Sakura: “Why did you jump into the position of management without stopping?” Is it open? Obviously, we are the first batch to join the group. ”

“@Ye Luo, but to say a word.” Why ignore me. ”

Wakaba Hinata (administrator): “Hmm, at first glance, it’s an old scumbag.” ”

Sakura Eirina: “… ”

Ye Luo (administrator): “Cough, I’m not ah, obviously I’m still single now, okay?!” ”

After studying the approximate function, after Ye Luo had a number in mind, the group store also took a look, it seems that the reason why it should have just opened, there are not many things.

Just show the Level 1 store.

However, there are still many useful things in it, and after the group members upload items one after another, they will be more abundant.

Yes, after the items uploaded by the group members are redeemed for points, the items will automatically go to the store and can be used by everyone to redeem the points.

And now the store, there are also a lot of categories, life, resources, treasures, props and so on.

Ye Luo planned to save some points first, and then change some resources to sort out “NoName”.

After all, the administrator privilege is too cool, as long as you save a period of points, you can exchange a lot of items!

It’s cool to think about!

And seeing that Wakaba Jise was funny again, he hurried out to explain a wave.

After coming to the box court for so long, he himself is obviously still a single, how can he become a scumbag.

Sakura Hirina: “Then how did you become an administrator, remember to take me flying.” ”

Ye Luo: “Cough, coincidence, no problem with flying, we will cooperate in the future, that is the effect of leverage!” ”

Sakura: “Then again, why is it that the title of your administrator is not green, but golden?” That’s pretty cool. ”

Watching Xue Che Erina have a hot eye, how she did not have this good luck.

Angry at you.

Wakaba Hime (administrator): “No one stipulates that the administrator must be green, little cute.” ”

Sitting at the computer desk, Wakaba Jiseno thought, the administrator or something, she didn’t care.

On the contrary, it seems that the world where the child named Ye Luo lives is good.

It’s good to go play when the time comes.

This universe is too boring.


Butterfly Shinobi: “If I open up the world to cross, won’t I be able to play with Sakura Erina?” ”

“It’s exciting to think about!”

“Other worlds that are completely different from us, places where there are no ghosts!”

There is no need to be like them, carrying a blood vendetta against ghosts and being able to live happily.

Those experiences had been turning into nightmares that had tormented her for so many years.

About, how her sister died.

After that, Butterfly Ninjin lived like her sister, smiling all the time, and being gentle to anyone.

However, the hidden emotions behind this have not disappeared.

Tsutomu Eirina: “Welcome! If you come, I will definitely entertain you well, use the ingredients of the leaf drop of their world to create a delicacy, and be sure to wrap your satisfaction, lol. ”

In this group, the relationship between Sakai Erina and Butterfly Shinobi is very good, just like sisters.

Wakaba Himese, on the other hand, plays the role of a big sister and often answers a variety of questions.

Let everyone deeply understand that this person is definitely not a high school student!

Can high school students have such a deep life experience and insight?

Climb it, really look at them like children.

But no one will say it specifically, just as if it were entertainment.

And watching the other members discuss the world of world shuttle, Naruto couldn’t sit still.

Naruto: “Ye Luo, do you want to come and clean up that abominable decade for me, whatever you want, I can find a way to find it for you.” ”

Ye Luo (administrator): “Rest assured, Uncle Naruto, what I said will definitely be done.” But I have to wait until I go back to the community and talk to my partner. ”

After all, there are still these picked fruits, so send them back.

If you don’t say hello to the black rabbit, it will be gone, and the black rabbit will not be angry and worry about death.

Now is the time when their community is at its most vulnerable, and it cannot afford any blows.

So let’s go back first, activate the world shuttle function, and go to Naruto.

I don’t know what world the decade has arrived in now

Although Ye Luo knew the story of the Gate Yashi and clearly understood that the Men Yashi had lost his memory, Ye Luo also wanted to see how his strength was now.

It’s time to try a physical monster!

Besides, the reason why the worlds of knights have problems are really related to the Door Yashi.

Because of his dimensional wall ability.


After putting his attention back from the chat group, Ye Luo also sorted out his things, and the moisture on his body was directly shaken to dispel them all.

At this time, the group is still chatting, but there is no Tony Stark activity.

Presumably, he is still studying.

Free yourself from the fate of being a woman.

“I didn’t expect it, this trip out there is such a big receipt.”

Ye Luo also returned according to the same way, about the chat group, he actually became an administrator in this way, and he also received so many benefits.

Really plans can’t keep up with the changes.

However, in this way, the future life will be much better.

He was also more confident in reinforcing the community.

Needless to say, as in the old history, Arcadia was completely devastated after being destroyed, and finally the “No_Name” even reached the end of the total collapse, and there was no way out.

The pressure on the black rabbit’s back is really too great.

Fortunately, this time, he came.


After returning to the community, in the cheers of the children, Ye Luo also distributed the fresh fruits to the children.

Distribution is carried out by the Elders Group.

And those carefully cooked delicacies from the world of the Spirit of the Eater are also placed on the table, so that everyone can take a deep breath of the aroma and revel in it.

Really, I haven’t smelled such a good dish in a long time

For a while, everyone’s spirits were a lot higher, and Jen Russell was also very happy, organizing everyone to set up food.

Only the black rabbit’s face was suspicious and complicated, pulling Ye Luo aside.

“Ye Luo, is this your gift?”

“You’re not simple!”

“Isn’t this the legendary gift of good food, no wonder you keep running into the forest?”

“Poof!” Ye Luo almost didn’t choke on a breath, a special food gift from God.


(ps: Whoops, I’m too difficult, the data is not moving at all, if you have flowers to give some flowers, there are tickets to give votes.)

It’s miserable. )

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