is just a small group leader, but the youngest one.

"Ahem, brother Qin Yang, I want to remind you that although I don't know the strength of your Dragon Group, the strength of the leader of the Duanxiu Sect is probably at the level of martial arts god."

Yang Tian looked at Qin Yang who was a little confused and couldn't help but remind him.


Qin Yang looked at Yang Tian in disbelief. The leader of the Duanxiu Sect actually had the strength of martial arts god. No wonder the two laughed.

But according to their understanding, the Duanxiu Sect is very weak except for being good at hiding. The highest is about the peak of Huajin.

But she didn't believe that Yang Tian would lie to her, and then she came up with a plan. Since the target of several people is also the Duanxiu Sect, why don't she follow them?

Since the three of them were able to come here, they must have the strength to reach the level of a martial arts master.

"How about you, Yang Tian, ​​I follow you? Anyway, we have the same goal, let's cooperate."

"Yes, but those people?"

It's not that he looked down on the people sitting on the plane, they really couldn't be of much use, they could only be killed.

"I'll go tell them."

"Okay, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

After letting the Dragon Team members evacuate, another powerful member joined Yang Tian's team.

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