Under this moonlight, Ye Luo and another black-robed figure were sitting here, with two teacups in front of them.

Obviously, Ye Luo was enjoying the moon, and the Kong Ming in his mouth was referring to Kasuga Takaaki.

People who are familiar with Takaaki Kasuga will call him by the name “Kong Ming”.

Takaaki Kasuga is the last leader of Noname.

That is to say, at this time, the two chiefs gathered here to talk.

In the face of Ye Luo’s rhetorical question, he was a little silent, and after a while he spoke out with a hard bitterness.

“I am not a qualified father, I promised my daughter to bring her into this world, but I left her there alone. Presumably she would be very sad and sad. ”

“That’s why you should go see her even more, and she’ll be happy.”

“No, I can only ask you, and I am very happy to hear that you have brought back quite a few of your companions.” As the leader, you have far surpassed me. ”

“So I beg you to bring her back.”

However, Ye Luo’s eyes became unkind.

“Less jokes, it’s useless to change the subject, are you still a father like this?!! Kasuga is your daughter, you are her father, give me a little father’s responsibility! ”

“Kong Ming, as a friend, I am very angry, how long will you escape?”

Ye Luo’s eyes seemed to penetrate the black robe of Kasuga Takaaki and knew the truth.

However, he is still very disappointed in Kasugabe’s mentality, a heroic man in battle, but in the face of his daughter, he has been avoiding and afraid to face it.

He only knew how to withdraw, and he knew very well who the person his daughter most wanted to see was.

But still let the leaves fall.

This is not the mentality of a father.

“Yes, if I had done it, I would have gone a long time ago!”

I don’t know if it was because of that reproach that evoked any memories, and his whisper in the black robe also became louder. The trembling voice was shrouded in sadness.

There is no father who does not want to see his daughter.

If you can see her, you will definitely go to see her immediately.

But it was precisely because he could not do it that he had to ask his old friends to help.

Ye Luo shook his head, took a sip from his teacup, and then slowly told the truth.

“Is it because of the side effects of the Life Catalog?” Let your posture no longer be human, become a monster. ”

Takaaki Kasuga holds a power called the Catalogue of Life.

This thing, ostensibly the strongest armed force created to fight against the Demon King,

The ability to gather intelligence from all living organisms, sample from the “catalog”, and then “evolve” and “synthesize” allows the holder to continue to evolve a single system tree, and even simulate the power of the “strongest species”.

As long as there is this “catalogue of life”, no matter how incomprehensible the game, the owner has a chance of winning. This is the bounty that is created by containing that desire.

In the game of Demon King Gifts dominated by the unknown, armed to cope with all situations.

The bounty of the Roc Goldfinch to the gods and dragons can also be manifested as a weapon. Then, even against the undead and other “enemies that should not be defeated”, as long as there is a “life catalog”, the odds of winning will not be zero.

It can be said that it is an armed force of hope created to fight the Demon King.

But in fact, it was not the gods, nor the Buddhas, nor the Takaaki Kasugabe, but the dystopian demon king who ordered the creation of this thing.

The identities of the people involved in this manufacturing are not simple.

But the catalog of life, in the final analysis, is not yet complete, with a very obvious side effect.

That is, overuse of this thing will produce irreversible changes, and eventually become a twisted monster like a synthetic beast.

All kinds of life trees are mixed together, ranging from turning into monsters with terrible appearances, and at worst becoming senseless beasts because of too many violent conflicts.

The users of the Catalogue of Life throughout the ages have all become synthetic beasts without exception.

And Kasuga Takaaki is still good, suppressing this change, not becoming too exaggerated.

Although he has lost the human factor, he is still barely a humanoid form, and has been tracking the truth about the attacker.

This time it was because Ye Luo had found a lot of members, and he also hoped to find Ye Luo’s help to bring back his daughter Kasuga Yao.


In the face of the truth that Ye Luo said, Kasuga Takaaki also sighed heavily, unable to say anything.

“Forget it, I said it earlier, let you give up the pursuit and spend more time with your daughter you don’t listen.”

“What if there is a more terrible existence hidden behind it, which is why I need to continue to investigate.”

“Maybe.” Ye Luo glanced at him, “But even if you find the real black hand, it is very likely that you will be killed and will not be able to convey the news back.” ”

Besides, there are not many people who can threaten noname, even if the final trial of mankind comes, Ye Luo can directly survive.

Unless, unless there is a very special kind of existence.

Humanity finally tests against humanity.

But there is also a kind of existence, which is completely human.

That is the killing species, the king of the killing species.

It is a being made entirely for the purpose of killing human beings, and there is no other reason for existence, only that.

So humans can’t beat that kind of guy anyway.

This concept of symbiosis is very normal.

In the box court there is often a “race with a superiority over a particular race” presumably a relationship with the law of food chains, the concept supported by the Elton Pyramid.

But even Ye Luo’s Demon King Memory couldn’t remember any of the Killing Species Kings appearing.

Today’s box court, I have not heard of this kind of guy for a long time, is it difficult to have a Ouroboro?

Ye Luo was skeptical about this.

Besides, his avatar was not human, and now he still had the power of the Star Spirit.

The other gods would not sit idly by and watch the appearance of such a guy, and they would be eliminated as soon as they found it.

The leaf drop with a flash of golden light in his eyes glanced at Kasuga Takaaki, and the power of the life catalog was seen in his eyes, and then he paused before making a sound.

“You should know a little bit about my special from Sister Que, Kong Ming.” Now I can restore you to your previous human state. ”

“So this time you will honestly go outside and spend the happy time of reunion with your daughter, and when we are done here, you two can come over together.”

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