Among the kings, only the Silver King can have eternal and unchanging power and be able to keep his state all the time.

All other kings are affected by their longevity.

Or get old.

Or die in battle, be killed.

It’s that simple.

For every king is chosen by fate and rules over it, and this is determined from the moment they are chosen by the Dresden stone plate.

Unlike other capable beings, the King’s Sacred Realm, although it is also controlled by the will, is more controlled by fate.

The falling rain is blocked by the Holy Domain, the flying grenade is blocked by the Sacred Domain, and even the deadly round i bullets will be blocked by the Sacred Domain without exploding.

Nothing can hurt the king, not even death can make way for them!

Fate decided to stick to the king’s safety, giving them the greatest protection through their mighty sanctuary. It can be said that the kings are favored by fate.

The so-called Sacred Realm is to use the ability to reverse the laws of physics and change the density of space in the region, thus forming a space that can be manipulated by oneself.

Because of this, the clan and the super-powered cannot defeat the king, and only the king, who is also protected by fate, can be the opponent of the king.

Unless they are willing to let their people kill themselves.

For example, in order to avoid the damage caused to the members of the clan by the fall of the sword of Damocles, he will take the action of killing his most trusted clan.

The original Qing Wang Yu Zhang Xun was like this.

In order to avoid the chain reaction causing his own royal power to erupt and cause more damage, he let his confidant Yoshinori kill him.


And Ye Luo felt that this golden king was like a candle in the wind, and he couldn’t hold out for long.

Originally, he didn’t have much time, and from birth to now, the King of Gold had lived for ninety-six years.

Coupled with the loss of the stone disk power that prevented this time, I am afraid that he will not survive for a few days.

This life can be regarded as living enough, facing his fate and going on.

At that time, he used the power of the royal power to revitalize the place and the economy took off tremendously.

But in order to stabilize the situation and allow the economy to develop peacefully, he suppressed the power of the stone plate and did not allow it to spread.

Because if it spreads, more people will have power, and the number of super-powered people will also soar a lot, which is a huge trouble for the stability of society.

Sometimes, he prefers to hope that the people are ordinary people, so that they can live a better life.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, the original Green King had hacked into the “Royal Pillar Tower” of the Golden Clan through radar and communication circuits, intending to seize the “Dresden Stone Plate”.

The Green King represents the power of change and hopes to spread the power of stone and let the world meet new developments.

Then he was defeated by the King of Gold and isolated to the lowest level of society and physics, unable to contact people.

But the people who peeped at the power of the stone slab did not disappear, all walks of life wanted to explore this place, and the next Green King would also appear.

Every generation of Green Kings, who represent the meaning of change, will basically find a way to attack this stone slab.

Coupled with this sudden big change, the physical condition of the King of Gold.

It means that the storm is coming.


The jurisdiction of the King of Blue.

“Shi Li, the matter here will be entrusted to you for the time being, and I will take a few people to the King of Gold.”

As the leader here, the fourth king, the King of the Green King, Shōjo Reiji, is methodically commanding some things.

At this moment, his face was solemn, but his face was still calm, and his body also emitted a calm aura, with the sword worn around his waist, just like a knight.

In the past, he gave people the impression of being energetic and full of energy, but this time his eyes rarely carried a hint of worry.

Although it soon disappeared again.

“Yes, I see.”

As his right-hand man, Seiri Tamjima also nodded in response.

Here, Reiji Munakata is the most relieved of her, and usually there is something that Seiri Awashima will do.

She is a woman with strong working ability and ability to perform tasks calmly and thoroughly.

Very reliable.

New reactions have emerged in other places.


This is the power led by the Red King, Zhou Fangzun.

The third king “The Red King”.

He was the leader of the Vedana clan of the Akano clan, revered as the King, and trusted and revered by the Vedas.

At this moment, many of them gathered at a place called “HOMRA” and watched the incident.

“Zun! What the hell is going on! ”

“Are the other kings planning to provoke a war and fight for territory?” If you dare to invade our place, I will be the first to let them look good! ”


It seems that the young man with the turban is talking too excitedly, causing everyone to laugh.

This made him inexplicable.

“Laughing at what?”

“Well, Mika, let’s see what Zun says, you guys too, don’t be coaxed.”

Still standing at the bar, a slender bartender with sunglasses interrupted everyone’s questions, as if his prestige here was better and the effect was good.

Everyone was in no hurry to speak immediately.

The bartender was the owner of the hotel, Kusanagi Izumo, who inherited the bar from his uncle, and it was also the place where they usually met for Vedara.

Kusanagi Izumo also held the position of second-in-command in the Vedana Rori, often acting as a staff officer.

And the guy just now is called Miki Hatta.

In addition, there was a quiet girl wearing a gothic dress, although she did not say a word, but she also kept her attention on Zun’s body.

And in the middle position, the red-haired man with a calm face like a sleeping lion sat there, and could feel a violent force being suppressed by him around without much movement.

He is the leader here, the Red King Zhou Fangzun.

However, in the face of this abnormal situation, he also shook his head, without much clue.

“Okay, I don’t know exactly what the situation is this time.”

“It’s just that at that time, I feel that the power in my body is violent, not because of ourselves, but from another place.”

“Another place?”

“Well, it’s the territory where the King of Gold is located.”

As such a famous figure, many people know what kind of status the old man is.

This also made many people silent.

Kusanagi Izumo also asked without changing his face, “So, what is your plan in this case?” ”

“Don’t move for the time being, we just have to wait for the situation behind us, and we are not the only forces.”

“We just need to make us okay here.”

The Red King, who was obviously impulsive and irritable, was calm at this time, unwilling to lead his friends into this matter.

When he said this, Zhou Fangzun suddenly found that there was one less person.

“Oh, by the way, Totoro.”

“He’s going out shopping, saying he’s going to blow the wind, bask in the sun or something.”

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