Sakura Rina: “Okay, thank you first, and when I’m ready, I’ll let you taste my craft!” ”

Not to mention, listening to Ye Luo’s words, Xue Qie Erina was really interested.

According to this saying, aren’t animals that have grown up absorbing Reiki particularly good in flesh?

Not the same as the animals of their world?

The same craftsmanship, then such a stir-fried dish, is not the former hanging the original quality?

As a good chef, when she thinks about this, she can’t resist it.

I want to try it now.

Chat groups have some basic features, such as stuffing items into red envelopes and sending them to friends.

But it has to be a dead thing, otherwise you can completely stuff people into it, isn’t it a mess?

And Ye Luo for the chat group this thing, naturally very fast, some functions are also at a glance to know how to use,


【Soul Eater World】

Because of the need to deal with the ingredients, at this time, Sakai Eirina came to her personal kitchen.

As one of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon, she has a lot of freedom.

Exclusive zones like this are just pediatric things

After clicking to collect it, a deer of good size suddenly appeared in front of Sakura Erina and lay quietly here.

Because it had been handled by Ye Luo, he was worried that Xue Qie Erina would not be able to control the living deer, so Ye Luo killed it and stuffed it into a red packet.

Even if it is just an ordinary deer, the good villain grew up in the world of the box garden.

Ordinary people, really may not be able to hold it!

“Sigh, this color, this hair, and this fleshy feeling.” Sure enough, it is a very good quality kind! ”

Touching it with all his hands, he looked at the deer sent by the deer and sighed continuously.

Indeed, the color is much better than the deer she has seen!

What did you grow up eating?

No wonder people don’t care much about her sending ingredients, it turns out that she made a joke.

However, what shocked Rina more was still to come.

When she raised the kitchen knife to cut it, it didn’t even cut, and the kitchen knife fell directly into it!

The toughness of this deer is amazing!

According to her strength, the average deer is directly cut open, and then the next step can be processed.

I didn’t expect this deer to be so different.

After pulling out the kitchen knife forcefully, a black line appeared on the forehead of Sakai Rinai, so that if she was cut down, she would not be exhausted to death?

The force to be used is too great.

Thinking of this, her eyes rolled and she showed a sly smile, thinking of a good way!


Two minutes later!

At the place where Sasuke had just cut the venison to deal with, there was already a change of person.

New household sand sand

Her personal secretary, who was now handling the venison vigorously, had a bitter face.

“Miss, where did you find the ingredients, it’s too difficult to handle!”

At first, the new family was very happy that Miss Sand was looking for her help again. This is to illustrate her role. Being able to be kept in the heart of the young lady at all times is her greatest happiness.

As a result, she wanted to cry without tears.

It turned out that she had become a tool man for the young lady!

This deer is also too difficult!

However, aside from the difficult disadvantages, the quality of this venison also surprised her.

It was so good.

In the venison she has used, she can definitely stand in the top position, even too much!

In the end, which place is breeding, there will be such a good quality.

Miss is worthy of being a miss, mastering such a good channel.

At this moment, she is also looking forward to what kind of delicious food she will be able to make.

“Well, yes, your meat cutting level is getting better and better, and it is really worthy of my personal secretary of Xue Cut Elina.”

“In that case, let’s show our skills!”

“Look at the finished product when the time comes, what kind of taste it will be!”

Commenting on this processed ingredient, Sakai was very satisfied.

One thing to do is to be comfortable.


So, in this place, the two began a vigorous cooking around the venison from the world of the box court.

As such a good quality venison, if given to the average chef, it is a pampering thing, and it is impossible to dig out the full taste of the meat.

This level of ingredients can only be cooked to the perfect taste if they are handed over to top chefs!

And it is precisely that the level of Cherche Eirina is in this place, and it is also the top level.

Her personal secretary also has a good standard.

After their hot production, after a while, a very, very rich fragrance also floated out of here and filled the place.

“Hey, it’s so fragrant!”

“Obviously, there are not many spices used, and it can waft out such a rich and excellent fragrance!”

Looking at a portion of stir-fried meat and a bowl of broth prepared in front of him, Sakura’s expression was a little intoxicated.

For the ultimate cuisine, chefs have no resistance, this is the field and goal they pursue.

“Miss, you can taste it first.”

Smelling this smell is a bit of a mouthful of new sand and sand, or let your lady taste it first.

As a person with the tongue of God, she is able to better analyze and evaluate a delicacy.


When she took a sip of the broth with a spoon, her eyes lit up instantly.

As if the scene in front of her had changed, she came to a vibrant forest, full of fresh air and the fragrance of plants, surrounded by incomparable beauty

And she is running freely in this place, feeling the rhythm of nature and the beauty.

The gentle sunlight shone down, allowing Sagiri to enjoy the relaxation from the inside out, as if the pressure of the whole person was gone.

This shocked her.

How, how!!!

Are the ingredients of the high-grade world so amazing?

This is not only a little gap, I feel that this kind of meat nourished by Reiki has formed a dimensionality reduction blow to the flesh of their world!

What 5A grade meat, are brothers!

You can’t compete with it at all!

Looking at the performance of the young lady, because of curiosity, she also tasted a bite of the new sand and suddenly widened her eyes, and shouted with surprise in her mouth


The fried venison on the side also brought them another feeling, and the two of them blushed and called it delicious.

One by one, I took the chopsticks and ate them quickly.

Which has a little ladylike look.

The two men resting on the couch were overjoyed, it was the best food they had ever eaten.

Unfortunately, Ye Luo didn’t know about this scene, otherwise he would have to sigh, this is just an ordinary beast, if he were to change to a more advanced creature.

You guys can’t eat hi?

After resting, Sakai Ierina began to improve and add materials to the remaining venison.

Say well, after that, I will give Ye Luo a taste.

She is also, the girl who does what she says!


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Love you guys!

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