In their eastern district, there was another massacre of the community being wiped out!

It’s just too appalling.

Obviously, it is not long after the restoration of peace, everyone has just adapted to such a dull day, but it is such a big thing involving a whole community.

It is really sad to hear, and tears to see!

Although such a period of time has passed, everyone has not forgotten that the predecessor of [na_name] was suddenly attacked and directly destroyed!

Such a huge alliance, how powerful, so high-status.

It is simply admirable by countless people.

They are the strongest community in the Eastern Region that has maintained the highest record of mankind in the game of gifts!

He had done countless earth-shattering things, and was recognized by the esper king level in the southern region and the evil ghost in the northern region, and also squeezed into the upper level of the box court.

The high status is obviously a proper hegemonic force.

The result was targeted by the most terrible natural disasters, just overnight.

They are directly destroyed.

It was also such a night that the next day everyone found that Arcadia was gone.

Even because their names were taken away, even the name Acadia could not be said, and could only be called “na_name”.

All the personnel were taken captive, leaving only some children struggling to survive.

Imagine how miserable it really is.

The so-called natural disasters are the unspeakable demon kings.

And now, there is another such case.

Another community is destroyed!

Could it be that the demon king known as the natural disaster struck it?

Everyone is worried about this.

With the establishment of the ever-active Box Court Knights and the subsequent class dominator system, the existence of the Ming Demon King was almost expelled.

Nowadays, it is rare to hear of the appearance of the Demon King.

But this time it was two consecutive events, what does it mean?

Demon King, are you going to make a comeback again and destroy everything?

And it’s aimed at what they look like in the East End.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel uneasy.


And this time the community that was tragically poisoned by the Demon King.

When the curious people arrived at the scene, each of them showed a surprised look.

He looked shocked.

Because the original golden and brilliant building complex built here is only ruins, and there are ruins everywhere.

Obviously, yesterday, this was still a large number of people and a heavily guarded community.

As a result, there were traces of dark fires everywhere.


As everyone looked in, an even more terrifying thing was finally discovered by them.

“What about corpses?”

“Why didn’t I see a single corpse?!!”

“Didn’t they die and were taken away?”

Everyone’s looks were getting more and more frightened, which was not good news.

Because it’s a lot like this, noname!

Did the second victim appear?

Panic, spreading again.

If there is only one noname victim, everyone has the most sympathy, but this may be the next one’s own situation.

It will undoubtedly make many forces fearful.

After all, the level of strength of this destroyed community is good, but it will not be arrested. But if there was a fierce battle, there were no bodies on the ground.

“That’s it! You all give me back! ”

“We’ll leave it here!”

A voice with a little anger came, although it looked a little childish, but it was full of majesty.

It is the class ruler here who has the White Night Fork.

She looked like a silver-haired Lolita who came over wearing pajamas.

It can be seen that this matter has made a big fuss.

Seeing the appearance of the White Night Fork Lord, people also chose to go back one by one, and the personnel of the Thousand Eyes would take over to investigate and find out the truth.

There is no need for these melon-eating masses to be here.

After being sealed off by these maids of a thousand eyes, they are the only ones left here, and the White Night Fork has also walked to the ruins of this community.

And crouched down, thoughtfully picked up the soil on the ground and sniffed.

“The gift of fire?”

She also heard what everyone was talking about just now.

For example, it may have been a group of people no_name the attack.

But the White Night Fork saw at a glance that this was not the same force at all, and that the two communities were destroyed by different forces.

However, a strange scene appeared.

After the destruction of this place, the traces of those attacks could not be found, and only some crude basic information could be obtained.

For example, traces of flames.

Or maybe there have been fierce battles here, but the community is almost one-sided in the face of the invaders.

But their bodies were gone.

Is it difficult for the other party to have such a bad taste and take the body away? Just so as not to be found out of the specific information.

It was as if the information was obscured, and as a good fighter, she was not very good at this kind of detection skill, so for a moment and a half, she did not get any useful information.

I can only feel it roughly.

Most likely, this was indeed an invasion of the Demon King.

The breath of destruction is like the feeling of destroying everything. Except for the Demon King, no one on the East Side was such a gifted ability.

Is it difficult to be true, is it really related to the previous force?

They didn’t go after destroying Arcadia? Instead, they remained in the East End and waited for an opportunity, and finally another group of people ransacked the place.

Fortunately, she had a friend this time, and she didn’t have to trouble the other cadres in the community who were good at foreknowledge and probing.

Just by using her ability to detect the black hand behind this time, if she can lock the position of the other party, she White Night Fork guarantees in the name of the class ruler that she will kill it directly.

“Seal this place off and don’t allow anyone to enter!”

White Night Fork slowly stood up and gave orders to these subordinates.


Then she left here.

Although he couldn’t get the specific situation, the White Night Fork knew that the guy who attacked here did not attack the exaggeration of the power of no_name’s predecessor.

The difference between the two is quite a lot.

But once it comes to the Demon King’s sake.

An inventory must also be carried out.

It is necessary to stabilize the eastern district at this time, and when the time comes, send people to start patrolling the entire eastern district, and once the wrong personnel are found, they will take it down first.

White Night Fork felt that the prisoner might not have left yet.


“What’s the situation? This community has been destroyed? Who did it? ”

After the White Night Fork left, another group of personnel quietly hid in the distance, peering at the scene here.

They have several people.

It was a white-haired teenager who spoke with a thick shock on his face.

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