The beginning and end of the world form a perfect ring.

And the person who can make this ring last forever has appeared.

Compared to the White Night Fork, Ye Luo is the key that the two goddesses think is indispensable.

Well, there’s a reason why the White Night Fork isn’t more valued than leaf falls.

Even if the White Night Fork found this, he could only cry and say, Boss, love will disappear, right?

After all, being able to get mankind through the end is the top priority that every god group is concerned about.

Before letting the White Night Fork pay attention to the material collection table, the two goddesses directly got it for him, mobilizing the channels of the Thousand Eyes Chamber of Commerce to deal with it.

And once the Grand Alliance is completely up, with enough strength and confidence, Ye Luo can make the West District prosper again, and then the four major regions in the southeast, south, and northwest can be included in the hands.

The West End can also serve as a condition for wooing the original decaying gods to settle down.

Regarding this matter, Ye Luo didn’t think much about it, not so fast.

After getting this information, Kasugabe Takaaki left excitedly, he went to the outside world, and after recovering his appearance, he could not stand it anymore and wanted to see his daughter for the first time.

Ye Luo looked at it with a smile and then said thoughtfully.

“Uncle, and Sister Jialing are also here.”


A certain timeline has reached the world of the future.

A young girl holding a three-haired cat in her arms was now standing in the center of the garden with a strong night breeze, looking at it with a shyness.

Her name is Akira Kasugabe.

Until the age of eleven, when her father, Takaaki Kasugabe, suddenly appeared in front of her and told her many stories about her travels.

One of the most impressive is the griffin beast.

It was an animal with a vulture’s hooked beak and a lion’s body, brave and tough, but also had high self-esteem.

They are kings of the sky and the earth, driving through the air with their huge wings and strong limbs more majestic than any animal.

Even now, Kasuga can remember that day, when his father said this, with a beautiful and happy memory on his face, as if the griffin beast was a journey he was very much to miss.

This made her very envious and eager.

She also wanted to be friends with the Griffin Beast and take her to see all the beauty of the world, just like her father.

But even Kasugabe knew that this was simply an unattainable wish.

Even after being born in an era that was hailed as “the omnipotence of mankind”, her constitution was still regarded as an incurable disease.

Even if you can’t do it with your own feet, even if you go out with your father, it will only drag him down.

Obviously, her era has extremely advanced and developed technology, and it is praised as an era of moving closer to a better ideal world.

But I don’t know why, I just can’t cure her disease.

This is a strange symptom that has never been seen before, and no matter how good the doctor or the most sophisticated instrument is, it is impossible to find out what the source is.

The father, who had not appeared for a long time until that time, said with a complicated face, “Maybe, this is also fate.” ”

Then he handed her a necklace.

There’s a very special wood-carved craft on it.

Without explaining much about the role of this thing, Kasugabe remembered that his father had directly thrown the three-haired cat sleeping on the side.

Very rude and direct.

The frightened three-haired cat woke up from the dream and complained directly.

“Lord, what are you doing suddenly?”

“Throw you out.”

“Yes, lose, no! I don’t really want to ask you what you did! What a fool you are pretending! I’m asking why you’re throwing me out! ”

“I want to you off.”

“Is that so? You bastard is really messed up, aaaaa ”

At that time, the hairs of the three-haired cat qi were all erected, and while the hair was fried, it roared angrily.

This made Kasuga stunned, and everyone was stupid.

Does your own cat talk?

Can you still talk to your father so fluently?


Soon, she reacted, not that the three-haired cat could talk, but that she could understand the words of the three-haired cat.

That’s exactly what that necklace does.

And her father suddenly picked her up and came to the ground, at this time Kasuga Yao was shocked to find that his originally weak legs had actually become conscious and could stand up.

It’s a miracle!

So her father told her that after wearing this necklace, she could become stronger as long as she came into contact with various animals.

Not only can you get up from your bed, but you can also get out of the hospital and go outside.

And all kinds of things, people contact.

So they made a pact to pick her up two years later, on the night of the full moon.

Take her on a trip.

From that day on, Kasugabe began to frantically make friends with the animals, and in just half a year, her weak body could run freely.

Because he had been in the hospital bed for too long, Kasuga Yoshi and the girls of the same age could not communicate easily and could not talk together.

And everyone didn’t believe what she said, what a griffin, there is no such thing in the world!

Obviously, her father made it up to deceive her.

This made everyone laugh.

After understanding that she and these people could not communicate normally, Kasugabe began to communicate only with animals, and the animals around her became her good friends.

She became more and more withdrawn in the eyes of ordinary people, silent and silent and did not talk to everyone.

Even the relatives gradually became strangers to her, but in the face of all this, Kasuga Yao did not say anything, but held the Sanmao cat and his heart was full of warmth.

“Next time — I’ll definitely take you on a trip.”

Because just by recalling this agreement, Kasugabe’s heart can be filled with warm feelings.

With this mentality, she spent two years.

I vaguely remember that on the agreed day, it should be the night of the full moon, even if it is calculated by the cycle of the moon, which is also the result.

But I don’t know why, the moon that day was mutilated.

And the convention is not implemented.

Her father did not come to pick her up.

In the end, it was only this result that came.

Standing in the center of the garden blown by the wind, Kasuga could only let the large tears that kept falling on his cheeks weep.

Every night since then, she would come to the center of the garden, hoping to wait for her father’s figure, wait, wait, wait and wait, she already had a result in her heart.

But she still wouldn’t believe it.

Today, too, she could only look at her with pity, and only the three-haired cat kept comforting her.

When Kasugabe was still full of disappointment and ready to leave.

Suddenly a familiar and gentle voice came from behind her.

“Yao, I’m back.”

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