However, this also made Ye Luo eat a big surprise.

The chat group is a way to send out what you want to say with your mind, which is convenient, but it is not good at this time.

Almost died.

But fortunately, the relationship with Wakaba Himese is much better.

Ye Luo will also be calculated, simply play the game of female high school students with Wakaba Jise, the two often talk and laugh, who plays who does not know it.

And then their style of painting became like this.

Ye Luo: “I tell you, that Emperor Shi Tian, is really superior.” ”

Wakaba Hime: “So, you’re brave?” ”

Ye Luo: “…. Cough. ”

In the later explanation, Ye Luo also learned some of Wakaba Jise’s situation, because there was a big accident at school, she did not go to school, but played games every day at home.

An Internet addicted teenage girl who is alive and free.

Well, this made Ye Luo understand that they should have washed their memories on the other side of the school, after all, Wakaba Ji See was also a member of the list of the dead.

Then she was leisurely and leisurely.

However, because of the explosion of the classroom, the experience of Wakaba Himese’s high school girl was interrupted instantaneously, which made her a little speechless, obviously this novel life has only recently passed.

It’s no longer a ghost.

But the chat group after that, on the contrary, extended her thoughts again.

She began to play the female high school students in this group, to tease the group members from time to time.

The evil god who didn’t know how long he had lived was still quite interested in the members of the New World.

Better than staying in that boring underworld and hell every day with that guy in the underworld?

Super boring!

It felt like the whole person was going to rust off.

Well, the so-called Miss Hades is a certain royal sister who likes to wear a maid costume, who looks down-to-earth and generous, but always likes to say a word to Wakaba Himese.

“Go to work bastard!”

Both of them are the supreme gods of equal personality, essentially both.

To maintain relative operations.

However, Wakaba Jise, who only wanted to touch the fish, took advantage of the maid’s lack of preparation, found an opportunity to run, and threw all the work to the maid.

She herself became a high school girl on this planet every day Hi Pi.

Not to mention how happy it is.

Just thinking of the maid so a god of the royal sister, usually quite gentle, it turned out that Wakaba Ji See was lazy, and it was estimated that she would be angry and thunderous.

Just making up this face in his brain was enough to make Wakaba Jise’s belly laugh.

However, Wakaba Jisei could not use her abilities casually, and if she was discovered by Miss Maid, she would definitely be dragged away when the time came.

“So it’s still fun to be a new world.”

And what she was most interested in was the box world where Ye Luo was located.

I heard that there are many gods there.

And Ye Luo, this guy, seems to be a little fart, sometimes still very clever and cautious.

Or are you worried about her?

It was too dangerous to say that she was a female high school student coming, and if she died, she would do it.

It makes Wakaba Hime angry and funny.

The angry thing is that the new world is clearly in front of you, but if the members of the world do not agree, they will not be able to go.

The funny thing is that in terms of the ability to not die, even the maid can’t help her.

But she is simulating the state of a female high school student, and it is impossible for her to directly explode herself, saying that I am God, let me play it!

When the time comes to give you great benefits!

At this time, Wakaba Jise fell into contemplation, always feeling that she had been bragging with Ye Luo for a long time, and her calm and inadvertent personality had been assimilated.

It’s starting to feel like a real high school student.

Needless to say, this experience is quite novel.

As a bored god, having fun became one of her few pleasures.

If pretending to be a schoolboy can be very interesting, she is dressed up as a quasi-color.

Not to mention high school students.

Therefore, Wakaba Himese began to prepare to gain the trust of Ye Luo, and since she was a person from the New World, she would not be in the pit.

Unlike those who are reincarnated, in fact, some of them are her guinea pigs, and they are casually changed to amuse.

That little spider was a bonus.


In the box court, Ye Luo looked at the items in front of him and fell into thought.

It is also a bracelet-like object that shimmers with a faint silver glow, and several diamond-shaped crystals are embedded in it, exuding a brilliant mysterious atmosphere.

Just from the appearance, it is very good-looking.

This was sent by Wakaba Himese.

It was because Ye Luo, in order to fool her, told her that the world of the box court was too dangerous, and maybe he would hang up at some point.

The strong are the kind of people who look at them and kill your whole family.

It’s very tough to survive.

As a result, Wakaba Jise was silent for a while, and then sent this to him, saying that it was a protective bracelet handed down from the ancestors.

Maybe it can help or something.

For the previous Tony incident, Wakaba Kise’s positioning for herself is a world with superpowers.

She’s a superpowered girl.

So it makes sense that something can be passed down from the family, right?

In fact, she just felt that if Ye Luo hung up, it would be meaningless.

So sent this thing to him.

There is the power injected by Wakaba Hime, who can help him in a critical moment, which can also be regarded as a blessing or blessing.

After Ye Luo got his hand, he pondered that the style of this bracelet was a bit similar to the one that sent the black rabbit before.

Wouldn’t Wakaba Hisashi also draw one and then draw on a creative idea?

The appearance alone is much better than that of the black rabbit.

But in this way, it looks like a pair.

The black rabbit brought one, and he wore one.

Holding a gift from a goddess, and black rabbit to make a couple bracelet, hiss, so think about it, a little exciting.

If Wakaba Himese knew this, she would not have been able to chop him.


Ye Luo suddenly reacted, he and Wakaba Ji were obviously nothing, how could he feel that he was very weak-hearted.

It’s like getting caught doing something bad.

Non-existent, this is obviously Wakaba Jise’s kindness, thinking that if he hangs up, the box court world will completely lose its way.

Then she must not lose blood.

In that case, what else would you hesitate about?

Just put it on.

Anyway, his face is high, and after wearing this bracelet, he looks even more handsome and moving.

It is estimated that if the average girl sees it, she will blush.


After dealing with these things, the investigators of the first squad also returned.

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