Just now it was an indifferent man dressed in black, and when he looked at him, he directly gave him a kick.

This made Jarder’s face blush angrily, “Bastard, you dare to attack us, what a boldness!” ”

“Attacking other communities without authorization is a violation of the rules laid down by the box court!”

“I’m going to…

“Shut up!”

At this moment, a majestic and cold voice came from the front.


In an instant, a terrifying pressure descended on Jarder’s body, causing him to involuntarily knock towards the ground in an instant.

At this time, even his body made a crooked tearing sound, as if overwhelmed.

And directly smashed the ground out of a big pit.

The surrounding floors were crushed and sank straight down, forming cobweb-like marks.

And such a terrifying power, with cold and faint killing intent, that dull feeling, as if to suffocate him.

Jard was frightened for a while, and he didn’t even have time to react to the sharp pain coming from his body, and his face was purple.

The next moment, he let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

“Adult! Where on earth did we provoke you? ”

“Please also open the net, spare our lives, I Jard is a kind tiger man, every day to help at least ten old people, never do bad things.” 」

“Look at us, but the largest and most famous community in this region. Everyone is safe and self-contained, and has never taken the initiative to provoke any big people! ”

Jarder, who was extremely frightened, desperately explained, and the lingering fear was clearly visible in his eyes.

Even his whole body was trembling.

I convulsed in fright.

He had no idea what he had done and why he had provoked such a terrible enemy.


Isn’t this the most remote area?

He Jurd is obviously so low-key, never dare to take the initiative to provoke those big communities, are looking for those who have no backing, weak strength of the community to open the knife.

Moreover, he also told his men that there would be absolutely no eyeless bumps into big people!

For a moment, Jurd only felt that he had been wronged.

“Poof, the largest and most famous community?”

“Okay,, Jard, do you want to die or do you want to live?”

The big man above Jard sneered and asked directly, look at this posture, if Jard answers badly.

I’m afraid that in an instant, people’s heads will fall to the ground.

There were so many cold eyes around him, and it also made Jurd creep out, East End, when did such a terrible force come out.

He didn’t know anything about it.

“I want to live! I want to survive!!! ”

Without any thought at all, Jurd blurted out straight and quickly.

Rather than dying in such a humiliating way, it is most important to be able to survive, even if you endure more humiliation.

He, the Tiger Man Jard, wants to survive!

“Very well, you are indeed a smart man, sign the contract.”

The adult above also seemed to have a hint of appreciation in his tone.

A scene that horrified Jarder’s eyes happened, only to see a blood-red note and a pen appear in front of him.


Is it?!!

It was as if a thunderbolt had swept through his brain, could it be that this great man was actually a demon king?!

And when Jurd was shocked, the other cadres of their community were also escorted up, and all knelt here.

Everyone’s eyes also carried fear and despair that could not be driven away.

For this unknown and strange force, they can be said to have been greatly shocked, and watched their companions being sucked to death.

It was a great shock.

It made them all tremble with fright, and in the eyes of these black-clad men they saw greed and bloodlust.

Each one was scared silly.

At this time, a sheet of blood-colored paper also fell in front of them.

A devil-like death letter appeared here.

But to refuse is to die completely!

So Jurd was the first person to take the initiative to sign the blood-colored contract, and then he dared to look up and not dare to say a word.

Only then did he see a figure sitting in the front seat.

It was a demon king dressed in dark red and black, the style of the armor was elegant and luxurious, with the domineering spirit of the king, as if a majestic king sat in front of him, looking down on his prisoner.

In an instant, Jurd was stunned.

He bowed his head humbly.

The other cadres watched their leaders take the lead and signed their names.

In the blink of an eye, they were like Jarder, as if they had been electrified, their bodies stiffened a little, and their eyes were lost.

But a moment later, they recovered, and their eyes were filled with respect and fanaticism.

Then they fell to their knees on the ground.

It made a uniform sound

“Your Honor, be willing to obey all instructions, please command!”

This also made Ye Luo, who was dressed in dark kiva, smile.

It felt like he was becoming more and more like a demon king.

If you don’t join the no_name, it’s really hard to say.

The kind of contract he had just made, called the Blood Contract, was developed by him using the characteristics of the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan and the power of Kivat II.

Originally, he had developed a life contract before, or the idea that he had discussed with a certain white hair.

In this regard, it can be said that there is already experience, and it is naturally much easier to develop this thing, and it is very smooth to study it.

The effect is very overbearing.

You can make the life who signed the blood contract unconditionally obey your own orders.

Even if Ye Luo is unhappy, he can make them boil blood and burn directly to death.

Of course, you can only sign something worse than your own strength.

But this is enough for Ye Luo.

The community of the so-called “Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Beasts”, “Fores-Garo”, that is, the mission of the tool man is enough.

As a disposable tool, don’t care.

Anyway, this community was not a good thing in the first place, just by coming over, Ye Luo felt the smell of blood emanating from this place.

Judd, after all, is still a bloodthirsty beast.

The communities that he drove did not know until now that their children were all dead.

The rules of this thing are just on the surface.

The so-called game of gifts.

For example, Jard is obviously breaking the rules, but he can still live well.

What happens as long as no one finds out?

What can you do with him?

This is still the box garden, in the time when the outside was expanded, similar things can be seen too much.

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