Looking at these vigorous young tooth blood ghosts, Ye Luo drank at them.

“Got it!”

A uniform sound sounded directly here.

As the first advance troops, they will be directly subordinate to Ye Luo’s hands and accept Ye Luo’s unconditional dispatch.

And they were all young warriors in the clan with warm blood in their hearts.

When I heard that I was going to go to a new world, I was very excited.

All kinds of strong enemies, life and death fights, are completely different from the previous peaceful world, but this is the case, but it is more attractive to the tooth and blood ghosts.

The Tooth and Blood Ghost Clan, which can fight with other demons at the same time in the ancient wars, is a race with extremely strong beliefs.

Confident, powerful, crazy!

And the tooth and blood ghost, if you want to grow, you can’t help but fight and fight.

A peaceful environment will not allow them to become stronger quickly, so they will become an assassination force, a killing force in the night, and a guard for the entire ‘NoName’.

And this force will continue to expand, establishing each formation until the day when they become the real Box Court Knights.

The Box Court Knight, who had fought against the Demon King and expelled a large number of Demon Kings, had such a heroic act that he was respected by the whole Box Court.

Before the class ruler was born, the one in charge of fighting the Demon King was the Box Court Knight.

And the reason why Ye Luo gave them this name was also very clear.

If you want to regain the flag and the name, you will definitely fight the Demon King in the future.

Well, cultivating strength is a must.

“Brother Ye, this unit is handed over to you, and I hope they can help you and play a very good role.”

“The second army has also begun to form, I have let go of the birth rules of the tooth and blood ghost, and after that, more clans will be born, and our strength will be stronger!”

Xiao Du, who looked a little like a clan king, said with a smile.

And because of the existence of the box court world, the tooth blood ghost clan can also let go of fertility, before it was too many clans to manage it, and the tooth blood ghost wants to grow if it needs life energy.

All things have life energy.

However, now to form elite troops, it is completely possible to let go of reproduction, so that the population base will expand, and the strength of the new generation will be more powerful.

The bloodline is evolved by the tooth and blood ghost family, and the strength of the next generation will be stronger.

The powerful opportunity that belongs to their family has finally arrived.

At that time, they will also become a well-known race in the box court and make a famous contribution!

And this time, Xiao Du and the Bishop only came to escort this unit, and the tooth and blood ghost elite could be said to have come most of them at once.

The overall strength of this force is 30 people.

They are all upper-level forces in the clan.

The bishop next to him also bowed his head.

“Chief, the next time I will lead the second troop forward, and when the time comes, I will do as I am told.”

The commander of the second unit had been determined that the bishop would lead him and be dispatched by Ye Luo.

As one of the four chess cadres of the tooth and blood ghost clan, he has high strength and prestige.

And the wisdom is very high, good at planning.

“Very well, Xiaodu, Bishop, the next time you come, I will take you to witness the scene of the box court.”

“Over there in the world, for the time being, I will leave it to you.”

Because of the migration of the world, the fear of the people of the Kiva world was caused, and the violent shaking was like an earthquake.

For a moment, people were panicked.

Only the Tooth Blood Ghost knows who manages the order.

Therefore, during this period of time, Xiao Du, as the king of a clan, must go back to deal with this matter and let the place settle down.

After all, humans and tooth-blooded ghosts are under his jurisdiction.

If he is there, he can make everyone more at ease.

And because of the existence of the box court, Xiaodu wants to build the kiva world into a solid rear base camp according to Ye Luo’s words.

At that time, it will be possible to continuously transport combat power.

So under Ye Luo’s gaze, Xiaodu and the bishop disappeared here and returned to the Kiva world.

It’s so convenient to have control of the world.

Even if there are resources in the future, Ye Luo can use his permissions to build gates connecting the Kiva world, and he will use the permissions to teleport every time.

And what they left behind was this elite force.


The leading one.

His body has strong armor and heavy tank-like wrists, and there are two small green flags on his shoulders, which is very powerful.

It was the enforcer who had been saved by Ye Luo before.

Shield him from being wiped out by the sword and gun of the decade.

And his identity is Rook, one of the four cadres of chess.

Coincidentally, his name is called Chariot.

“Chief, the chariot leads the first troops, and comes to report


With a look of respect and adoration, the rook directly stood in a standard posture and reported directly and loudly.

“Very well, we met again. From now on, you will be directly subordinate to Me, and I will publish the tasks you will do. ”

“But then you need to do something more important, and that is to go through my devil training and learn to be a good hunter if you disappear from your form and sight.”

Looking at this group of outstanding members, Ye Luo revealed a meaningful smile.



Being able to survive in the box court for such a long time, Ye Luo’s concealment and anti-reconnaissance skills can be described as pure fire.

Every time he went out, no one could find out where he had gone.

On the contrary, Ye Luo can create the illusion of misunderstanding others, which can reduce the sense of existence of “NoName”.

Not to mention that it’s just outside the door.

After a while, Ye Luo successfully trained this unit into an excellent dark guard.

After all, they are the most elite batch of tooth-blood ghosts, and their learning ability is excellent.

Then, Ye Luo gave them a second goal.


In the period of rapid rise in strength, they need to eat a lot of life energy.

It just so happened that in those forests outside, there were all kinds of beasts and creatures.

As a creature that grew up in the box, the life energy contained in the body naturally has a lot, which can make the tooth and blood ghosts grow up fully.

Even, hunting those fierce beasts can actually get more energy.

And the corpses of those prey can just be sent to the world of the Spirit of the Eater for the second processing.

In this way, the process is almost watertight.

Nor will they detect where the missing beast has gone, and the traces will disappear out of thin air.

In one hunt after another, the Tooth Blood Ghost Force began to become stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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