At this moment, Xiaodu finally had the appearance of a king.

After Ye Luo’s purification, the purity of his fangire bloodline had been significantly improved.

Not only are those bad problems gone, but the strength has also been greatly improved.

He was only a half-blood, but his self-confidence strength had far surpassed those of pure-blood.

Think about it, as a vampire of the Box Court Knight, if he doesn’t have super strength, how can he drive away the Demon King?

Even a slight purification is enough to give the fangire of this world a huge benefit.



“Xiaodu, here I come!”

With the call of Xiaodu, his partner also flew over, a bat exclusive to their royal family. And directly and gently bit his hand.


With a terrifying momentum, a pair of red and silver armor appeared in front of everyone, and the chains on his body showed a terrifying atmosphere, as if sealing some power.

This momentum even made many people retreat a few steps.

Everyone leaned back

This made their faces look shocked and confused, what is the situation? Who are they and what’s going on now?

Is the king they have just ascended the throne, or is it the one they remember, whether it has been dropped, this one is a fake.

What kind of strength Xiaodu himself is, everyone who has been staying by his side knows it

After all, they were all elders who watched him grow up.

Although he inherited the king’s armor, in the end, he was just a child!

It’s still far from growing.

And also because of the half-human half-fangire bloodline, it greatly affected the exclusive armor of the royal family.

The third generation of golden kiva could only seal most of the power and become the current kiva form.

Those chains are the proof of sealing the original power, and the original posture is the Kiva – the Demon Emperor form that frees all the chains.

But now, what is the situation?

How did the king’s power skyrocket so much?

Really fake.

Also shocked was the invading fangire, who was also Xiaodu’s biological father.

Originally, I heard that Xiaodu, who had always resisted being a king, was willing to become a king.

The image of Ye Luo flashed in his mind at once, and it was obvious that he must have been the hand of the other party to make such a big change in his own son in a short period of time.

That human being, it looked really mysterious, and his strength was so deep that even he could not resist.

It is also normal to be able to do something unexpected.

Unexpectedly, the other party’s means were so effective.

So, on the day that his son ascended to the throne, he came.

In full view of everyone, the new king transforms into a kiva posture and engages in a fierce battle with the invaders.

The strength of both was the same level that ordinary fangire could only look up to, and just between the collisions, there was a loud noise, and the walls were shattered under their power.

The marks of the pillars hit by them were even more obvious, and the cracks like spider webs spread around, making a tearing sound.

Unlike Kodo.

As the battle became more and more fierce, Xiao Du who came here was full of happiness in his father’s heart, and his son’s strength really exceeded his expectations.

It hadn’t been a while since he had come to such a big surprise.

This also means that Xiaodu has enough strength to protect himself.

Don’t worry about any accident happening to him.

My own son, I have grown up.

Then, at this moment, he also has to play that last little role.

He had long held the mentality of begging for death, and was ready to pave the way for his son.

At the beginning, some clans found themselves in seclusion and wanted to go back to preside over the overall situation by themselves, because Xiaodu’s vacillation made them very disappointed.

That’s why I put hope in him.

That is to say, if he does not die, there are still relatively big hidden dangers in the clan.

Do not recognize their own sons.

At the moment when his son ascended to the throne, it was up to Xiaodu to defeat himself with his own hands in order to completely establish his prestige and make the image of the new king deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It will also settle down, and the dust will settle completely.

“Pasha, Dega, Garuru!”


With Xiao Du’s domineering shout, several Demon Clan members turned into a ray of light and flew to him, causing a new change in Kiva.

kiva – Degasbaki form!

This is a new form formed by the convergence of the forces of the three races, with a power far beyond the previous single form.

Feeling this powerful force in his body, Xiaodu also sentenced the invader to death.

“It’s over, this fight.”

Kiva, who was holding up the hammer of Dega, struck a blow directly at this fangire, and the heavy force directly made him spit out a breath of blood and fly out.

The shock wave and fangire’s body from the collision smashed countless pillars along the way.

Then Xiaodu took out his flute and inserted it into his belt, and a beautiful flute sounded.


In Kiva’s leg, the place that had been sealed by the chain suddenly opened suddenly, revealing its true face.

At this moment, even the surrounding environment has changed, and under the influence of the released power, it has become the scene of the Blood Moon.

With extremely terrifying power, the jumping Kiva directly kicked at this fangire with extraordinary momentum.


After a scream, a huge explosion also sounded from here.

Kodo also lifted Kiva’s dress, changed back into his own form, and looked at the place where the explosion occurred.

The smoke cleared, and the other party was already out of breath, and even could not maintain his own appearance, lying on the ground.

And back to the human form, it was a middle-aged uncle with happy eyes.

This gaze made Xiaodu very disliked, what does this mean?

What made him care even more was that Ye Luo actually appeared next to this uncle and supported him.

And after the uncle said something to Ye Luo’s ear, he looked at Xiaodu again and said in a tone of relief and satisfaction

“I believe that you will definitely become a good king!”

“Cough, Xiaodu.”

At this time, he obviously couldn’t hold on, and his breath was almost gone, but he never regretted it.

Maybe it’s better to go see her.

“Xiao Du, come and see the last side of your father.” Still speaking out at the leaf drop next to him, no matter what, for the sake of his own children, this one is still like a father at least at this moment.

“What, what?!!”

Hearing Ye Luo’s voice, Xiao Du was obviously a little incredulous, and his face changed drastically.

“Xiaodu, he is indeed your father.”

Kivat, who was on his shoulder, also admitted at this time, telling his partner this fact.

This made Xiao Du’s expression change even more, and when he looked around at the clans in the distance, none of them refuted this statement.

He also finally confirmed that it was his long-lost father who had just fought with him.

It also made him hurry to his father and hold his hand.


The middle-aged man who spat out a mouthful of blood seemed very touched and looked at his son Xiaodu, touching his head with trembling.

And finally glanced at the leaf fall.

“Thank you, young man.”

“I hope you can find it.”

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